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Having so much fun! But will it last?


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So I've been playing for about 5 days, I have a level 23 Sith Assassin, and there isn't much I can say in the negatives about the game, I think it's great!


But I can't help but wondering how long will ToR be truely "active."


And by "active" I mean a community that is consistent, not necessarily gigantic, but stable.


I've been through Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, and Rift. Not that these are "bad" game by any means, but they all went through the similar phases of a large influx at the beginning, then violently tanking 3 months after launch... Don't quote me on this, but I recall a survey that was taken a few months after the launch of of AoC and Warhammer, and it stated at least 80% of subscribers to those games, went back to WoW after reaching max level.


Now it's granted - a new MMO won't hold a candle, in terms of raw content, to the juggernaut of MMO's (WoW) for at least a few years. But I really hope ToR doesn't follow suit with past MMO's that weren't bad, just new...



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I seriously hope this game continues its success well past the 30 days following its release.


I'm having a blast.


My thoughts!


Ugh... but it reminds me so much of WAR-online. I had so much fun with its PvP and the unique classes, but only a few months I found myself hard pressed to get a proper group going :/

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Had they have put some actual real thought into the game design and basic MMO features of this game rather than just story. They would be sitting in pretty good position right now.


They didn't and they're not.


Well most of your other posts follow the formula of pessimism, and WoW sycophantism.


It's difficult to seek console from those who are so heavily biased.

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Had they have put some actual real thought into the game design and basic MMO features of this game rather than just story. They would be sitting in pretty good position right now.


They didn't and they're not.






Seems to be doing pretty well to some.

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Well most of your other posts follow the formula of pessimism, and WoW sycophantism.


It's difficult to seek console from those who are so heavily biased.


I don't play WoW, won't go back to it and I think this game is horrid. Whats wrong with voicing my opinion just because you dislike it or disagree with it? You may think the game is perfect, I don't. Move on sonny.

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I don't play WoW, won't go back to it and I think this game is horrid. Whats wrong with voicing my opinion just because you dislike it or disagree with it? You may think the game is perfect, I don't. Move on sonny.


I'm sorry, but what game development studio are you attached to??


You talk as if you understand what "makes" an MMO, and exactly what features need to be in place to save it from oblivion.


I'm not denying your opinion, it regrettably exists, I'm simply lamenting over the fact soe many like you feel as if they could have made the game better.


Your move, Old Sport!

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Levels 1-10 - This game is awesome!


Levels 10-20 - This game is pretty good!


Levels 20-40 - This game is kinda getting boring.


Levels 40-50 - Why am I still playing this game?

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I'm not 50 yet so I wouldnt know but I think it all depends on the end game content and how much they are going to keep adding, gotta keep players entertained. The mind set WoW has put me in for MMOs is race to max level to begin playing the game, I don't think that's how this game is meant to be played. But I still find myself skipping cut scenes and trying to lvl as fast as possible.
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Well most of your other posts follow the formula of pessimism, and WoW sycophantism.


It's difficult to seek console from those who are so heavily biased.


I mentioned that Ibelieve they haven't put any real thought into the basic game design.


Do you believe that ...


- the UI is well designed and has had a lot of thought put into it?


- the linear quest pathing is well designed and has had a lot of thought put into it?


- the Customer service has had a lot of thought put into it?


- the sheer amount of world instancing is well designed and has had a lot of thought put into it?


I could go on and on but you only need to read these forums (without BioWare goggles on) for the past week to see other perfectly valid examples. BioWare have had years to perfect this game and get some basic fundamentals right, they chose not you or somehow couldn't see any problems so released it. You face the music if you choose the latter.

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I mentioned that Ibelieve they haven't put any real thought into the basic game design.


Do you believe that ...


- the UI is well designed and has had a lot of thought put into it?


- the linear quest pathing is well designed and has had a lot of thought put into it?


- the Customer service has had a lot of thought put into it?


- the sheer amount of world instancing is well designed and has had a lot of thought put into it?


