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Bioware, Thanks for putting 50's in my Warzone


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10k hit points against 15k+ hit points and damage... you can easily get hit for 2-3K a pop from 50s while dealing 500ish damage back.


Scaling formula is broken. You have ZERO chance to take on 50 unless you are also 50.


Untrue. Before the influx of expertise gear (as more and more people got it), I had very little trouble being an integral part of winning PvP matches. Remember that the key to winning doesn't lie in the ability to go toe-to-toe with someone and beat them. That's what duels are for. Warzones have objectives. If one team is well coordinated and the other isn't, the one that isn't is going to lose the match.


Damage numbers and the rest are NOT the end-all, be-all of Warzone effectiveness. Quick thinking and one clever move can mean the difference between a win and a loss.

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10k hit points against 15k+ hit points and damage... you can easily get hit for 2-3K a pop from 50s while dealing 500ish damage back.


Scaling formula is broken. You have ZERO chance to take on 50 unless you are also 50.




My Sin is critting for 3k at 18 atm...


And beating plenty of the power levelers to boot.


Sure a well geared 50 BH (or similar) will melt me - but I just avoid them.. it really isn't hard ^^


Plus a level 10's CC works just fine, and well used CC can swing any WZ no matter the level of the participants.

Edited by Belegathon
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If one team is well coordinated and the other isn't, the one that isn't is going to lose the match.


Unless they have more level 50s, can roll over you 3:1 odds and no amount of coordination would help you.


You have a huge problem when 3 low-mid levels can't take out lone level 50 guarding cannon control point. At that point enemy team has technical numeric advantage.

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Unless they have more level 50s, can roll over you 3:1 odds and no amount of coordination would help you.


You have a huge problem when 3 low-mid levels can't take out lone level 50 guarding cannon control point. At that point enemy team has technical numeric advantage.


Sure. And I would agree with you 100 percent if I hadn't actually DONE it on a pre-30 character (with most on my team being level 20-36 with ONE 50 in there on occasion) on numerous occasions.


In fact, my partner in crime and I (Him playing a Tank-spec Vanguard and me playing a combat medic) were able to hold a point against 3 level 50 characters that possibly had expertise gear (at least one of them did) for well over a minute.


We were level 16 at the time. Your mileage is going to vary depending on your skill.

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I've read this time and time again and have argued time and time again...it's not level 50 that is the problem. Bolster does a -perfect- job of balancing everything out when it comes to levels. With the introduction of EXPERTISE, Bioware has single-handedly ruined PvP for -any- bracket other than 50s.


Let's back track a little: What exactly is EXPERTISE? It's a stat that is put on level 50 gear that provides the holder of the stat with up to a 20% boost in damage output. Anyone attacking this level 50 in EXPERTISE is also doing 20% LESS damage to them. So altogether you're looking at a 40% disadvantage against a level 50 player because you don't have access to the stat yet.


THIS IS WHY PvP is broken until 50s are bracketed off into their own games. They've enjoyed easymode grinding and lowbie smashing for far too long now and I will be vindicated the day they start waging war on the forums with their crying and complaining because they can't "pwn noobs" anymore.


If it were up to me, I'd do away with the stat altogether because at level 50, when everyone has it, it just puts everybody on the same, equal footing again...making it pointless to even have.


Now, with all that said, if you're getting thrashed by a 50 it's mostly because of this stat, EXPERTISE. But I can tell you right now that SKILL has a lot to do with it as well. Time and time again my partner in crime and I have beaten premade teams.


If you want easy victories spoonfed to you because you suck at PvP, get to 50 real fast and take advantage with the rest of them. Because very, very soon, that advantage will be gone and all those 50s are going to learn real fast they aren't as "awesomesauce" or "l33t" as they think they are when they're faced up against other 50s.

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Haven't you heard?


L13 ops/scoundrels two shot level 50's with backstab.




No. Just no. For starters, you can't two-shot anyone. It's impossible mathematically. So not sure how you pulled it off. Second, if you hit a 50 in decked out expertise gear, you'd barely scratch him. Third, you apparently have never tried to pick a fight with a Guarded target. (Might wanna look up what Guard does).


Nice try, but no. You're a liar.

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Let me get this straight, and level 10 can't go in a Warzone because you don't want them too?


Here is a better one,


I don't want low levels to have fun playing the game they payed for, my sub is more important than theirs.


I got another one,


I care so much about PvP, I will troll anyone that isn't a level 50 with champ gear.


Oh I am geting good,


Everyone is a noob, and I am the Golden Child..


Yep sounds like things you would say.




Mine wasn't directed at anyone in particular...


But here is the real debate that you can't argue about 50s being in the same warzone.


PVP is competition, not preparing for competition lets everyone else down on your team. You fail to pull your weight. You cost your team a win. You FAILED.


Re-read that, pvp is competition. We are competing for damage, healing, medals, winning, defense, etc. The whole purpose is to take your opposition down. How can you do that with no gear and being level 13, knowing very well, you will be running against people who are level 50 and fully geared.


I don't blame you, it is the society that gave you this grandeur notion of existence is accomplishment. I am glad I never lived in this era where it is acceptable to give trophies to everyone who participates because it is the spirit that really matters.


Take your socialism and shove it. I work hard to be on top and I expect to reap the benefits for my efforts.

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Take your socialism and shove it. I work hard to be on top and I expect to reap the benefits for my efforts.


You do, it's called being 50 and having a advantage on anyone not level 50.


Take your elitist attitude and shove it.

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You do, it's called being 50 and having a advantage on anyone not level 50.


Take your elitist attitude and shove it.


Level 50 takes time and effort. Why shouldn't I enjoy the benefits of my efforts.


Let me ask you this though...


