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Normally I wouldn't do this but...


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I honestly feel the need to. To be honest, I never really wanted to buy this game anyway...I purchased it simply so I could play with a friend (whom I haven't really gotten to play with, but that's another story entirely...). From the very beginning, I wasn't a massive fan of it.


There were a fair amount of things that I didn't like. I wasn't a huge fan of the "mirroring classes" idea; yeah it makes balancing easier, but it also limits them in what they can do with each class (while still making each class feel "right"). I felt it to be fairly (not the worst, but definitely not the best) buggy. I felt that the voice acting was going to get annoying very quickly. But most of all I didn't feel that it added a whole lot to the mmo formula beyond providing voice-acted story.


There were certain things that I appreciated off the bat. For instance, I really like the way they handle the quest rewards. I don't feel like I'm getting useless crap, and if I don't need the item, I can just take a commendation and go buy myself a new mod or something. Talking about mods leads me to the other thing I've really liked from the start: the "orange gear". Now I imagine some might say "Gemable gear was in WoW, so it's not like they did anything new...". Yes, gemable gear *was* in WoW...at the end game, but that didn't stop me from being a skittle-covered Warlock for 99% of the game (actually 100% because I never got past lvl 50 or so); In Swtor, I got my first piece of orange gear at lvl 15. While I really did like these things, I didn't see them as being enough to make me keep my sub and I probably would have canceled it before my free month was up. That just changed however.


While I've actually put a fair amount of hours into this game, it's been spread out through a lot of different characters, so I hadn't gotten any characters past the very beginning of Dromand Kaas until today. I decided to give my IA a go (who was only a mission or two into the planet). I wasn't enjoying it all too much until the last part. (spoils part of the IA story)

I just got back from cleaning some dirty dissidents from the Dark Temple, and everything was in havoc. Apparently, Imperial Intelligence got cocky, and assumed that was their only target. They were wrong, dead wrong. The dissidents blew up an Imperial Dreadnaut with a Sith Lord of the Dark Council and 3,000 loyal Imperial citizens. I was shocked by their bravado. I was shocked by the chaos.

I loved it. It was so well told. It got me excited, and I wanted revenge. In my fairly long history of playing mmo's (about 6 years), and across all the mmo's I've played for any period of length (approximately 5 of them), never have I been as "into" the story as I was in that moment.


I really wanted to share this story to show the "fanboys" who seem to think that anybody who dislikes something about this game is automatically a "wow kiddie" that there are people out there who both dislike things about this game and yet absolutely love it at the same time. I also wanted to share my little "holy ****, this game is killer" moment for those people who don't really feel this game has added that much to the "mmo formula". But most of all I wanted to share this because I haven't enjoyed a moment in gaming that much in a long time, and just felt the need to write about it.

Edited by fenwayb
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Glad you are having a good time. You may want to put some spaces in between those paragraphs, because folks will ignore your post and just give wall of text comments.




Hello, heres my friend Paragraphs. You two look like you could use eachother.

see what I mean

Edited by Baizak
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I am in the same boat as you. I passed on purchasing SWOTR, but my awesome wife bought it for me, for Christmas. Up to that exact same quest, dark temple, the entire game was, meh. The pvp was terrible (7 for 7 huttball, still haven't seen the other pvp scenarios) but I liked the crafting. So I crafted and struggled to keep interested. Then the aforementioned quest line hit, I love it. Then I went to Belmora and was sucked into the entire planet quest line. Currently, I am in a love-hate relationship, but I am going to keep plugging away until I either get fed up or become a fan-boi.
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I felt the exact same way when I got to that point on my IA. I got really into it and wasn't able to play on any other class because I was so intrigued in getting to the bottom of the story! And many parts later on really made me feel like I was that character, and that I was a real secret agent.

It felt like a massive rush of adrenaline and I absolutely love it.

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The funny thing is...I'm not actually a huge fan of my AC (Sniper). I'm literally just playing it for the story at this point...and if an MMO can make me play a class that I really don't like for something as supposedly trivial as the story, then they've definitely done something right.
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Good story. It's pretty typical in BioWare games to have "moments" like this. DA:O is the only videogame that's ever had a "moment" that made me shed a tear (like you would in a good film), but there have been tons of "wow moments" in all BW games.


I also agree that one can be a fan of the game and critical of it at the same time. It's by no means perfect, and it's never going to completely satisfy everybody all of the time, but it is a phenomenal achievement all the same.


I just hope they manage to a) iron out the major problems (i.e. combat responsiveness and high end rig fps) quickly, and b) add enough new endgame content at the 3 month mark for the game to actually start increasing subs (granted some inevitable dip at the month mark).

Edited by gurugeorge
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Ya, I'm not even gonna read your post after that. Usually comes off with a buncha QQ


Why even reply? Just for the Troll effect? And BTW, you couldn't be more wrong about the OPs statement. It seems a lot of people are experiencing the same thing, perhaps Bioware will take notice of this thread and do something.

