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Roations are so boring for Mercs...


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Just seems like I spam Tracer Missile 5 times, Rail Shot, then pop in Unload every now and then with a Rapid Shot, then Tracer Missile AGAIN to keep heat signatures up. Was holding out in hopes that it got better, but almost 25 levels in, it's already boring (and I only get Tracer Missile at lvl 20). Does it get any better later on, or should I just do myself a favor and start over?


Wish I didn't re-roll from a Powertech. Seemed much more fun the little I played as one (to 21). Before anyone asks, I re-rolled to a different server because of friends and old guildies.

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Healing isn't very boring, but if youre leveling in my opinion its better to go DPS. I don't really understand how much more of a rotation you want, and some of the skills you get are situational. Its a fun class overall, especially the burst damage but why not try other classes and see what you enjoy the most.
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Healing isn't very boring, but if youre leveling in my opinion its better to go DPS. I don't really understand how much more of a rotation you want, and some of the skills you get are situational. Its a fun class overall, especially the burst damage but why not try other classes and see what you enjoy the most.


Tracer Missile Spam really isn't much of a rotation. That's my problem. Once I got 5 heat Signatures up, my main goal is to just make sure they stay up, which means using more Tracer Missiles. It just seems like it would be better if ALL missile attacks caused a Heat Signature, but make it a talent you can only get through the Arsenal tree. At least then there would be a little more variety.

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Tracer Missile Spam really isn't much of a rotation. That's my problem. Once I got 5 heat Signatures up, my main goal is to just make sure they stay up, which means using more Tracer Missiles. It just seems like it would be better if ALL missile attacks caused a Heat Signature, but make it a talent you can only get through the Arsenal tree. At least then there would be a little more variety.


Unload when it has the proc, and then just heat management and utilizing other abilities in situations. I understand how you feel though, I used to play a mage in WoW and played Arcane needless to say I hope you understand the relevance.

Edited by Homicidal_Maniac
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my pve rotation is as follows: fusion missile > tracer missile x3 > heat seeker missiles > tracer x2 > rail shot > unload (on proc). sometimes i like to shoot an explosive dart first followed by fusion missile and sometimes i just lay waste to mobs with death from above. other times i need to cc something with concussion missile and then i do the above rotation but sans aoe. it can be fun if you are situational. pvp gets different as well, i have an aoe rotation that doesnt involve tracer, unload, or rail Edited by Cegenaus
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And for this we needed a second blaster right?


hahahaha honestly, it feels like they had this class all mapped out with skills and abilities and then somone higher up said "but we need two blasters! Jango Fett has two blasters!" and they just slapped another blaster on there...


but yeah, the rotations do get really really boring. The dualwielding smuggler class is much more fun (and visually appealing) than this one :/

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I think its more of a priority rotation than a rotation rotation. When you get higher you will have barrage procs and heatseeker missiles.



1. Are you heat constrained, such as being between 20-50 heat bracket? If YES, Rapid Shots. If at 50+ Heat, Vent Heat. If NO, go to 2.

2. Is Tracer Lock at 5x stack? If YES, use Rail Shot.If NO, or if YES but Rail Shot on CD, go to 3.

3. Is your stack of tracers at 5x? If YES, use Heatseeker Missiles.If NO, Tracer Missile. If stacks of tracers are at 5x and Heatseeker Missiles on CD, go to 4.

4. Has Barrage proc'd off of a Tracer Missile? If YES, Unload, if NO, Tracer Missile.If on CD, go to 5.

5. Is Rail Shot on CD? Is Heatseeker Missiles on CD? Is Unload on CD, or Barrage not proc'd? If YES to all three, Tracer Missile.


quoted from Gwar at "sithwarrior.com"

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I think its more of a priority rotation than a rotation rotation. When you get higher you will have barrage procs and heatseeker missiles.



this rotation is good, but personally i use unload whenever it is up, no matter the stacks, because after opening with it any time it is up it is at +25% damage from the proc! I find it to be heat neutral as well, by the time it is done casting the net heat affect is pretty close to zero.



but other than my "use unload if it is up" rule this logic closely matches mine.


and to burst i tend to do tracer/heat seaker/unload in fast succession, as heat seaker is insta cast the two missles hit around the same time as the first shot of unload if you are at range.

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"...but yeah, the rotations do get really really boring. The dualwielding smuggler class is much more fun (and visually appealing) than this one :/


...But that's not the mirror class. The Gunslinger is = to the IA Sniper. Which has quite a lot of options when it comes to a rotation when they get leveled. The IA is almost overwhelming with options.


I love the BH rotation, and I'm not even at the top of the Arsenal tree yet! It's fairly simple, and considering you might be on emergency heal duty even when DPSing simple is good.


In the Flashpoints up through the 30s I found myself healing and DPSing simultaneously. It was a ton of fun, and since my DPS rotations are not that complex I felt pretty comfortable swapping back and forth mid boss-fight.

