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Disconnect Grace Period


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Why doesn't the queue hold my position? Why do I wait an hour in the swiftsure then get in and finally start playing only to have my game client randomly crash, and then all of a sudden I am in a waiting queue of 1200 people again after already waiting. Like seriously whaaa deeee f u u u u u u u c k, i never ever ever EVER had this issue in warcraft!!!!


Bioware should damn well compensate the people putting up with their s h it by giving us a free month, buggy instances, fd'up raid lockouts, constant downtimes, ****** *** collectors edition that I actually payed for! and the biggest one not actually fixing the fu cki ng problems for the gamers like myself who actually run hard modes all the time only to realize that 5 of them either the loot is F u cked or you cant even engage a boss, but when a patch comes in and fixes **** like karagas palace, all of a sudden the false emperor doesn't work. I do not understand how they have future plans for this game when they cant even fix the ********** that is implemented right now. This is the only place to RAAGEE!!!



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1) Your frustration is understable, but I thought they added a disconnect grace period already? No? Well, that stinks... :p


2) The contract you entered into (and probably skipped over) states that you're not guaranteed access to the servers, blahblahblah, <insert legal mumbo here>, etc... So don't hold your breath on that compensation thing. :)

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swiftsure is a bit of a rough server it seems. I understand your frustration, but really was all the swearing and abject anger nessessary? A free month? you could roll on a less populated server and instead of wasting the time you are waiting in a cue redo your character..its not like you are playing anyway...
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Would love to see this. Had two disconnected tonight...and I play on The Swiftsure, so ya lol. I would reroll, but I'm 50 and I start class again next week, so won't have much time to play during the week. A free transfer would also be welcome.
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Any idea why the Swiftsure has such a huge queue tonight? Haven't seen a queue this big since early access.


Yay, only 807 spots to go....


Last weekend was New Year's, so I'm sure a large portion of people weren't playing.


And now they want to make up for it? :D That's all I can think of.

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