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MASSIVE Economical Failure


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Are you people serious ?


Since 11pm yesterday all servers where empty. I know i stayed on all night.




What server control ? Like 5% is playing maybe atm. This is a joke not a launch. How can you advertise this as one when no one can get in apart from few lucky ones.


I would agree on the whole wave thing if they would follow up with their idea but they basicaly went sleep and dont tell me that technical support is 24/7, that is obvious. But ppl responsible for letting ppl in went sleep.


This is not a worst launch because of instability (its imposible to have not stable servers when they are empty) but because its called an EGS but no one can play it apart from lucky few !!!! and it feels like rubing it when we all stare at the screen all night.


This wont be forgotten for a long time and will be pointed as how not to launch an mmo in the future. Stress test should be done in beta not now. Beta is to test not for marketing primarly. Tho you cant avoid that this days.


PS: Ahkron yes it is screwed. You are light years behind other ppl in terms of rare recipies that are limited in swtor to a certian amount not everyone can get it. People have more gold wich means everything costs more while you get less. Most players are high level with twinked gear and becasue they are, they will gank lower lv unequiped players for fun. Want me to continue ? The list is very long.


You are clearly not an experiance seasoned mmorpg player.

Edited by Khebeln
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So the people who have been exploiting/rushing, get to get to level 50, then go farm all the bind on equip items they can find, and they get to set the market price. Because they preorded between july 21st and july 28. It's ironic july 21st is my birthday, but i don't spend my life on the net, so i didn't know about the preorder until much more recently, but had i known, i could have preordered on day one with ease.


So basically finding out about preorders at a later date, makes you less entitled to play then the person who paid the same amount of money as you or perhaps less money then you based on what edition you bought. This whole thing is ********. People think that this won't effect the games economy. If thats the case, sadly you've never grasped the economy of any mmo you've played, because day one effects the market that exists a year down the track. So screw you bioware, thankyou for ruining the launch experience for 70-80% of your community. Elitist ********'s please refrain from posting on my thread, i don't want to hear about how you think we don't have the right to complain.


The fact is


-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


there is no 'gold' here so any economy comparisons between one mmo and swtor are mere speculation and spurrious when analyzed as parts of completely contrived systems. were there a "free" market, one not bound to the rules of the game, then you could have a case. but in a virtual realm, where ALL of the rules of the game are contrived, your comparison does not hold, ever.


[please quote entirely should you feel the need to use my comment in one of your diatribes]

Edited by catherder
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What was stopping you from ordering on the 22nd, or 23rd? Was your birthday party 4 months long and because it just ended you just recently preordered?




They want a staggered launch to ease the strain on the server, so they are allowing people in to PLAY THE GAME BEFORE IT IS SUPPOSE TO COME OUT. How do they go about choosing who gets in first? Would you rather whoever pays the most money gets in first? Would you rather it be random, which means you have no idea when you get to play, instead of how it is now where you can guess when you will get to play.





They do, December 20th.




Yes the server proved it could hold a large number of people, but guess what? It also had a bunch of bugs that came up during that test. With this launch they want to have as little bugs as possible, which can come up if you put to much strain on a server to fast. Also you don't seem to understand the purpose of a stress test. You see how much the server can handle, then you set your upper limit below that point. This way if something happens, the entire server does not just die. By your logic they should start at the point that started to cause bugs, and then keep going causing more bugs.




It is ok to have opinions. But if your opinion seems like a 5 year old kid crying because they don't get to have the ice cream they were promised for dinner right now at breakfast, just because some other kids were eating there ice cream now, well then others are going to treat you like an annoying little kid.




You realise the staggered launch has been referred to as both a stress test and not a stress test by Stephen Reid - (His toon's name is TheContradictor btw, keep an eye out for him ingame). As for having a 4 month birthday party... No i simply mean that around my birthday i was cashed up as hell, i could have easily purchased the game, had i known about it, but because i found out later, that apparently makes me less entitled to play. Even though paying for the game through denmark because as i mentioned in my previous post, Australia is the third world of gaming, our money's no good to EA apparently, but the fact is the standard edition on the EU site was 449.00 DDK (Danish Khrona) which is $81USD.


So i paid MORE then the typical U.S purchaser, and so did the rest of the EU users, and we ALL have been neglected. I'd say an extra $20usd on top of the $5usd for preorder right, makes me entitled to *********** play when everyone else is.

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there is no 'gold' here so any economy comparisons between one mmo and swtor are mere speculation and spurrious when analyzed as parts of completely contrived systems. were there a "free" market, one not bound to the rules of the game, then you could have a case. but in a virtual realm, where ALL of the rules of the game are contrived, your comparison does not hold, ever.


[please quote entirely should you feel the need to use my quote in one of your diatribes]


Credits are SWTOR's game currency.

