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Space Combat in The Old Republic (continued from pre launch)


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Undoubtedly they will, which is why I suggest moving the rails onto something that suits being on rails, podracing, for example, and let space be, well, spacious. The only time someone should have their movement restricted in space combat is when their ship is physically inside something, a la the Death Star.


Irony and contradiction, thy name is Bioware.

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Undoubtedly they will, which is why I suggest moving the rails onto something that suits being on rails, podracing, for example, and let space be, well, spacious. The only time someone should have their movement restricted in space combat is when their ship is physically inside something, a la the Death Star.


That's the strange thing, they could have made an excellent pod-racing type game like this, and no one would have complained about it (ok someone would, but there'd not have been a huge back lash).


In fact with a walled type circuit it wouldn't have needed to be on rails anyway.


Then maybe they could have done space combat as an expansion as SWG did.





In the context of space game, whilst a Death Star type attack (thinking JotJ type internal attack more than the basic SW-ANH type trench attack), would have worked better on rails..... although still the best internal space combat games have still been off the rails, just surrounded by walls.

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I never get why being positive is met with such venom. Yes I got the name of the game wrong (it's literally been decades since I played them), and I deeply apologise your majesty for making such a grievous error, but all I see from you is whining without any constructive feedback.


Then you have NOT been reading the threads from before launch or even the ones after launch and instead have assumed much in making your comments here. That is not the sign of an intelligent person. It is also not very smart to insult people on a forum and then try to cry foul when they smack you back into line.


Rail shooters (Star Fox, Rebel Assualt etc) have always been a fun choice of game for me, I like them, and remember that the space combat is not the main focus of SWTOR, it's a side distraction to do while waiting for other stuff (like PvP queues).


You have mixed an opinion with factual information here and that is what is confusing you. I have no issue that you like the tunnel really. It is your right as a person to like whatever you like. It however is not your right to belittle others with valid points and present information that is just plain wrong. Like, for example, the fact you CAN'T accept a PvP queue while riding the tunnels so using it to "kill time" would be a dumb idea. Also can't look for a group or accept a group invite while in those tunnels either.


I hope in the future it gets expanded on, with more missions, and a raid encounter or 2, along with a PvP arena, but for the PvP aspect to work, it would need to be off the rails, as you cannot rail shooter against other players, without some very clever scripting, and that wouldn't be any fun imho.


You see the weakness for PvP which is great but still don't see how it would be nearly if not completely impossible to raid in a tunnel? Even if they just made it so the other 7 people are using turrets on the ship... how amazingly boring would that be? Besides, this is just supposed to be a side distraction according to you so why would they ever expand it or allow raiding?


TL;DR: The space combat has a lot of potential and works well as a short distraction right now, it's fun, and good for short bursts of pew pew, however in the future I hope it gets a bit more care and attention. Guaranteed when it gets pulled off the rails, the people who want it on the rails will be just as vocal. I don't care how it works, as long as it stays fun.


Heck it's a video game, stop complaining and just play it, it's fun when you stop over analysing everything.


The main difference is that those that want full control space flight are not asking to remove the rail shooter from the game. So since the rails would still be there and as "fun" as ever pro-rail people would have no reason to complain.


We have been discussing this topic for quite some time now friend so it does not serve you well to assume we are just "complaining". We've made suggestions and requests for over a year and a half and have had not ONE reply to our concerns even though this has been one of (if not THE) hottest topics on the forums for over a year.


I will assume you just did not know better and did not research the topic you are trying to pretend you know a lot about at this time as the only other explanation is that you are purposely being obtuse to get a rise out of us.

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It is also not very smart to insult people on a forum and then try to cry foul when they smack you back into line.


I'm sorry but who the hell do you think you are?


I read your points, and I have not made any secret of me being new to the game. I started playing 2 weeks ago, but you cannot expect developers to come here and respond to you directly.


You have the dev blogs which have mentioned they are working on the space combat, but you come across as the kind of person that would accept nothing less than a personally written letter addressed to you explaining everything in detail.


Your attitude is vile, and I can only assume it is through months of jaded expectations, but you need to curb your words towards others, as all you come across as is an elitist snappy brat.

Edited by Vahzl
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We've made suggestions and requests for over a year and a half and have had not ONE reply to our concerns even though this has been one of (if not THE) hottest topics on the forums for over a year.


this chain of events very much suggests expansion...

and since when do companies announce this kind of thing far in advance?

Edited by smilefunk
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I'm sorry but who the hell do you think you are?


I'm just another forum poster. One that has been posting in this thread, and the threads before it for about a year and a half. So when you insult the posters in this thread with blanket statements you are insulting me as well.


I do not suffer fools.


I'm sorry if you've been offended by me revealing all your factual errors and the lack of politeness you presented but frankly I refuse to dance around people like you anymore on the forums or in real life. Suck it up. Typing insults comes with consequences, please try to accept yours with dignity.

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I'm sorry but who the hell do you think you are?


I read your points, and I have not made any secret of me being new to the game. I started playing 2 weeks ago, but you cannot expect developers to come here and respond to you directly.


You have the dev blogs which have mentioned they are working on the space combat, but you come across as the kind of person that would accept nothing less than a personally written letter addressed to you explaining everything in detail.


Your attitude is vile, and I can only assume it is through months of jaded expectations, but you need to curb your words towards others, as all you come across as is an elitist snappy brat.


