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This game is an amateur adventure in MMORPGs


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The usual reply from fanboi's that don't like to see the game they are investing their time in being called out for the poor quality it is.


I am not that bothered, I am surprised no one has posted..so stop playing.


That is the other usual reply.


What is sad is that while the vocal minority on here pretend there are no issues, the larger majority of people just unsub and stop playing.


You can look at the War game forums and any of a dozen other failed MMORPGs that had the same thing.


People make valid complaints on the message board, get flamed by Fanbois and girls and then they unsub because they see no response from the developers addressing the vast array of very real problems in the game.


The game then dies a slow and horrible death until it becomes free to play.


All the while the fanbois on the forum continue to flame anyone that brings up the problems with the game and the developers bury their heads in the sand and let the vocal minority defend the game.


I expect in a year this game will die, just like many before it, because it doesn't have the quality that a game of this level should have.


Still I will be back when it is free to play.


I like how if any of us here defend tor because we honestly believe that it's a good game we are called biased fanboys....

Edited by Darth-Rammstein
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Macros have been a part of MMORPGs for years, /assist is a macro and is essential in raiding, as are Macros such as /raid Target %t first!!


You don't need a macro to use an ability, or do anything other than to assist in general game play.


The failure to include them is an oversight that makes the game unwieldy and frankly a bit sad.


Macros date all the way back to Everquest and have been included in any MMORPG of any merit ever since, because having to type in every single command manually is cumbersome and slows down game play.


Also drags you out of "immersion" which seems to be the justification for making 4 people run for 10 minutes across a map to get into a dungeon together.


so basically, all you are saying is :


a mmo should be about 'raiding'. and if its not, its broken.


ok, go back to wow.

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The list of things wrong with this game is so long, so complex, so game-breaking, that I think that the game can only be described as amateur.


From running along and getting stuck on blades of grass, to the terrible delay in using abilities, this game reminds me of the 90s when we were playing on 56k modems on 128bit machines with 200mb of RAM and thinking our systems were awesome.


I thought we had moved on from this sort of rubbish, I thought that games like WoW and Rift had moved the goalposts so that future developers had to try harder.


Not rehash the same problems of 20 years ago and expect the players to accept it.


Is it really just simply a matter of slapping the Star Wars logo on something mediocre at best and making a profit?


I won't go into the individual problems, we all know them, them appear in PvE and PvP, and I am sure if I listed them someone will only argue that it either doesn't exist or when shown that Bioware already accept that it exists that since it will be fixed soon that somehow justifies the fact that it is exists now.


I expected better from Bioware and I expect better from an MMORPG in 2012.


I love how you throw that snoozefest Rift into the 'moving goalpost' category. I guffaw. Rift was WoW's biggest fan, except it had no character.

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If this post isn't directed at anyone in this thread or anyone who can read it... Then who is it for? Bioware?


If so.




Trolling is bad, mkay?


It is the Bioware forum.


I want them to know what I think of their game. I also consider that this sort of thread is read by other media, such as game review sites, that will use the information posted on here in their appraisal of the game and what the playerbase think of that game.


While you can expect a lot of fanbois to defend a game regardless of anything said or done, I think game media sites are well aware of such fanbois and will look at the posts being made and judge for themselves.


I think my post, combined with the many many other posts from people that are decrying the state of this game will have an impact on such media sites as they review the game in an ongoing process.


Of course they will also try the game, but as I stated earlier, I suspect they will see the same issues that all see and being slightly less biased than fanbois will use the combined information they have gathered to create an impression for readers.


Bad press is a sure way to get a game fixed quickly.

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The game hasn't even been out a month yet, jesus christ...do you really think they aren't going to fix all these bugs and minor details that where left out at launch? Be patient...


No, but I'd think they at least act like they want to fix them.


Bugged PVP

Bugged Heroics

Bugged Operations


Oh well. More Huttball.

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It isn't about just bugs. It is about the entire game. the mechanics, the graphical interface, the lack of macros.


These aren't bugs, these are by design.


The game is amateur and I thought we had moved on.


This game in comparison to any other MMORPG that charges for subscription is sub-standard.


And i think we all know it. Just some of us are unable to accept it.


Then dont play the game, cause you clearly dont like it, iam having a blast and for me its the best mmo ive played so far, and i played quite a few.

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I have yet to get stuck whilst running along on open ground by a blade of grass.. perhaps you could post a screenshot of this.


Definately post a screenshot and get bioware to fix this asap because it sounds game breaking and for you to be whining about it here it must really be happening at least once.

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I like how if any of us here defend tor because we honestly believe that it's a good game we are called biased fanboys....


Marginalization is a standard debating tactic for those who have no argument. First off, the success of any game, television show, movie, song, or what have you, is purely based of aesthetics. In true MMO fashion, the detractors believe that if they don't like it, then nobody should, and it just eats up their little black hearts that they can't commiserate their miserable existences with more people.

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Then dont play the game, cause you clearly dont like it, iam having a blast and for me its the best mmo ive played so far, and i played quite a few.


Then get Bioware to give me back my £45 then, plus my one month subscription.


If not then I feel an entitlement to voice my opinion and ire at having paid money for a product that is sub-standard.

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Marginalization is a standard debating tactic for those who have no argument. First off, the success of any game, television show, movie, song, or what have you, is purely based of aesthetics. In true MMO fashion, the detractors believe that if they don't like it, then nobody should, and it just eats up their little black hearts that they can't commiserate their miserable existences with more people.


