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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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Conforming to the law or to rules: "his claims to legitimate authority".

Verb: Justify or make lawful.

Synonyms:adjective. lawful - legal - rightful - just - licit - valid

verb. legitimize - legalize - warrant - justify - legitimatize


lets not try to use words that are not real<3 ^^^ Legit is not a word its a thing kids made up to sound what you man call it "epic"? Q_Q:p


Oh wow thankyou for the 11:30 pm on a wednesday night english lesson. Do you feel better now that you pointed out grammatical mistakes ON THE INTERNET. What a cool chap.

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Some opinions are more valid than others.


Indeed, some people are worth listening too.....


His view is spoiled and selfish. He's entitled to his view, but we're entitled to mock it.


Your views are arrogant and narcissistic. Your entitled to your view, and we are entitled to ignore it.


I've been far from a "fanboy" of SWTOR, but with the staggered launch and the way it's being handled, I believe it's fair and sensible. Bioware communicated their plans pretty openly, just a few people made no effort until the last 24 hours to actually digest those communications.


I agree.

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For one a few days is NOT going to effect the eco system in game


Two, you cant let 2mill people log in at once. only a ****** would think that is even possible, for there stress test the loggins were spread a day apart fri 10am and sat 10am and there are alot more people waiting to play then the stress test

I logged on 7 hours after early release and the newbie zones were packed/overcrowded there was lag in starting areas and would have to wait for respawns many times. So you might wanna go back to the drawing board and use your head when u TROLL the forums


i hope u get in on the 19th the last hour


You cant let 2 mill people log in at once... But that's BASICALLY what they did on the stress test on the final beta weekend, although it was more like 1 million people on the first day and 1 million on the second day.

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You cant let 2 mill people log in at once... But that's BASICALLY what they did on the stress test on the final beta weekend, although it was more like 1 million people on the first day and 1 million on the second day.


why dont you go see how many people were in the stress test weekend before you start spouting off numbers that you seem to be making up to better suite your troll post

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Who cares. How much you paid has nothing to do with when you get in. I bought the CE for myself and my wife. By that logic you should be way behind me.


You just want to use whatever methods best suit you. Selfish attitude. Surprise, surprise.


No.. In fact i'd feel inclined to agree, you paid more, you are in fact more entitled. However the fact is the amount of people who bought the standard edition over the CE is signifcantly greater, and CE gives you tangible objects, and thats why you paid more. You still paid the same price we did for the game, but on top of that, everything else you paid for was special features such as the holocam, or the physical trash they send you.


As opposed to myself and anyone from europe, who paid $20 more, for the exact same thing U.S customer's get. Read what i say properly please, I'm on your side more then you'd think. Wouldn't you be annoyed if your wife got accepted 2-3 days before you even though you ordered at the same time. She can go off and play ahead of you, and then when you finally get in, she's level 20 or 30 (not saying your wife is the sort to do this, but the same problem from above applies to friends, guildmates and so on) they didn't cater for their community at all.

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Day 1 and already posts about the economy being ruined? :D




Should we organize a "Occupy Toshi Station"?


Hahahaha. I'll start on a creepy "A message from anonymous to bioware". D: OH MY GOD BEST INGAME IDEA EVER.


They should be able to get Guy Fawke's masks.

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No.. In fact i'd feel inclined to agree, you paid more, you are in fact more entitled. However the fact is the amount of people who bought the standard edition over the CE is signifcantly greater, and CE gives you tangible objects, and thats why you paid more. You still paid the same price we did for the game, but on top of that, everything else you paid for was special features such as the holocam, or the physical trash they send you.


As opposed to myself and anyone from europe, who paid $20 more, for the exact same thing U.S customer's get. Read what i say properly please, I'm on your side more then you'd think. Wouldn't you be annoyed if your wife got accepted 2-3 days before you even though you ordered at the same time. She can go off and play ahead of you, and then when you finally get in, she's level 20 or 30 (not saying your wife is the sort to do this, but the same problem from above applies to friends, guildmates and so on) they didn't cater for their community at all.


No, I'm not entitled to more. I knew what criteria would be used for early access and THAT'S what matters. I'm 6'. Do I get early access over shorter people? It's the metric THEY decided. It was their promotion.

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Actually i paid $81 usd instead of $60usd for standard edition digital download. So thats $20 more then anyone in the U.S due to the fact EU has to pay more for the game. Even though both sites are http://store.origin.com


I purchased the CE, but that's neither here nor there, since access wasn't predicated on the version purchased, but when. I bought mine and entered it within an hour of the store opening on the 21st, but I wouldn't have raged too hard if I found out that those who did digital pre orders before my store even opened got in first.


Bottom line is that Bioware is doing what they promised, actually they're doing more than they promised by starting early entry 7 days out instead of 5.

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No, I'm not entitled to more. I knew what criteria would be used for early access and THAT'S what matters. I'm 6'. Do I get early access over shorter people? It's the metric THEY decided. It was their promotion.


If you went to see a movie, but someone paid for their ticket an hour before, and you paid for your ticket 1 minute before, ignoring any potential 'seating' issues that may arrise (irrelevant), does that mean you should be made to wait until the next screening because that guy paid for the movie an hour before? There's enough free seat's for everyone, but because he paid earlier, he has more rights then i do?

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If you went to see a movie, but someone paid for their ticket an hour before, and you paid for your ticket 1 minute before, ignoring any potential 'seating' issues that may arrise (irrelevant), does that mean you should be made to wait until the next screening because that guy paid for the movie an hour before? There's enough free seat's for everyone, but because he paid earlier, he has more rights then i do?


well its not a movie for one


and if the theater had a promo which stated that it was first come first serve well.......

