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Orbital stations and Loading Screens


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But the game doesn't acknowledge that there are multiple Jedi Knight ships on one station, that's when phasing comes. Story wise, there's only one Hero on one planet a one time, and it's you, me and so on... If that makes any sense :)


doesnt make sense immersion wise, you land on the only spot on hoth were you can land and its only your ship there but you see 50 people running around ? in the orbital stations you may have phasing but at the other hand you also just dont see other hangars, whihc makes it believeable that more ships are docked on the station

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yeah maybe just have a central landing platform on the planet, all questgivers around it, the quests in a circle of 10 m behind, and the raid and isntance entrences 50 m out.


Stop beeing lazy, if you would be able to immerse yourself in a plausbile sci fi environment you wouldnt mind. if you cant, your problem


How about the fact that it takes me 2-5 minutes to load bigger planets? If the lack of an Orbital Station would lover it by even 10 seconds (excluding me having to run through it) then I'd be happy if they were gone.


That makes relogging or helping out a friend on a different planet a pain. And that's a bad thing for this MMO.

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Land on space station (entire planet loads)

Run to shuttle to planet: 30 seconds

shuttle ride: 2 seconds

Run over to speeder point: 5 seconds

FP to where you're going: Variable


39 seconds + speeder ride *



Land in planet starport (entire planet loads)

Run through hangar to elevator: 30 seconds

Elevator black screen: 2 seconds

Run through Starport: 25 seconds

Hop on speeder and ride to fp: 10 seconds

FP to where you want to go: Varies


1 minutes 7 seconds + speeder ride *




Still don't see the complaint




*all times guesstimated




edit: bah, done correcting.....it's 5:30 am....too late for this crap lol

Edited by Lazerius-
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Honestly, it's not as much about the running as it is about Stations being completely pointless and making loading screen longer. I am not lazy and I don't mind running. I am on my second character here now.


It makes helping out friends harder. The loading screen is bad as it is. It's very bad. I never saw such long loading screens in other MMOs. Why not decrease them by deleting things that no one likes or cares about?


To the people defending the Stations. tell me honestly - do you like them? Do you find them interesting? Do you really like running through this empty space with 0 players on it? Do you see any purpose in them?

I am trying to understand some of your reasoning but still, you can't simply say "no, just no". You are gamers too, you value your free time, you value a game that runs well and smooth, don't you?

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I know why they put space stations in there - its to act as a 'you are in a space game' device. Ultimately it's a unnecessary step that becomes tiresome after the 100th time.


If they are keeping it as it - then they need to allow mounts at least.



The whole thing needs streamlining, when I get into the ship I don't want it to take off I want to choose a destination and then it takes off, its little details like this that make the difference between clumsy and polished.

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I think the orbital stations are a waste of time, they could just make a cinematic that your ship lands on it and 2 secounds later a shuttle flyes out of the same hangar and moving towards the planet. But perhaps that would be to much work to do right now since some conversations take place on the station aswell as a cinematic for the warrior that is tied to the location.
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Honestly, it's not as much about the running as it is about Stations being completely pointless and making loading screen longer. I am not lazy and I don't mind running. I am on my second character here now.


It makes helping out friends harder. The loading screen is bad as it is. It's very bad. I never saw such long loading screens in other MMOs. Why not decrease them by deleting things that no one likes or cares about?


To the people defending the Stations. tell me honestly - do you like them? Do you find them interesting? Do you really like running through this empty space with 0 players on it? Do you see any purpose in them?

I am trying to understand some of your reasoning but still, you can't simply say "no, just no". You are gamers too, you value your free time, you value a game that runs well and smooth, don't you?


the stations give me a feel of realism and immersion, they are simple logical on planets that dont have space ports, also i dont have any problem with loading screens, the longest as in hoth, belsavis and co take a top of 10 to 15 seconds, maybe it would be recommended getting a better hdd or RAM?

Edited by IvamAkorahil
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I know why they put space stations in there - its to act as a 'you are in a space game' device. Ultimately it's a unnecessary step that becomes tiresome after the 100th time.


If they are keeping it as it - then they need to allow mounts at least.



The whole thing needs streamlining, when I get into the ship I don't want it to take off I want to choose a destination and then it takes off, its little details like this that make the difference between clumsy and polished.


agreed, makes more sense to first choose destination and then launch

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It's an empty space that no one ever uses for anything else but running through it. Not being able to land on the planets is weird.


If you can't give me a valid reason, then just stop posting here, please. You are not giving me any reasonable arguments. Just pointless trolling.


I'm with you, I was just thinking about this as I was going from place to place. Totally useless waste of their resources and our time.

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