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Light Side Bounty Hunters


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So I recently decided to make a Bounty Hunter for healing purposes, and I noticed something I felt the urge to be a Light Side Bounty Hunter but I'm not entirely sure if that's smart or not.


How much Light Side gear drops at 50? (If any)


I did it for those sweet looking white boots from the light vendor. :)


I still wear them at 50, screw Bioware's attempt to force me into that hideous looking level 50 PvP/PvE set(s). I just have to play really good if I wanna do hardmode FP in my old modded orange set! I like a challenge!

Edited by Kurfer
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People keep acting like "Lightside" means "good" when in reality it means "not insane". I'm not going around saving orphans, it just makes so little sense to pick the darkside options for anyone whos not an insane psychopath.


I was thinking along the same lines here, if we were to break down alignments ala D&D it might be more like the following.


Lawful (light side):)

Good, Evil, Neutral


Chaotic (dark side):mad:

Good, Evil, Neutral


This lends itself to a more sensible solution tot eh good vs evil in SWTOR.

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Boba Fett was more or less a Neutral BH, himself. He didn't kill everyone he came across, yet he was the best in the galaxy.


My BH's story is more of a hardened, disgraced, exiled Republic soldier who turned to Bounty Hunting to make money as well as to capture criminals by his own Code of Justice. He swears no allegiance, especially not to the Empire, and he makes sure they know it. This leaves him free to make his own decisions about how to deal with his targets, and he will let the innocents go -- if they can match his employer's offer.


Doesn't seem too farfetched of a reason to be a "good" Bounty Hunter.


You couldn't have been that good of a soldier if you were disgraced before you hit level 1!

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I don't think I am the only Bounty Hunter that went Light Side just because it made Mako happier, am I?


I only have two characters that are pure my commando (got 50 DS on a mistake) and my jedi shadow are both pure LS no matter what.

After I made them I have not played a pure character since.


Everything else has been more along the lines of "what would that character do" sort of choices.

My scoundrel (who I am not really liking) has been mostly after the credits (DS choices) and the easy way to them.


My bounty hunter has made mostly LS choices, but my inquisitor has been mostly DS with a few LS options.

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Light decision, Dark decisions. What it comes down to is how each scenario plays out plus a little of my BHs principles. He'd never turn the tables on an employer and side with the mark purely because doing so is dishonourable and that sort of reputation spreads so people would be less inclined to hire you if half the time you don't fulfil your side of the bargain.


And then you get DoA contracts, which while they might pay out more if the mark is alive you can't help but put a blaster bolt through their chest because they annoy hell out of you.


I like to think I play a nuetral BH. I'm honourable enough to not betray my client (but if they betray me, they get a one way ticket on the pain train), or kill people for the pure fun of it but I won't hesitate to drop someone if they start whining and are annoying. Credits are of course a huge incentive.

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I like to think I play a nuetral BH. I'm honourable enough to not betray my client (but if they betray me, they get a one way ticket on the pain train), or kill people for the pure fun of it but I won't hesitate to drop someone if they start whining and are annoying. Credits are of course a huge incentive.


I'm with Jayne Cobb on this one,


"Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid."


Just kidding. I go light side because the other choices tend to be either A) insane or B) needlessly cruel. I don't roleplay my characters - I won't do to someone in the game what I wouldn't do in real life.

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I really wish there were neutral rewards. I feel like bounty hunter is made to play neutral. I'm currently a light side bounty hunter and happy with it. The light side choices haven't been too "flowery" so I don't feel soft choosing them. However there are some points where I'm hired to kill someone and the dark side choice is to kill while the light side choice is to let them go. I feel like I'm a terrible bounty hunter for letting them go..
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I made my turn from dark to light when one of my answers to a dark side response involved me saying "I like to kill children". I switched at dark 3, around level 35. I am now 50 and barely back to neutral.


This wouldn't bother me except for the fact that almost all relics in the game require a level of dark or light, meaning i can use none. With that being said, I advise choosing one side and sticking with it or else your character will be severely limited for a while when you get to level cap. ( If I had the relics for light 5 i would have 800 more hp and of course whichever bonus the relic does when used)


On a side note:


If you want to play through the story as a neutral player, you could pick up diplomacy to keep you alignment on one side. I dropped one of my crew skills about 4 hours ago and picked up diplomacy. Already gained 1400 ls points. Once i get my light side maxed out i will probably drop diplomacy and get my other one back to 400 (really doesnt take long to max out a crew skill)

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As a BH on the side of the Empire, my natural tendency has been to work within the system, but taking LS 95% of the time in choices. All along the way, I find "good" as well as "evil" Empire NPCs. It just strikes me that the "Empire" is not evil, only the current ruling class is.


So I feel like Shindler, a good German in a country run by evil. I don't feel my country is evil, just those running it are.

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Like others in this thread, I moved from pure Dark to more Light after the Mandalorian part of the storyline.

Had started out viewing my character as soulless person, intent only on furthering her financial station in life, and then the events made me change her outlook, abandoning the "end justifies the means" etc., and acquire a moral code.

Kudos to Bioware for the great stories and dialog, that truly convey emotion in my eyes.


(I must also say that, for me too, Mako helped bring about that change)

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I don't get all this pandering to keep Mako happy. If someone hires me to kill a target but the choices end up being either LS: Let them go and DS: Kill them, I'm going to blast away without any hesitation as that was what I was hired to do and to betray my client would be a stain on my (personal) honour.


Never let emotions get in the way of credits.

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Can't remember the name of the planet, its around level 32, but its the one where the royalty people are and they all talk to you like you are something on the bottom of their shoe.


The on i liked the most was where he said io wasn't good enough to talk to him, so i had the option of punching him in the teeth, or doing a light sided option of grovelling... needless to say i smacked him in the teeth. He didn't like that so ordered 4 of his lackies to take me out... silly, after that he said i should prostrate myself and beg for forgivness or something along them lines. And once again i had 2 fawning options or smack the crap out of him.


Well i can tell you i enjoyed it emmensely when my character laid in to the stuck up little pr*ck, and yes they were both dark side options, but being a bounty hunter and living on my terms, i don't take crap from no one, not even a self important dandy who thinks hes better than anyone else. Most enjoyable.

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What it really comes down to is, as are most things in RPG's, personal choice.


I initially chose light because I am playing with my wife (Imperial Agent), and she didn't want to do the dark side thing. I figured that it would be easier to have mutually aligned characters. As I've progressed through the light side it really comes down to a personal sense of honor for me. A lot of the times the light side choices align with what I consider to be honorable. I still try to be a professional and expect to be paid for my troubles, but sometimes it isn't about the credits.


I'm doing dark side on a couple alts (Sith Warrior: Marauder and Imperial Agent: Sniper), and I haven't actually liked the outcome of some of the dark side choices verses what I've experienced with the light side.


So, generally, I think I prefer the light side. At the same time I'm still a bad dude, and you really don't want to cross me.

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In retrospect, only background Bounty Hunters like Jango were written to be one-dimensionally evil.


The fun ones were conflicted, and having a light-bending Cortana, er... Mako so early in the story gives most of us a great excuse to ride that rollercoaster.


Playing the juggernaut with a soft spot gives an excuse to negotiate deals with marks. Playing it cold would be missing out on some of the best parts of the story, unless you are just playing the psychopath and maximizing the suffering of others.

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I started off talking down to everyone, and killing people because I thought that's what a bad*** bounty hunter was supposed to do. After a while Mako began to force me to rethink my position. I'm still darkside, and still like to kill things, but sometimes I make better decisions.
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