No that isn't true.


There is a difference, I have complained about issues in the game, not the subjective question of whether YOU are having fun.


But fanbois defend any complaint with...go back to WoW then if you don't like it...


Dealing not with the issues, but with the subjective question of whether I like the game or whether I am having fun.


You see how that is?

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Then get Bioware to give me back my £45 then, plus my one month subscription.


If not then I feel an entitlement to voice my opinion and ire at having paid money for a product that is sub-standard.


How have you paid a one month sub?


If you would check your bank you would see that no money has been taken out of your bank.. you would of known.. oh wait.. did you enter a family members credit card and not your own?


Anyway.. no sub taken yet so just alter the cc details then you can just qq about the £45

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Then get Bioware to give me back my £45 then, plus my one month subscription.


If not then I feel an entitlement to voice my opinion and ire at having paid money for a product that is sub-standard.


Nah, they took your money and they're laughing about it. They purposely went after your cash just so you'd get upset. They've been monitoring your forum posts waiting for you to cry about it. They find it hilarious that you won't just write to them directly or call them but instead post it here where it will be mostly ignored. :rolleyes:

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How have you paid a one month sub?


If you would check your bank you would see that no money has been taken out of your bank.. you would of known.. oh wait.. did you enter a family members credit card and not your own?


Anyway.. no sub taken yet so just alter the cc details then you can just qq about the £45


The one month subscription was included in the price of the game. Just like you paid extra for Early Access.

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OP is absolutely right.


It has a huge funfactor this game, but it's not finished. We are essentially playing a beta imo. Had it not been for the Star Wars brand they wouldn't have gotten away with it at all. It would have failed.


Reason why it is important to post complaints:

If we don't then there is no reason for the company to deal with issues. Large companies only fix what they have to. Anything else is not profit-optimization. Why would they hire extra staff (for example) if they weren't afraid they might lose subs otherwise? There is no guarantee QQ does any difference at all ofc...but it's for sure better than always patting them on the back and praising them for how amazingly good they've done. It's not the little-leagues.


Let them know what needs to be fixed and whats wrong. All the time. Only way to get stuff fixed in reasonable time.


Oh and for the record there has been MMO releases that are not amateurish at all, where the game was actually finished when released. And it's not WoW. Hint: It's likely not BW deciding it was time to release the game.

Edited by zoofar
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I like the fact that you just expressed the exact same thing that I stated in the first post.


Bioware has accepted that the delay is a problem they are working on.


I expect this sort of attitude from people, the denial that there is a problem, I don't understand it myself, I tend to accept what is the reality rather than pretend otherwise, whether I like a genre or not.


I also note that this is usually a very vocal minority on message boards that defend something they are involved in regardless of any facts to the contrary.


The truth is that this game is not up to the standard of MMORPGs of the quality that demands a £45 price tag and a monthly subscription.


We all know it. You only need to look at the level of complaints to understand that.


While yes, you can point to any MMORPG board and say...but they are complaining, they are usually all complaining about the same general issues....bugs, which are to be expected, and class imbalance as perceived by the player base.


Look at the message boards for this game and what you see is a variety of complaints about a variety of problems all of which do not deserve a place in an MMORPG in 2012.


I am quite enjoying the game. Ill admite, I bashed it at first. Then my friends talked me into getting it and im glad i did. Some of the bugs your expierencing might be on your end. I havent dealt with many. However, i did only play a few hours so far so i may still run into them. This game so far is enjoyable, give it a while to get patches and more content added and enjoy the storyline.

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No that isn't true.


There is a difference, I have complained about issues in the game, not the subjective question of whether YOU are having fun.


But fanbois defend any complaint with...go back to WoW then if you don't like it...


Dealing not with the issues, but with the subjective question of whether I like the game or whether I am having fun.


You see how that is?


Most people know there are still bugs with SWTOR, but there isn't much we can do about it. I for one trust that BioWare is working on the problems and having worked with software programmers I know how tricky bugs can be. Not everything is one line of code; in fact that is probably never the case.


But detractors, like you, are equally disingenuous with your criticism of anyone defending the game. You slather, histrionically, heaping helpings of hyperbole on anyone who dares voice a contrary opinion. You seemingly will only accept complete agreeance


While it isn't helpful to say things like "Go back to WoW" we simply can't understand what makes you hang around the forums of a game you hate. As others have stated, why don't you go find something better to do. Petition to get your money back if you feel so strongly that this was an inferior product.


The thing is, I'd rather be playing the game now with the bugs, then in 3 or 4 months with new bugs. Sorry, bugs are a part of MMOs. There are some frustrating ones, ther is no doubt about that, but I have faith their team is working aroudn teh clock on a new client, and it will be out as soon as they feel it's ready.

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lol, these posts are pathetic really. I mean yeah Im unhappy with a few things I stated my opinion about it then left it alone. Seriously though. If you dont like it chalk it up to a loss and move the fetch on for crying out load. You QQing on the forums really isnt getting you anywhere. Edited by Newsinz
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So the OP is just childishly ranting whilst he throws his toys out of the pram? O.k but he could at least have tried to be constructive with it, otherwise just go outside and kick a football or something you'll get some fresh air and realise the world doesn't revolve around a computer.
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