Gold is a typical fantasy games currency.


Keywords - GAME CURRENCY. Pretty sure regardless of what they're labelled.. Their the same thing?

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No elitist jerks allowed in this thread? Elitist jerks being the ones who do not share your opinion?


A great way to start a discussion - choose an open forum and allow only those people to speak their mind who wont discuss but blow sugar up your backside. :)


I'm still as excited as a little girl and terribly envious, simply because I want to start playing, but I maxed out my patience talent to keep my blood pressure in balance.


I'm done. Arrogant fool out. :)

Edited by Piscis
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Why do people even give these guys a response? They're clearly just crying out for attention. Everyone knows what's going on we can read. It's not like the OP gave some new astute and wonderful idea on this subject or said something so awful it cannot be ignored. Just let this thread go guys, there will be all kinds of other random "I'm mad because "x" and "y" happened, way to go BioWare because "z" is gonna happen now and the fun is ruined" posts. Edited by Contramundus
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-Bioware refers to it as a game launch


-Early access advertising for you, may have said "up to 5 days", but there are many examples where the advertisement simply december "EARLY ACCESS- DECEMBER 13TH"


-Bioware has failed to sufficiently inform their community as to whats going on, people have resorted to 'EDUCATED SPECULATION' as to when they'll get to play. People shouldn't be speculating when they'll be able to play a game, like most companies, you should have a fixed release date in which everyone is able to play at the same time


-Bioware has claimed it's not a stress test, but claims that letting more people in than what they did is a form of stress testing (Which is ********) the server proved it could hold up and to 2 million people during the final beta weekend. So why couldn't they begin with 2 million people this time.


-Go ahead. Complain that we're complaining, elitists. You are simply arguing for the sake of arguing, at least we have legitimet reasons as to why we can claim to be an unhappy/disatisfied customer, as opposed to complaining that people are using the forums to voice their opinion (which guess what, is what a forums for).


-It's not game launch, it's early access, and that's how they're referring to it as.


-True, that banner did arrive a little too late in the day and should be removed now.


-They have a fixed release date, it's DECEMBER 20th 2011.


-Because they never intended to do so. They always aimed for a staggered launch and never told us otherwise.


-Elitists? Seriously? What do elitists have to do with this? If anything, it's elitist power levelers who are whining because they're not getting their precious server firsts.


You people are getting riled up about getting to play a few days later, SO WHAT? It's just a game FFS. It's not important in your lives or in the grand scheme of things in any other way than entertainment. Not to mention, YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THIS TIME. It's a perk we got, and you people are STILL whining.


Just suck it up and wait for your turn like the rest of us.

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You realise the staggered launch has been referred to as both a stress test and not a stress test by Stephen Reid - (His toon's name is TheContradictor btw, keep an eye out for him ingame). As for having a 4 month birthday party... No i simply mean that around my birthday i was cashed up as hell, i could have easily purchased the game, had i known about it, but because i found out later, that apparently makes me less entitled to play. Even though paying for the game through denmark because as i mentioned in my previous post, Australia is the third world of gaming, our money's no good to EA apparently, but the fact is the standard edition on the EU site was 449.00 DDK (Danish Khrona) which is $81USD.


So i paid MORE then the typical U.S purchaser, and so did the rest of the EU users, and we ALL have been neglected. I'd say an extra $20usd on top of the $5usd for preorder right, makes me entitled to *********** play when everyone else is.


Nope, doesn't make you entitled to anything except the soothing melody from this tiny violin I keep around for people just like you.


Cashed up around your birthday, eh? So you're a child still getting money from the relatives. Cute. Can you guess how much your opinion is valued now?

Edited by choxor
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Hah, i have several email addresses, one for signing up to ****, one for work, one for school, an old spare one, and a gmail i use occasionally. The email address that had the preorder email currently has 2900 emails in the recycle bin. That because i've emptied the whole inbox in anticipation of recieving my early access email xD


Cool story

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The quality issue is rubbish though... they cannot stagger or micro manage launch day nor the xmas gift influx.


I actually have no problem waiting and I don't care about names - but I can see problems such as the server my guild has been placed on showed FULL most of yesterday with the tiny amount of invites that's a concern.


Sure if you don't read the small print etc... but most ppl read the large print first and as of yesterday they were still claiming pre-order now and get up to 5 days - here in the UK it's false advertising to advertise something or even a 'chance' of something when a company knows they cannot or will not fulfill it. If guesstimates are even close to accurate it will be impossible for any pre orders in the past week to get 5 days. Today Origin are just advertising 'preorder now for early game access' in their large print even more misleading...


Add that together with the ppl who have had problems with preorder codes mostly from EA's own Origin and I think it's a reasonable and inevitable that there are complaints.