Sorry, did not see you edit your post so I'll respond to it in full now.


First off, I can expect devs to respond directly as they were and still are.... to other topics. They've ignored the questions put forth on the "ask a question" threads and instead have decided things like Same Gender Romance flirts require their personal attention...


My attitude is quite cordial actually. Trust me in saying if this conversation was face to face I would be smoking a cigarette while drinking my coffee and smirking when you called me whiner. The smirk however is starting to come off at this point. Try avoiding attacking me or others in this thread and just make your points from now on.

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I'm sorry but who the hell do you think you are?


I read your points, and I have not made any secret of me being new to the game. I started playing 2 weeks ago, but you cannot expect developers to come here and respond to you directly.


Why not? They do so in other threads. Check the dev tracker if you don't believe me.


You have the dev blogs which have mentioned they are working on the space combat, but you come across as the kind of person that would accept nothing less than a personally written letter addressed to you explaining everything in detail.


It is not a wise move to make such assumptions about someone you don't really know.


Your attitude is vile, and I can only assume it is through months of jaded expectations, but you need to curb your words towards others, as all you come across as is an elitist snappy brat.


An old proverb says: Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

Edited by Tarka
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I'm sorry but who the hell do you think you are?


I read your points, and I have not made any secret of me being new to the game. I started playing 2 weeks ago, but you cannot expect developers to come here and respond to you directly.


You have the dev blogs which have mentioned they are working on the space combat, but you come across as the kind of person that would accept nothing less than a personally written letter addressed to you explaining everything in detail.


Your attitude is vile, and I can only assume it is through months of jaded expectations, but you need to curb your words towards others, as all you come across as is an elitist snappy brat.


Hey, you're the on that started it. Being here two weeks and calling people Waaaambulance whiners, or whatever it was. You really can't be offensive to people, then whine when they get *****y back at you.


And like Galius said, this is one of, if not the, hottest topics these boards have seen. There were something close to 50,000 posts on this subject before the game even had a release date. And not once has there been any kind of official reply from the devs telling us that we are being listened to, and our concerns noted.


Note: We are not asking for personalised letters from the devs telling us exactly what they are doing with space, but I, for one, and I'm sure I'm not alone, would like to know that we are not just being ignored, which is how it appears now.


For all the devs say 'We are working on space', they provide no information about what they are doing, so for all we know, we are still being ignored, and their current plans involve making the rails longer, and not addressing any of the problems with the tunnel shooter.

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Sorry, did not see you edit your post so I'll respond to it in full now.


First off, I can expect devs to respond directly as they were and still are.... to other topics. They've ignored the questions put forth on the "ask a question" threads and instead have decided things like Same Gender Romance flirts require their personal attention...


My attitude is quite cordial actually. Trust me in saying if this conversation was face to face I would be smoking a cigarette while drinking my coffee and smirking when you called me whiner. The smirk however is starting to come off at this point. Try avoiding attacking me or others in this thread and just make your points from now on.


The Devs have ignored this thread for a looooooong time now.

This is a pre-launch thread.

Forum Posts = 100's of thousands.

Dev responces = zero.

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Hey, you're the on that started it. Being here two weeks and calling people Waaaambulance whiners, or whatever it was. You really can't be offensive to people, then whine when they get *****y back at you.


And like Galius said, this is one of, if not the, hottest topics these boards have seen. There were something close to 50,000 posts on this subject before the game even had a release date. And not once has there been any kind of official reply from the devs telling us that we are being listened to, and our concerns noted.


Note: We are not asking for personalised letters from the devs telling us exactly what they are doing with space, but I, for one, and I'm sure I'm not alone, would like to know that we are not just being ignored, which is how it appears now.


For all the devs say 'We are working on space', they provide no information about what they are doing, so for all we know, we are still being ignored, and their current plans involve making the rails longer, and not addressing any of the problems with the tunnel shooter.


Maybe I come across as a little vile at points too, feedback is a very important asset in any game to keep it going smoothly, and I agree, there could be more information on what they are working on, however as a newer member to this community, I have turned up, and all I see is complaining on the forums, and yet ingame, I see nothing to reflect the complaints. I see people playing, and enjoying themselves. I see my guild playing at cap and loving it, I see my friends playing in the low ends and loving it too, and me working through the content and having a blast.




In my experience (and I wish I could go further into what that experience is, but firstly, I can't, and secondly it would just be met with "YEAH RIGHT LOLOLOLOL" so I won't bother for now, will see how things pan out though), forums are for people who just want to vent. They are great to allow a place for people to get out raw emotion (in which leads to feedback often) but they are not the constant chat channel for developers to spend their time waiting for questions to be answered.


They have answered your question about Space Combat, albeit in a vague and roundabout way, but as far as I can see, they are working on it, let them do that, and once they give us more information and show us more footage, we can then make our opinions.


Getting angry and demanding to know things doesn't bring things any sooner, it just gets you angry.


I apologise if I have been a little brash in this thread, but Galius really did manage to push my buttons. :mon_mad:

Edited by Vahzl
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I just wonder why they have this "we don't talk about space exploration/space combat" attitude. Why is this more special than other topics? What could be secret about plans to implement an up to date JTL/Battlefront2-like flight sim in an explorable universe?


License restrictions? Other developer involved, possibly outsourced? No clue how to do it? Severe technical problems because of Hero Engine? Revolutionary gamedesign, perhaps like a Dust514/EvE combination of space and ground battle?

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