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The entire crux of everyone's qq storm is that they did not purchase early enough. Some people accept that and some people just can't live with it and keep coming up with off-the-wall reasons why it's so bloody unfair.


Whatever the reason is really of no consequence. We didn't purchase early enough to get in on the first day's waves. That's it. Period. Kick and scream, think what you will, but the bottom line is Bioware made us aware of the criteria and we made our decisions. Live with them. Man up. Blaming everyone but yourself for YOUR decisions is a sign of weakness. We'll all get to play soon and all this foolish crap will be completely forgotten as soon as you hit play for the first time.

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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


the server held 700k people, 2million were invitged, big difference.


the only thing I can concede is there lack of information sucks. They really should say wave one 35k of people, give us numbers. etc. the lack of information is whats bad.


If I knew that I was getting in at 2pm friday at the latest, I would be ok with that. its the not knowing that sucks especually when they have a damn good idea of the numbers

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If you went to see a movie, but someone paid for their ticket an hour before, and you paid for your ticket 1 minute before, ignoring any potential 'seating' issues that may arrise (irrelevant), does that mean you should be made to wait until the next screening because that guy paid for the movie an hour before? There's enough free seat's for everyone, but because he paid earlier, he has more rights then i do?


If you go to a fast food restaurant, and you want a hamburger, but the people who ordered before you get their food first, do you complain? What if they order the exact same thing as you and pay the exact same amount?

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well its not a movie for one


and if the theater had a promo which stated that it was first come first serve well.......


Um your thinking a little to much about 'the movie' itself.


In aussie it can cost $22-23 to go to the cinema's SO, thats around 1/3rd the price of swtor.


Now if you consider the amount of space on the server's, as a parallel to the amount of space in this hypothetical theater, and if it helps your mental image pretend there's 2 million seats in the theatre (that's how many were crammed onto the beta testing server).


So because someone arrived earlier, and paid, they get a seat, but because you arrived later, but not before it had actually started, (parallel here being, if you preorded in august or november or dec as opposed to jan), that person is more entitled to see the movie then you?


Your both paying customer's?


You paid for the same service?


The EULA states we have the same rights as any other user?


But Bioware has conveyed that none of the above matters, they'll do it how they wanna do it, and in the meantime leave the majority in the dark, waiting, staring at their emails during wave postings only to see nothing come through.


You must all be the biggest *********** doormats in real life if you think none of this is wrong and we have no right to complain.

Edited by Nanglez
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Um your thinking a little to much about 'the movie' itself.


In aussie it can cost $22-23 to go to the cinema's SO, thats around 1/3rd the price of swtor.


Now if you consider the amount of space on the server's, as a parallel to the amount of space in this hypothetical theater, and if it helps your mental image pretend there's 2 million seats in the theatre (that's how many were crammed onto the beta testing server).


So because someone arrived earlier, and paid, they get a seat, but because you arrived later, but not before it had actually started, (parallel here being, if you preorded in august or november or dec as opposed to jan), that person is more entitled to see the movie then you?


Your both paying customer's?


You paid for the same service?


The EULA states we have the same rights as any other user?


But Bioware has conveyed that none of the above matters, they'll do it how they wanna do it, and in the meantime leave the majority in the dark, waiting, staring at their emails during wave postings only to see nothing come through.


You must all be the biggest *********** doormats in real life if you think none of this is wrong and we have no right to complain.


Yes. they're going to do it how the want to do it. How they TOLD US MONTHS AGO that they were going to do it. Can't handle that? Too bad. Grow up.

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If you go to a fast food restaurant, and you want a hamburger, but the people who ordered before you get their food first, do you complain? What if they order the exact same thing as you and pay the exact same amount?


um, no because regardless, you know your going to get your food a minute later. You're not going to be told to wait until the next day to MAYBE get your food. The same way you're not going to be told to wait 2 hour's for the next movie session.

Edited by Nanglez
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Hahahaha. I'll start on a creepy "A message from anonymous to bioware". D: OH MY GOD BEST INGAME IDEA EVER.


They should be able to get Guy Fawke's masks.



Remember, remember the thirteenth of December,

Early Access, exploits, and hate

I see no point that Early Access and exploits

Should be forgiven one day.... ?

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um, no because regardless, you know your going to get your food a minute later. You're not going to be told to wait until the next day to MAYBE get your food. The same way you're not going to be told to wait 2 hour's for the next movie session.


You're missing the point of the analogy.

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If you go to a fast food restaurant, and you want a hamburger, but the people who ordered before you get their food first, do you complain? What if they order the exact same thing as you and pay the exact same amount?


Also, if you asked the person selling your food, how long the wait will be, they will tell you straight up. They won't ignore you and walk away, and leaving you complaining at the counter.

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Also, if you asked the person selling your food, how long the wait will be, they will tell you straight up. They won't ignore you and walk away, and leaving you complaining at the counter.


Clearly you have better fast food places where you live. Still missing the point though.

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Hah, i have several email addresses, one for signing up to ****, one for work, one for school, an old spare one, and a gmail i use occasionally. The email address that had the preorder email currently has 2900 emails in the recycle bin. That because i've emptied the whole inbox in anticipation of recieving my early access email xD


Your fault, not Biowares. Actually, everything you stated could have been avoided by you, but it's still Bioware's fault..of course.

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