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Does Rage marauder equals anni marauderin 1v1?


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i ask cause i love to do Open world PvP, but i see the aoe damage from rage at

warzones and the utility it has. Carnage is more my playstile but is too "not bursty" in comparison to rage. Anni has his appeal, due to the nature of the damage (nice against heavy armor) + interrupt against healers...

is there a known open world dominant tree?


thanx in advance

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i ask cause i love to do Open world PvP, but i see the aoe damage from rage at

warzones and the utility it has. Carnage is more my playstile but is too "not bursty" in comparison to rage. Anni has his appeal, due to the nature of the damage (nice against heavy armor) + interrupt against healers...

is there a known open world dominant tree?


thanx in advance


I don't know how you consider Carnage to not be bursty, it's the most burst damage of the 3. Gore+Massacre can kill a lot faster than Anni and Rage.


I'm not aware of an open world dominant spec. Anni is nice for it's bleeds and self healing, Rage is great for it's crit heavy Smashes and utility.

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Rage is by far the best pvp spec i have ever seen or used, i always top wzs, anni and carnage dont hold a candle to it, within the first 3 seconds of attack a target you do atleast 6k damage most tarets die by 10 seconds. I have never seen a anni or carnage get even close to matching a rage of the same gear and skill Edited by MrPilkington
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I haven't tried Rage yet, but as an Annihilation spec, I've had quite a bit of experience with open world PvP. I've been able to survive and win several (stacking Deadly Sabers and weaving in between both opponents, mostly) 1 on 2 situations against Smugglers/Sages/Gunslingers/Sentinels/Guardians of equal level, but keep in mind that I'm on Jung Ma, and I doubt these opponents had a lot of experience with Warzones. Troopers are tricky.


Charge + Crippling Slash is ridiculously useful for escaping larger gank squads, too. Charge to the guy that's furthest away, cripple him, and run the hell away.


That said, the only issue I seem to have in Open World are Shadows/Assassins. It's hard to hit what you can't target.

Edited by memoriesofprey
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Rage is by far the best pvp spec i have ever seen or used, i always top wzs, anni and carnage dont hold a candle to it, within the first 3 seconds of attack a target you do atleast 6k damage most tarets die by 10 seconds. I have never seen a anni or carnage get even close to matching a rage of the same gear and skill


I PvP as Carnage and i Don't put up damage numbers as high as rage because I am not constantly critting Smash on multiple targets.


I don't, however, have any problem with Rage Marauders 1v1.

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I PvP as Carnage and i Don't put up damage numbers as high as rage because I am not constantly critting Smash on multiple targets.


I don't, however, have any problem with Rage Marauders 1v1.


I am an annihilation Mara. I've played both rage and annihilation quite a bit. Annihilation is just more fun for me. More going on.


With rage I can run around doing smashes and get 300-400k matches but I don't have as much fun.


My highest game as annihilation was 320k and that's not common. You'll get bigger numbers as rage. But when I fight a rage jugg or Mara I chew them apart they are to one dimensional IMO.


I don't feel rage is a very good small scale combat form, it tends to shine the larger the skirmish.


This is my opinion others will feel the xact opposite. But in the end all will perform.

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I am mainly an Annihilation Marauder, but I recently switched to Rage for PvP and I've got to say, it is so powerful compared to Annihilation. I'm having a far easier time killing people and I even fought an Annihilation Marauder a few days ago one vs one in a Huttball game when he jumped me....Didn't even break a sweat. :D
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Rage is equivalent to FoK spam rogue (when FoK spam was op as shiz and silenced everyone). Sure you can do big crits and when you are in a group of ppl it will hurt but 1v1 I have never lost to a Rage marauder as anihil. The reason being that I can vanish smash and take no damage and then I have 12 sec to destroy him without fear of death.
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Anhil and I regularly outperform rage mara's on my server. Also 1v1 i think an annhil mara can take anything. Also 3500+ crits on annhil + up to 2k crits on deadly saber, im pretty sure anhils burst is just as good as rage, just on a lower cd and more consistent. Also 80% pred run speed is the single best talent in our entire talent tree for warzones. PERIOD. Edited by harrisonxxi
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Anhil and I regularly outperform rage mara's on my server. Also 1v1 i think an annhil mara can take anything. Also 3500+ crits on annhil + up to 2k crits on deadly saber, im pretty sure anhils burst is just as good as rage, just on a lower cd and more consistent. Also 80% pred run speed is the single best talent in our entire talent tree for warzones. PERIOD.


Naw Subjugation is the best, Distrubtion on a six second cooldown means healers literally cant get a cast off. Pred is a close second though.

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I don't know how you consider Carnage to not be bursty, it's the most burst damage of the 3. Gore+Massacre can kill a lot faster than Anni and Rage.


I'm not aware of an open world dominant spec. Anni is nice for it's bleeds and self healing, Rage is great for it's crit heavy Smashes and utility.


Carnage is likely the least bursty of the three specs.


On Rage I charge someone, crush(total dmg =3k-3.5k), smash(4k autocrit), scream(3-3.3k) and most players are running for their lives. Then you still have obliterate and choke to setup another 4k smash autocrit, not to mention the dmg the other two abilities do on their own. I haven't broken the 5k barrier yet, but smash has crit for 4850, and thats aoe. Carnage simply cannot compete.


Annihilation can get close on single targets, annihilation will crit for almost 4k, but its all single target.


If you focus on the bonuses that rage gives then you will see it has the highest dps potential by far.

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