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ps - i only preordered after trying the beta on the 28th of Nov (people buying stuff without trying seems crazy to me) so i doubt ill get in today anyway!


It's not really crazy, most people could just tell the game would be worth a purchase. You can argue it might not be worth subscribing to (though I'd argue you're wrong there), but we've seen questing a long time ago and spending 40-50 euros for a month of playtime was justified for most of us a long time ago. Some would argue you can't compare a month of MMO to having a game for good, but I'll point out the fact that I've finished 2 triple A singleplayer titles in about a week recently. So no, not crazy by any stretch of imagination, it's not even risky as long as you enjoy a good BioWare story.


OT: Playing Skyrim, Saints Row 3, Batman: Arkham Asylum, got Battlefield 3 on the backburner for the moment and thinking of installing Assassin's Creed: Revelations. November is full of good titles, so waiting for Early Access is not too hard.


That said, I am a little annoyed that I ordered the game on the first day, got my code a few days later and it didn't work because the site screws up the code redemption process when you put Serbia as your location (confirmed by both myself and lots of other people, switching countries to UK to enter the preorder code solves the issue). Since I only realised that recently though, my preorder code was only entered on the October 28th :\

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oh I'd like to stress i'm not whining. E-mails are being sent in chronological order which i am fine with.


As i said while i joined the community on July, i didnt preorder until i tried the game to see if i like it. I expect to get in on Thursday or Friday.


It is frustrating to see empty servers though with so many people waiting.


servers are empty cos its -6 hours GMT... since most emails were sent to U.S. players that's normal yesterday prime time CST most servers were full.. they will be opening new servers and possibly issuing the Eu servers under Eu option... as it seems all servers at the moment listed below US servers...


yes i bought the preorder after the beta weekend as i was disappointed with many other mmo releases in past 5 years (other than WOW ofc..)


I think so far early access is working fine.. as i remember earlier Wow launches..


At the end of the day you are not paying a penny for this service its free of charge no subscription ... so be grateful and hope the servers handle better than they plan and they keep sending bonus patches of emails...


this post was not aimed at the OP as i dont think he is QQ but to those who QQ.

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finishing up watching the full series of babylon 5.


past the halfway point of the final season.


listening to the massive attack vs burial - paradise circus/four rooms remixes which are one of the most amazing things my ears has ever been exposed to.


that's it for now.

Edited by teambff
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Going through a Chuck watching marathon, season 3 episode 5 is up next. There's nothing like a good comedy series to laugh the frustration away of not getting in yet. :D


...and browsing this forum in between episodes ofcourse. Gotta keep up with all the mayhem! :cool:


chuck's awesome! definitely a good time to be had with a chuck marathon.

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B5 final episode is the best finale i have saw, great show too :cool:


it's amazing to me, i used to hear people talk about how awesome it was... in the past i literally tried to watch it maybe 15 times and i just never got it, it just seemed like one of the worst things i've ever seen whenever i attempted to watch it.... a few weeks ago i finished up the full series of the wire and i was really wanting more of that whole "full story/deep story" experience like in the wire and again i heard people talking about how awesome babylon 5 was on the wire boards, so i forced myself to being commited to watching it all the way this time.


the first season wasn't very good but wow it really picked up 2-4, awesome stuff.


season 5 started slow but it's picking back up again really nice... although i would of liked it to end at season 4 i really liked how things were then.


it's amazing how a simple change in perspective can change everything. going from thinking something is one thing only to think it's something completely different with just a slightly changed perspective.... it really opens your mind to all the experiences you can miss out on by not adjusting perspective at times.




are 3 of the best written characters of all tv... had such a good time on the journey with them.

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it's amazing to me, i used to hear people talk about how awesome it was... in the past i literally tried to watch it maybe 15 times and i just never got it, it just seemed like one of the worst things i've ever seen whenever i attempted to watch it.... a few weeks ago i finished up the full series of the wire and i was really wanting more of that whole "full story/deep story" experience like in the wire and again i heard people talking about how awesome babylon 5 was on the wire boards, so i forced myself to being commited to watching it all the way this time.


the first season wasn't very good but wow it really picked up 2-4, awesome stuff.


season 5 started slow but it's picking back up again really nice... although i would of liked it to end at season 4 i really liked how things were then.


it's amazing how a simple change in perspective can change everything.




are 3 of the best written characters of all tv... had such a good time on the journey with them.


First season was kinda slow but alot of it fell into place later on in s2-4 which was really cool, Alot of great characters in that show Londo was really great half the time you hate him the rest of the time you love him lol

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