I could go on and on but you only need to read these forums (without BioWare goggles on) for the past week to see other perfectly valid examples. BioWare have had years to perfect this game and get some basic fundamentals right, they chose not you or somehow couldn't see any problems so released it. You face the music if you choose the latter.



Read my last point, then try again.


Edit: Every new MMO has flaws. Get over it. Honestly... And please do not act like some of the flaws are "fundamental in making an MMO." WoW wrote the book on MMO's, so what? Jesus Christ wrote the bible, doesn't mean I have to believe in it and follow it's every teaching. But I'm sure you're just as staunch on those beliefs as well, judging by your personality.

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I'm sorry, but what game development studio are you attached to??


You talk as if you understand what "makes" an MMO, and exactly what features need to be in place to save it from oblivion.


I'm not denying your opinion, it regrettably exists, I'm simply lamenting over the fact soe many like you feel as if they could have made the game better.


Your move, Old Sport!


I am from the game development studio called 'the paying customer', there are many of us.


Talk up the game with your fanboy goggles firmly attached to your overly large forehead all you like, champion. The game is average at best.

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Read my last point, then try again.


Edit: Every new MMO has flaws. Get over it. Honestly...


You don't have to be in game development to have a valid opinion.


Being an mmo consumer, with money to spend, makes your opinion particularly valid all the same.


If a community desires a certain kind of game, and a developer comes along and has features that satisfies their wants and needs, then they stand a better chance to have a successful product if that community finds it.

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I am from the game development studio called 'the paying customer', there are many of us.


Talk up the game with your fanboy goggles firmly attached to your overly large forehead all you like, champion. The game is average at best.


You're an idiot.


You have no idea how the "improvement over time" model works.


Go play that 7-year old money miser MMO. I dare not mention it's name, I wouldn't want you to soil your pants in excitement.


Here's the difference between me and you, other than I am capable of the logical process: When I play a new MMO, I don't expect all the stars to align and melt my face. I pay for 4 months, and if it doesn't go anywhere, I go else where. I don't call a NEW MMO dead on arrival.

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Read my last point, then try again.


Edit: Every new MMO has flaws. Get over it. Honestly... And please do not act like some of the flaws are "fundamental in making an MMO." WoW wrote the book on MMO's, so what? Jesus Christ wrote the bible, doesn't mean I have to believe in it and follow it's every teaching. But I'm sure you're just as staunch on those beliefs as well, judging by your personality.


You didn't answer my question sonny. Do you believe those basic game features are well designed.


Yes or No champ, you can comprehend a yes or no answer can't you? If you believe they are, explain your reasoning. I am honestly intrigued by how a Fanboy would answer each of those points. Most Fanboys just waffle on like you have been and attempt to skirt any direct questions.


Answer away son, I am all ears.

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You're an idiot.


You have no idea how the "improvement over time" model works.


Go play that 7-year old money miser MMO. I dare not mention it's name, I wouldn't want you to soil your pants in excitement.


If you don't think this game doesn't boil down to the very one you question then you are the idiot.


Feature for feature, they are damn close.


And if theirs any take sways from the popularity of the ui mod threads, and the dual spec threads, and the ones about dungeon finder then they are only going to be moving closer in similarity based on popular demands of it's paying costumers.


It's the reason I'm leaving, but if you are staying, you are a fool if you think this thing isn't a clone....

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You're an idiot.


You have no idea how the "improvement over time" model works.


Go play that 7-year old money miser MMO. I dare not mention it's name, I wouldn't want you to soil your pants in excitement.


Here's the difference between me and you, other than I am capable of the logical process: When I play a new MMO, I don't expect all the stars to align and melt my face. I pay for 4 months, and if it doesn't go anywhere, I go else where. I don't call a NEW MMO dead on arrival.


Ahh the old fanboy favourite, a keyboard warrior that attempts patheticly inept insults over the 'intrawebs' and then says go back to WoW.


Try some originality and less anger. you'll go a little further.

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