Plus this I ordered first na na na is stupid too die hard SW fans will buy anything SW's but there's not enough revenue in those numbers alone - the game has to draw players en masse and that means those who decide to give it a try at some point not just those with their tongues hanging out in July :eek:

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-It's not game launch, it's early access, and that's how they're referring to it as.


-True, that banner did arrive a little too late in the day and should be removed now.


-They have a fixed release date, it's DECEMBER 20th 2011.


-Because they never intended to do so. They always aimed for a staggered launch and never told us otherwise.


-Elitists? Seriously? What do elitists have to do with this? If anything, it's elitist power levelers who are whining because they're not getting their precious server firsts.


You people are getting riled up about getting to play a few days later, SO WHAT? It's just a game FFS. It's not important in your lives or in the grand scheme of things in any other way than entertainment. Not to mention, YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THIS TIME. It's a perk we got, and you people are STILL whining.


Just suck it up and wait for your turn like the rest of us.




Read the sticky mate, they call it a launch themselves. And i don't believe i ever said i should be AHEAD of anyone else, EVERYONE is entitled to the same treatment. EVERYONE that's preordered should be allowed in. The november 26th stress test was supposed to avoid this nonsense. It did no such thing.

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You do understand that advertising preorders come with early access is a marketing tool that BENEFITS THE GAME MAKER not the gamer, use your heads. We are the customers and BW is the business and the burden is on them to please their customer base.


Nope, in fact the best idea i've heard so far, is roll back the servers, and launch early access FOR EVERYONE on december 15th. That way they have a good 36ish hour's to prepare the server's.

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I am waiting in the line with so many others without complaining but,tbh i dont find it fair as i manage to buy th game when i was able financially but even if i did it kinda late i pay exactly the same ammount of money as everybody else and the only different between me and the ones playing allready is a purchase date...Hardly to undestand that if you buy something in the morning you can use it but if you buy the exact same item late afternoon you got to wait till next day...you can take it out of its box...look at it... think how wll it be to be able to use it... but you cant....I dont mind waiting really... but i purchased same way like everybody else and in the end i got to wait who knows how long....
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No elitist jerks allowed in this thread? Elitist jerks being the ones who do not share your opinion?


A great way to start a discussion - choose an open forum and allow only those people to speak their mind who wont discuss but blow sugar up your backside. :)


I'm still as excited as a little girl and terribly envious, simply because I want to start playing, but I maxed out my patience talent to keep my blood pressure in balance.


I'm done. Arrogant fool out. :)


He mad

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Of course its my 10th thread, bioware is intent on covering up all customer complaints by deleting threads. Have to get our voice heard somehow ay.


i completly understand Bioware wouldint want a bunch of whiny kids taking up their forum complaining about "i didint get into early access /cry" question is nanglez, you mad bruh??

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Nope, in fact the best idea i've heard so far, is roll back the servers, and launch early access FOR EVERYONE on december 15th. That way they have a good 36ish hour's to prepare the server's.


didnt have the patience to read all your posts, so I am not sure how many actual "launches" you have been a part of. But I have done a couple others...


SWG - no pre launch access, large open beta which ended the day before launch. Release day.... All servers crashing, login servers crashing, client launchers bugging the hell out. This goes on for some time till they "slowly" brought the servers up for people to log into.


WoW - open beta, no prelaunch, release day....all servers crashing, login servers timing out, 5 hour server queues.


Do you see a pattern?


The Early Access is a bonus, not a "deal they made with us to pre order" plus it allows them to fill the servers gradually to ensure the best possible experience.


Technically, not one of us has paid for an account subscription, just the game....and they are handing 7 days of possible free live access?


Bad BW.......BAD

Edited by Kardiss
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No elitist jerks allowed in this thread? Elitist jerks being the ones who do not share your opinion?


A great way to start a discussion - choose an open forum and allow only those people to speak their mind who wont discuss but blow sugar up your backside. :)


I'm still as excited as a little girl and terribly envious, simply because I want to start playing, but I maxed out my patience talent to keep my blood pressure in balance.


I'm done. Arrogant fool out. :)


Well let me start by saying, i'm glad you conceded at the ended that your an arrogant fool. Secondly, elitists refer to the ones telling us we have 'NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN' and to 'SUCK IT UP'. If your an unhappy customer, you complain, thats the way of the world buddy.

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Of course its my 10th thread, bioware is intent on covering up all customer complaints by deleting threads. Have to get our voice heard somehow ay.


By our you mean your. And believe it or not, we don't particularly care to hear it. This is a me me me me me thread. You're sad that you didn't get in first day because you were too slow to order. Aw boo. Now you can't exploit the market (which will quickly normalize). You can't be lazy AND expect to get the edge on the competition. Life doesn't work that way, my boy. One day you will find that out.

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