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Advance Prototype in pvp.


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I personally like AP in pvp. I find in drawn out fights its hard to top myself. b/w hitting everything that moves with Ret Blade, my free rocket punches and always crit railshot, and the fact that my heat simply almost never goes above 40 I find my damage done quite effective.


I know AP lacks the raw damage of Pyro and the utility of Shield but dont count us out!


I also constantly hear "flamethrower is IMPOSSIBLE in pvp". ********. I'll agree it's very difficult to pull off, and very very difficult to get full use out of it, but I find that since heat is no issue, and with flameblast/immolate being my go to ability it's always 50% buffed. even just 2 clicks is heavy damage and if you get that moment of mob battle on a point in alderaan there is simply no harder hitting move to use.


I agree that AP needs work but I just don't like it's complete and total dismissal from pvp. I find I have quite a few matches where I'm top 3 in damage and with some liberal guarding I'm almost always top in medals (but that's all of us powertechs ;) )


tl;dr AP is a spec that lacks the heavy burst of pyro but has a much steadier long haul allowing for more effective longer term fights ( They happen I swear) and if you can get off a 50% bonus flamethrower on a couple peeps it's all worth it.

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I completely disagree.


I mean, you're right. Adv Proto is viable, just not ideal. That isn't the point though.


We should entirely dismiss Adv Proto and do everything we can to point out its flaws and how horrible it is compared to the other specs floating around.


If we do that they might, you know, fix it. Make it less suck and have more not-suck.

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o.0 That's a little.... extreme. A) Since when has Bioware listened to feedback in a class forum ;) and B) I won't completely dismiss it =0 it's my spec mang I simply won't play pyro. I agree with you in principle but I think you go a little far in execution ;)
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I play Advance Proto in PvP as well (what little I do) and damn i feel like I have no trouble handling myself against just about any class. Especilaly I think the 15% movement is underated by many along with the slow/knock back 30 sec cd buff.


Those two combined makes it almost impossible to catch you in the battle and allows you to quickly close with vulnerable targets or kite that Jedi round and round while spamming your instants.


Sure Flamethrower can be truicky to pull of, but by the gods does it hurt the enemy and feel good when you do.

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We might not do more damage than pyro. But I really feel like we have more fun =) The only time I've had near this much fun in pvp is probably prot warrior wow in wotlk. And that's something to match.
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Pyro is more fun...although at first glance Adv P seems like THE pvp spec but you quickly realize how much it is not.


FT as cool as it may be it just does fit well for pvp, the spec needs something different.


Something around rocket punch where it has some damage modifiers like rail shot has for the pyro tree I think would make this spec great...throw in a cripple effect with retractable blade that slows the target and your set.

Edited by Guntsu
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Doesn't need to be an exact copy of Pyro, it just needs to be good enough to compete with Pyro.


It has a 15% movement increase but no snare. That sounds nice, but it isn't enough. Every other class with a movement increase has a snare. Hell, most other classes have another snare period, we have to spec for ours. 2 talent points to get a semi-reliable 2 second snare, this is pretty sub par in general and Adv Proto lacks even that.


It lacks a real gap closer (problem for Powertech in general) since Grapple is a long cooldown and breaks an awful lot.


It has a reliance on a channeled non-targeted ability with a 12 second cooldown. Furthermore it needs to build stacks to reach effectiveness. This is an absolute trainwreck in PvP. When it pays off, it pays off big, but it pretty much has to be a total cluster**** that you sneak to the sidelines off to really get the most out of it. With the number of interrupts, stuns, etc flying around you're likely to have it quit on you before it's even fired up, lose all your stacks, and be out a cooldown. That is assuming you can hit anything with it in the first place since you wont have a snare or root. Blowing Electro-Dart for Flamethrower is lame.


Oh and I guess taking Quell down to 6 seconds is pretty neat too. I can't think of any fights I've had recently where it really would've made a difference, but I'm sure a condition exists.


Retractable Blade might be one of the coolest animations we have, and it is nice to have another melee attack for our "melee" class, but it kind of sucks. There is no incentive to use it frequently, which sucks because there is a proc talent tied to it and, again, it's cool looking. The up front damage is Kinetic, so while it hypothetically does more damage than Incin Missile they really do about the same. Also it isn't more cost effective than Incin Missile due to the refund on Rail Shot on burning targets.


Hydraulic Overrides is nice, but you can still be stunned and the movement speed increase isn't all that great. Also I hate this ability since apparently it is the reason we got Jet Charge taken away from us, the two together made for too powerful of a Huttball carrier.


I think Kolto Vents is better than it looks. It isn't meant to save your *** or be another defensive cooldown, just a little pick-me-up when you need it, it does that fine. It's still a little "meh" compared to Energy Rebounder or Automated Defenses.


Adv Proto has the most reliable Heat Venting in theory. In practice both Shield Tech and Pyro have better venting in PvP.



With the current state of the game, the shining jewel of the whole talent tree is Stabilized Armor. Lots of stuns flying around. If it's protection extended to Immobilizes (which are even more frequent) then it might help balance some of this other crap out. As it stands it is a very powerful talent for 2 points but still wont save you in practical organized PvP without healers, with healers you're likely saved anyway.


Don't get me wrong, Pyro and ST have problems too. Pyro mitigates this with superior range. ST mitigates this by, well, mitigating. Adv Proto is a spec that I really want to like, but it feels like the odd man out. Petition for buffs or something, I dunno.

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a six second quell comes in handy every single time I fight a healer.


I simply have no real issue with being kited. I have a 10m effective combat range for the most part. And pvp is very rarely 1v1. Like you said every other class pretty much has a snare so... My targets tend 2 get snared. If you're lone wolfing you're most likely doing it wrong because Powertech shines in a group..


"Adv Proto has the most reliable Heat Venting in theory. In practice both Shield Tech and Pyro have better venting in PvP." Is just plain incorrect. I've played all three and I find for sure AP has the best venting if you know how to work it. And seriously if the other specs did vent heat better you might as well just remove the *********** heat bar that's insane.


I agree that AP is the least best off spec but I seriously feel like some powertechs are biased against it. I still land near the top of every wz without issue. There are so many classes in the game that are worse off.


If you have 2 gold bars and a silver bar. The silver bar is still awesome.

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a six second quell comes in handy every single time I fight a healer.


Probably. I have Jet Charge for a whole 'nother interrupt so I don't miss it.


I simply have no real issue with being kited. I have a 10m effective combat range for the most part. And pvp is very rarely 1v1. Like you said every other class pretty much has a snare so... My targets tend 2 get snared. If you're lone wolfing you're most likely doing it wrong because Powertech shines in a group..


Thats sort of another problem. Adv Proto shines in a group. Other spec'd powertechs are fine solo.


"Adv Proto has the most reliable Heat Venting in theory. In practice both Shield Tech and Pyro have better venting in PvP." Is just plain incorrect. I've played all three and I find for sure AP has the best venting if you know how to work it. And seriously if the other specs did vent heat better you might as well just remove the *********** heat bar that's insane.


I agree that AP is the least best off spec but I seriously feel like some powertechs are biased against it. I still land near the top of every wz without issue. There are so many classes in the game that are worse off.


If you have 2 gold bars and a silver bar. The silver bar is still awesome.


Yeah, I'd just rather it be 3 gold bars. Adv Proto is definitely the runt of the litter. Sure it is a runt of a good breed, and sure it can pull off the "underdog that wins" thing, but for my money I'd rather run the big dogs.


It is still adequate, just could use some tweaking to really compete.

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