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The zones aren't small


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I don't understand where this myth comes from.


I do apologise in advanced for the comparison to WoW but it's necessary. There's been some criticism of the zones being to small/linear/having to stick to paths (cliffs/walls etc). However. The starter planets are indeed all small, all 4 of them and rightly so. That's the learning area for new players. However look at Teldrassil or Durator for goodness sake, they are matchbox sized zones. Coruscant as the second republic planet is a city world and is actually, much bigger than any of the cities in WoW, I mean massively bigger. and Nar Shadaa is the same story. But they are linear (they're cities and again new players are probably still getting to grips with the game) Dromand Kass and Kass City is also a HUGE zone, Balmorra - HUGE zone, Tatooine- HUGE zone, Hoth - HUGE zone. I think this fallacy comes from WoW players as WoW was initially just two huge islands with all the zones linked together. Which is fine.. But this is star wars.. Planets are iconic. You've got to also remember, pre flying mounts in the old world, WoW did also have a lot of 'painted on scenery' and unscalable mountains round the perimeter of the map etc herding you down paths, there was a lot of un reachable areas of the map there to.

Edited by Boundd
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I don't understand where this myth comes from.


I do apologise in advanced for the comparison to WoW but it's necessary. There's been some criticism of the zones being to small/linear/having to stick to paths (cliffs/walls etc). However. The starter planets are indeed all small, all 4 of them and rightly so. That's the learning area for new players. However look at Teldrassil or Durator for goodnees sake, they are matchbox sized zones. Coruscant as the second republic planet is a city world and is actually, much bigger than any of the cities in WoW, I mean massively bigger. and Nar Shadaa is the same story. But they are linear (they're cities and again new players are probably still getting to grips with the game) Dromand Kass and Kass City is also a HUGE zone, Balmorra - HUGE zone, Tatooine- HUGE zone, Hoth - HUGE zone. I think this fallacy comes from WoW players as WoW was initially just two huge islands with all the zones linked together. Which is fine.. But this is star wars.. Planets are iconic.

I agree. I would love to know how the person who claimed he ran across Tatooine in less than 4 minutes manged it, because I can't cross one zone in 4 minutes on my stap...
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