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Will weather and night and day shifts for planets be added?


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Sorry.. I know that its being asked over and over again..Its just..Things like that make a game feel so much better in a sense..


Sorry to mention WoW, But I have so many memories of Roleplaying in a random location on WoW when suddenly it would darken and just downpour..It gives the game such a better feeling .

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Yeah. It will probably happen eventually. DDO started like this. I don't even think the clouds moved. Eventually we got day and night with nice little differences like sun position and moon(s) position and even weather patterns. It adds quite a bit to the game but I would bet they have bigger fish to fry for now.


On a side note, it would be cool to be the guy who codes the weather.


"Hey! What do you do for a living?"

"I'm a computer programmer. I write code."

"Oh yeah, what do you write?"

"The weather."

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It's not going to happen. It would have been added already if it were. Shadows are probably static maps to improve performance and a day/night cycle with a moving sun would make it more difficult.


Because major changes to games have never happened after release. :p


It'll happen at some point.

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It's not going to happen. It would have been added already if it were. Shadows are probably static maps to improve performance and a day/night cycle with a moving sun would make it more difficult.



WOW devs stated we would never get to use flying mounts in the classic areas but look how that turned out.....

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Few points. WoW, they didn't say never. They said they couldn't have flying mounts in the original world due to the way it was designed and coded. Data changed that because they re-did the old world.


And why wouldn't they add weather to this game? Weather has been added in finished games before.

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not sure what you mean, i've seen it thunderstorm (thunder that boomed through the city,lightning AND rain) in the Imp capital city. It also rains outside the city from time to time as well.


The thunderstorm was actually impressive enough there was a crowd of ppl just standing in the rain,watching the lightning , i know i spent probably a good 10 minutes just watching the storm myself.


Day and night cycles i'll grat would be nice but weather effects are in game now,just rare.

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