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I honestly feel the need to. To be honest, I never really wanted to buy this game anyway...I purchased it simply so I could play with a friend (whom I haven't really gotten to play with, but that's another story entirely...). From the very beginning, I wasn't a massive fan of it.


There were a fair amount of things that I didn't like. I wasn't a huge fan of the "mirroring classes" idea; yeah it makes balancing easier, but it also limits them in what they can do with each class (while still making each class feel "right"). I felt it to be fairly (not the worst, but definitely not the best) buggy. I felt that the voice acting was going to get annoying very quickly. But most of all I didn't feel that it added a whole lot to the mmo formula beyond providing voice-acted story.


There were certain things that I appreciated off the bat. For instance, I really like the way they handle the quest rewards. I don't feel like I'm getting useless crap, and if I don't need the item, I can just take a commendation and go buy myself a new mod or something. Talking about mods leads me to the other thing I've really liked from the start: the "orange gear". Now I imagine some might say "Gemable gear was in WoW, so it's not like they did anything new...". Yes, gemable gear *was* in WoW...at the end game, but that didn't stop me from being a skittle-covered Warlock for 99% of the game (actually 100% because I never got past lvl 50 or so); In Swtor, I got my first piece of orange gear at lvl 15. While I really did like these things, I didn't see them as being enough to make me keep my sub and I probably would have canceled it before my free month was up. That just changed however.


While I've actually put a fair amount of hours into this game, it's been spread out through a lot of different characters, so I hadn't gotten any characters past the very beginning of Dromand Kaas until today. I decided to give my IA a go (who was only a mission or two into the planet). I wasn't enjoying it all too much until the last part. (spoils part of the IA story)

I just got back from cleaning some dirty dissidents from the Dark Temple, and everything was in havoc. Apparently, Imperial Intelligence got cocky, and assumed that was their only target. They were wrong, dead wrong. The dissidents blew up an Imperial Dreadnaut with a Sith Lord of the Dark Council and 3,000 loyal Imperial citizens. I was shocked by their bravado. I was shocked by the chaos.

I loved it. It was so well told. It got me excited, and I wanted revenge. In my fairly long history of playing mmo's (about 6 years), and across all the mmo's I've played for any period of length (approximately 5 of them), never have I been as "into" the story as I was in that moment.


I really wanted to share this story to show the "fanboys" who seem to think that anybody who dislikes something about this game is automatically a "wow kiddie" that there are people out there who both dislike things about this game and yet absolutely love it at the same time. I also wanted to share my little "holy ****, this game is killer" moment for those people who don't really feel this game has added that much to the "mmo formula". But most of all I wanted to share this because I haven't enjoyed a moment in gaming that much in a long time, and just felt the need to write about it.


Great post and thanks for the honesty.

You know, I think most people approach this game with the World of Warcraft mindset. I played wow for 4 years, and I told people this: The game really starts at 85. I told people this because it is true. WoW really STARTS at 85. What you do before then, all the questing and what not doesn't really have any affect on anything. I never read text for quests. I would turn off the scroll text for quests and just click accept. Go kill 30 vultures and collect 15 tiger pelts. That's all I cared about because I wanted to grind my way to 85.


SWtoR is not World of Warcraft. It doesn't start at 50. It starts at level 1. The story is important, unlike WoW to be honest. I love WoW and it's a great game, but I really never cared about story. When I play SWtoR, I actually CARE about my story and my character. I play a Sith Warrior level 46 named Malphus on Anchorhead server and...


Sith Warrior Spoiler:


When I was running an errand for Darth Baras to go take out some republic troops in a cave on Quesh along side another one of his apprentices and we got to the end of the quest, I was shocked when the other apprentice called me on my holocomm and said, I've wired this entire cave with explosives. Darth Baras considered me a threat because I had become so powerful. He wanted to take me out before I made my move on Him. I was like, "that B*stard!!!"



That part of the story made me want to get back at him. I felt actual revenge lol. I feel things when I play this game. I actually get upset lol, not because someone is ganking me, but from the actual storyline, just like when I watched the movies. I feel like I am playing my own movie. I have a hard time even starting another character because I want to know the end of my warriors story. When I romance or flirt with someone in the game, I'm like...yeah I'm a bad*ss lol.


I've enjoyed the game because I feel I have approached it as its "own" game. Not like WoW, which starts when you hit level cap. I'm glad you are enjoying your story line.

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I was actually gonna ask that; are there any other classes that people have found to have really amazing stories?


I played republic consular till lvl twenty three and the story is good but it feels like the same old "you are the good good thing, go fight that very bad thing" then I tried sith warrior and my goodness is thier a lot of back stabbing drama, and down right evil stuff taking place. I like it.

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