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Am I doing something wrong? Healing hard modes.


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So I'm a 50 CM.


Last night I attempted a hardmode heroic, assuming I was geared enough because I have ~14k HP and a few Champ pieces.


It was hardmode Esseles. We wiped at least a dozen times on the first boss before getting it, and we couldn't beat Ironfist, at all.


The main thing is everybody takes insane burst, and I have no clue how to heal them through that. I healed False Emp and Battle of Ilum (normals) just fine, and I even got 430k healing done in a Warzone yesterday, but these hard modes...

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The 2nd boss in esseless needs to have 2 interupts otherwise he wipes your group. Make liberal use of bacta infusion and trauma probes and overcharged otherwise you'll be constantly out of the top tier of ammo regen.


Another thing is you don't have the shield that consulars get so your melee can't be derpsauce McGees and stand in every AoE like they can with other healers. If your DPS is playing intelligently (have fun with that in pugs) then you can heal it really easily.

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First of all, you are not alone :)


We also wiped in Esseles and went on to try Taral V in Hard. It was much more managable.

Our Setup is Jedi Shadow Tank, Jedi Sentinel, Sawbone and me.


I am specced Hybrid for DPS/Heal. I also have biochem as crewskill which helps immensely.

Basically i specced the Artillery tree until getting Grav Round. Rest in Healing.


You will not get the instant but with GR/GR/HS/GR/HS/FA etc. your damage is respectable and your healing is totally fine.

You get Kolto + the 20% bonus, you get Trauma Probe etc etc and my direct heals crit for up to 5k.

Normally i just dps, on bosses i "off heal"


If you are the only healer then that may not be viable. As said before, i can only recommend Taral V as fist hard mode instance, you will still wipe a few times maybe but it is doable.

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