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OK, I want to read your 10 point plan to fix this game?


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Is it possible a patch, or series of patches could put this game back where we want it to be? I hope your first point is to bracket pvp. Now go.


Dude, are you seriously that blind?!?!!.....did you miss the stickies at the top of this very forum...That state they are aware of the issue's that people are experiencing. That they are working to fix as many issue's as quickly as they can?!?! That there is a huge patch due out this coming week....to address some of those said issue's?!?!




Or are you just trying to start another flame thread for your perverted amusement?


I'm not even going to bother pasting a link...but in one of those stickies, it mentions PVP brackets....there see, if you had just done a little research on your own..you wouldn't have needed to start another one of these pointless threads.

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You imply broken and requiring a fix, which I shall liberally interpret as a constructive desire for improvement. As such my list is enhancements, as I am assuming bugs are already on the todo list. If I am not trolling or badmouthing the game and that was the intent, I'm sorry.


1. Overhaul the GTN UI to actually work.

2. Provide UI scaling (e.g. horizontal quickslot bars scale according to width of monitor).

3. Combat log. Preferably able to log to text file in the background as option.

4. Optional chat bubbles.

5. Overhaul the LFG tool to make it useful/applicable in some way that people notice that someone is LFG.

6. Add more targeting options/frames e.g. target of target.

7. Dual targeting for positive & negative effects would be lovely.

8. Have the companion AI prefer to move to the side, instead of always blocking half my screen or where I'm trying to click.

9. Any incentive to do space combat at max level, at all, beyond 'it's there'.

10. More innovative flashpoints etc. Tanking & spanking a boss has been done. Do something different. Have you thought about halfway through having the players board a ship, one flies, others man turrets? (Just a random idea).


Pretty sure all of these and more are in the main suggestion threads.

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(1) Remove shards

(2) Cancel voice acting for side quests

(3) Set the minimum requirements to "way above average system" until the responsiveness problem is fixed. (below 35 fps i can only use every second gcd)

(4) Find a better release concept for bug fixes. Introduce 2 fix days per week with patch server downs. (Monday and Thursday). Later on announce in great letters, that server downs for bug fixing will be limited to one day a week. (Gives interested people a sign of "oh, game seems good enough now!")

(5) Build up "public relations" team and train all employees with customer contact accordingly. A lot of trouble could simply be evaded by acting smarter to public.

(6) Combine smaller zones to reduce amount of loading screens.

(7) Set up a constant development tracker with all ongoing activities for the public to see.

(8) Add more Grind to max level FAST. Other content would take too long. Something like a purely time based pvp ranking.

(9) Convince EA to keep faith

(10) No, really. Convince EA to keep faith.


(11) Add a few open worlds (sand box worlds) to ease the general feeling of limitation (theme park feeling) in the rest of the game.

Edited by Diling-Hiling
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