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When does Vette romance arc start?


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Having planned to romance Vette, I recently learned that she becomes unromanceable if you do not flirt with her the first time you have the option. My question:


When is the first time you have the option? I haven't flirted with her yet, so I'm just making sure I haven't shot myself in the foot.


For clarification, I've done all her quests up until where she talks about the pirate bloke's daughter and how they were like sisters.

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  • 8 years later...
If you haven't seen an option tagged [Flirt], you're good. If you *have* seen it, and you took it, you're good. I believe the one you *must* take is during the side-mission with Vette on Nar Shaddaa, when you meet her former gang. (Curiously, this [Flirt] isn't directly *with* Vette, but it makes her jealous.)
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I've romanced Vette a few times and in at least one of those playthroughs I 100% guarantee I did not flirt with her the first time or probably few times it was offered. As others have said in this thread and around the forum, the "do or die" moment is more likely sometime around one of her story missions that require you to travel somewhere with her. I've romanced Vette almost accidentally. I think you'd have to deliberately avoid it to get locked out of it.


Also you have to take the shock collar off. You can't progress to the missions mentioned above until you remove it. I also don't think shocking her in the first cutscene with her on DK breaks the romance, because I do it like every single time, but I hear once she's officially your companion shocking her might break the romance arc.

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