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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

why does the game feel so empty


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the game looks great i love the environments and all but there is no one ever around to play with i have to solo everything every time i think this map is a little dead the next one might be more populated i haven't grouped up since tatonie or whatever its called. i understand we have a companion and all but its really not the same.
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Logic never works with fan boys.

They somehow think that population is still going to increase after its initial post-release peak.

Rofl. So delusional.


I'm no fanboy of SWTOR, but..


Following your logic, explain World of Warcraft.

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That's hardly your call. :sul_tongue:


The population saw its peak during the winter break/holidays.

I will go out and give a random hobo on the street a BBBJTCNQNS if the player population EVER reaches that peak again, unless the game goes free to play.

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Does seem odd. I ran into two other players last night on Balmorra. It was around 1am but heck its a Friday. Fleet had 33 people max on around that time. Maybe remove instances?


And what instances would that be exactly?

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simple answer? buttload of instancing; no global chat; lots of 'zoning" all contributing factors to isolation


EDIT: to test this goto any planet or fleet with a friend in a different phase. Invariably his phase will have a group LF Tank for xxx content while in your zone you'll have TANK LF xxx content. Or some similar situation. Even during peak hours it's rare to see a planet like voss/illium over 20-30 people.

Edited by BMBender
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Sharding, low pop servers, aggravation with lack of features.


Even the critics talked about this. (gamespot review)

It's weird because it may not 'be' empty but it feels that way. That's dangerous imo because people want to at least feel like their in an MMO. If they don't they may leave.


The best thing this game could of done is have a all out cross server dungeon finder so you can quickly escape that feeling and get into a flashpoint. But whatever, they are not listening to that. INstead they believe that it destroys the community. What community?


Either that or reduce the amount of instances in a zone.

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the thing that ***** me the most is nothing ever feels big pvp is small skirmish groups raids are also small.


even tho aion sucked as a game i miss the 400-500 people who attended siege wars the flood of people was just awe inspiring i think that's what makes an mmo feel like an mmo alot of people crammed into one place

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They should have built this game like Guild Wars. Cities that act like lobbies where you put your party together and then go out into the instanced world with your party's own copy of the game world. There aren't mob steals, quest node steals, or crafting node steals that way. Also, Guild Wars didn't have a subscription. You are basically paying a sub for what amounts to an open world MMo with a ton of instancing and can be played like a single player RPG with multi-player elements. It's a LOT like Borderlands with a sub and extra players running around.


I am playing 6 of the 8 classes to cap to see all of the story lines and then cancelling my sub and moving on. If you want a sandbox you should have read up on this game more. It was no secret whatsoever that this game would be this way.

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I feel they went with so much instancing to balance what they thought was going to be a huge hit. We can see that back fired pretty bad and hope we don't see this **** again in another new mmo.


I think instancing does have a place in MMOs though. Just not in the way SWTOR does it. I think WOW did a good job with instancing in Cataclysm with using instancing to change the environment once certain accomplishments were achieved. Make it seem you are having an impact on the world.

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I think instancing does have a place in MMOs though. Just not in the way SWTOR does it. I think WOW did a good job with instancing in Cataclysm with using instancing to change the environment once certain accomplishments were achieved. Make it seem you are having an impact on the world.


LOTRO handled it in a similar fashion, not sure now as I left when it went F2P

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And if there were more people around, we'd have threads saying there are too many people and too much competition for spawns and mission items.


I think it's fine just the way it is.


Kinda kills the whole role playing don't you think? I'm in the huge universe where we need multiple planets to hold all this life, but when I log in I only see a hand full of people?

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I think instancing does have a place in MMOs though. Just not in the way SWTOR does it. I think WOW did a good job with instancing in Cataclysm with using instancing to change the environment once certain accomplishments were achieved. Make it seem you are having an impact on the world.


Yet people on the WoW forums complained and whined and said they hated that aspect because they couldn't help their friends if they weren't in the same phase.


So either way some one will be unhappy and cry about it.


But about being empty, there was 270 people on Imperial Fleet last night. The opposite of empty. Took me all of 5 minutes to put a level 50 heroic dungeon together.

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