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The rotation feels boring until level 40 when you get heat seeking missiles, then you get to add something more into the rotatation/priority order. The talent that stacks 2 heat signatures per tracer missiles also helps reduce the initial 5x spam at the start.


I started doing tracer x 2 (for 4 stacks of heat signature instead of 5), then heat seeking missles, another tracer (for 5 stacks), unload, 2 more tracers (now 5 stacks of tracer lock), then rail shot. It breaks up tracer spam a bit at the start.

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I do this to manage heat. Whenever Tracer resets Unload I use it.



Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Heat Seeker

Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot



No point in spamming Tracer 5 times, as your heat level will be too high.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'm gonna stick with it and hope that I enjoy it as I lvl up. I still hope BioWare mess around with the Arsenal tree a little to add some more variety to the mix with a patch, but for the time being I will hold out until I get Heat Seekers :p
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I do this to manage heat. Whenever Tracer resets Unload I use it.



Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Heat Seeker

Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot


Rapid Shot



No point in spamming Tracer 5 times, as your heat level will be too high.


this is my "cooldown" rotation i guess you can say, i dont use rapid shot until 75% heat and have already vented, stack as much dps up front as possible both pve and pvp and then use a cooldown rotation for mid fight, burst again at end fight. that is how I roll :)

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this is my "cooldown" rotation i guess you can say, i dont use rapid shot until 75% heat and have already vented, stack as much dps up front as possible both pve and pvp and then use a cooldown rotation for mid fight, burst again at end fight. that is how I roll :)


In long fights, thats the worst thing you can do.

A well played merc is not boring, but many many people dont know how to do so.

Look at your spells and how much damage they do and how much heat they cause. You will come to the conclusion that unload is very very good, then come railshot, heatseaker and tracer missile. Also, you should be aware of the fact that above 40 heat your "regeneration" drops dramatically - so DONT DO IT without vent heat ready.


So what we want is:

- stay under 40 heat

- use unload as often as possible (it adds heat instantly, so dont begin to cast it over 24 heat)

- use railshot as often as possible (you dont need to have 5 stacks, its better to cast it more often than to wait too long, use it with <= 32 heat)

- use heatseaker missile as often as possible (but you should have at least 4 heat signatures, use it with <= 24 heat)

- use tracer missile as a filler as long as you dont have too much heat (start to cast it with <= 30 heat cause you vent 7,5 heat while casting)

- the rest of the time (with good gear not that often) rapid shots


I recommend to start with at least two tracer missiles and then play as I said above. Remember your cooldowns:

- Stack much heat for using vent heat

- use your "one-ability-for-free" cooldown with the following combo: activate it, cast fusion missile as your biggest nuke and INSTANTLY unload or heatseaker missile - BOTH will be for free.

Edited by Enurian
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Its all in the eye of the beholder.



-Some people like playing the piano with their keyboard


-Some people like Straight Forward rotations


-Some people like to press one of two buttons and be able to meltface.




*All three types of players pay-to-play



*No ones $14.99 is more important then the next (though some people think theirs are)


*Whats boring to some is fun to others




The term "Skill" is relative. (PvP or PvE )



~Group A- thinks pressing 50 keys per target in a random/situationial order = Skill


~Group B- thinks taking the time to number crunch and min/max gear and consumables in order to find the "One spec/rotation/spammable skill" that works 100% of the time regardless of the situation = skill


~Group C- thinks skill is a term for Elitist, and feel playing what you like, regardless of synergy and usefulness, is how things should work. (This group usually makes up the majority of a MMOs' population.)




These three groups hate each other and their feud is like cancer to a MMO. Thus MMOs thought to be full of potential, die out a year or two after launch (if that long). Next big game comes out and the cycle repeats.



*Group A and C usually request Nerfs/buffs


*Group B are usually the Trolls of a MMO. Most move from class to class depending on recent buffs/nerfs in order to find the next best thing. Which causes Group A and C to request more nerf/buffs.




Its an endless cycle moving from one game to the next and there is no real solution for it.




TLDR: If you don't like a certain class or spec just reroll until you find something that fits your needs. Post like this start the snow ball effect that destroys games!


Happy Gaming!

Edited by Wolfeborn
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If you think our rotation is bad you should see the 2 or 3 classes that can get away with 1 or 2 button macros on special keyboard/mice its hilarious when their rotations are purely resource gain/spend based instead of proc based.


Our rotation gets much better once you get to the Unload procs and the Heatseeker Missiles. It turns into heat management then and as your gear gets better you're able to use more specials and less auto attacks.

Edited by Lightmgl
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I've only just got the unload proc talent (barrage?) which has made things more interesting, but from getting tracer missile to now it has been pretty boring. Rail shot doesn't seem to hit as hard as tracer missile and it invokes the 1.5 sec GCD so it seems useless except for finishing off targets to save the 1.5 seconds. You can at least move when you use rail shot. Does rail shot hit harder when you get decent gear? Also Power shot just seems completely useless...do you need to stack a stat for it to become powerful?
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