Do you use heal stims? The pvp ones, the reusable ones, the purchased stims? Do you use trinkets? Do you use stim buffs, both the ones that last for 15 seconds (pvp and crafted) and the ones that last for 60m?


You don't? Then why do you expect to do well in pvp against people who do?


I honestly don't know what they teach in schools these days, but the people who take advantage of every opportunity given to them are the ones that actually make something of themselves, both in real life and video games.


Again, take your everybody gets a trophy mentality and shove it!

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Level 50 takes time and effort. Why shouldn't I enjoy the benefits of my efforts.


Let me ask you this though...


Do you use heal stims? The pvp ones, the reusable ones, the purchased stims? Do you use trinkets? Do you use stim buffs, both the ones that last for 15 seconds (pvp and crafted) and the ones that last for 60m?


You don't? Then why do you expect to do well in pvp against people who do?


I honestly don't know what they teach in schools these days, but the people who take advantage of every opportunity given to them are the ones that actually make something of themselves, both in real life and video games.


Again, take your everybody gets a trophy mentality and shove it!


And again nobody cares about the ways you would like things to run on your shift.


And again you can take this self titlement BS back to wherever you came from.


I am level 50 with full champ, and could care less what other people are doing.


I don't need to strut around and think I am some big bad mfker, I am just a gamer having


fun with the game I payed for.


So once again take your elitist attitude and shove it, nobody cares what you want.

Edited by Caeliux
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Other way around...


Why is this noob level 13 in my pvp warzone? Thanks for not leveling up jerk, you cost us the game...


Same point, just a different point of view...


This is soo true. If the team has to many players bellow lvl 20 I'll just leave and requeue.

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This is soo true. If the team has to many players bellow lvl 20 I'll just leave and requeue.


Which is a terrible representation. At level 12, I was topping the scoreboard and more of a value to the team than people three times my level. Thanks to the bolster system, lowbies can be an asset too. But -skill- plays a huge part in that. If you suck at PvP, don't run around complaining and making up excuses to forum-rage over when, the root of the problem, lies in how good you are to begin with.

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And again nobody cares about the ways you would like things to run on your shift.


And again you can take this self titlement BS back to wherever you came from.


I am level 50 with full champ, and could care less what other people are doing.


I don't need to strut around and think I am some big bad mfker, I am just a gamer having


fun with the game I payed for.


So once again take your elitist attitude and shove it, nobody cares what you want.


Why should we care about you then ?

I both understand elitists and casuals, so this debate doesnt go anywhere.


Take your blahlblah and shove it.

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They are implementing a patch within the next week or two that will make 50's only play 50's

(had to wait for enough 50's and all you know?),

fix a lot of the broken issues in PvP, give rewards for OWPvP, a PvP filter, and a new same faction vs same faction warzone, among many other things...


/close thread

Edited by DarthChagras
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Why is it that I feel like spending any time on these forums daily (even if it is just for a few minutes) feels like I'm Bill Murray in Groundhog Day? This is turning into, almost verbatim, the same damn conversation about Expertise that seems to get its own thread at least a hundred times a day.


I'm going to say this up front: This is not a dig against anyone who PvPed, played great matches, and earned that Expertise. Congratulations to each and every one of you for games well-played. Do not take this as an insult.


This is why Expertise is, as objectively as I can state it, a wholly terrible game mechanic and it's quite simple. Bolster gives us all the opportunity to compete with one another on a pretty level playing field. If you disagree, I'm not going into it AGAIN. You're just not that good. Get with your PvP community and learn some tricks of the trade. If you ask, most people are more than happy to give you pointers. Even on the opposing side.


I am really hoping that I assume correctly by stating that the majority of us who PvP do it because we enjoy competing. We like the excitement of playing a good match EVEN IF WE LOSE. I like to think that if we're outmatched in these games because the other team is just more skilled, it gives us that drive to change our game up and become better at what we're doing. Overall...we crave that competitive spirit.


With all of that said, this is what it is: Expertise takes the competition right out of PvP, undermines the Bolster system that allows us all to match our SKILLS against each other, and is all-in-all the antithesis to the way that the PvP system works otherwise. This isn't merely my opinion. These are facts no matter how you spin earning rewards for games well-played and the time it took anyone to get Expertise. It was a bad idea to begin with.


Since it's out there now, they can't just get rid of it. So what are they doing to fix what I'm guessing they realize now was a terrible idea? Bracketing off the 50's.


I'll end this on a question: What good is Expertise gear now other than looking really damn cool?


(edited for redundancy)

Edited by Slappywag
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And again nobody cares about the ways you would like things to run on your shift.


And again you can take this self titlement BS back to wherever you came from.


I am level 50 with full champ, and could care less what other people are doing.


I don't need to strut around and think I am some big bad mfker, I am just a gamer having


fun with the game I payed for.


So once again take your elitist attitude and shove it, nobody cares what you want.


To each his own... unfortunately you do not have an argument against competition. I accept your mental surrender.

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I'll end this on a question: What good is Expertise gear now other than looking really damn cool?


Warcraft has resilience, SWTOR has expertise.


I am sure in the end it will be a level 50 and so on thing.


Guess we will see.

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To each his own... unfortunately you do not have an argument against competition. I accept your mental surrender.


I like to win as much as you do, but I know the limits of not treating people like garbage, or having a good time like other people should do.


It's a adult thing to do, my question is do you act like this in real life also?


Do you strut around in a grocery store saying stuff like,


"I am a elite shopper!, you guys are a bunch of noobs compared to me!"


"Don't ever enter this store when I am here, you can't fathom the greatness in this place I stand"


Did you say I lost on a mental surrender?


Nah, I just speak the truth on how people like you throw this self absorbed way of playing a video game around, and it spreads like a nasty plague, and it poisons the general chat, and it makes me sick.



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