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What is the best way to level without grouping?


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Is it even possible? I've managed to slog my way to lvl-19 BH but it's increasingly difficult to fill the xp bar and the 2+ Heroics (attempted with a companion instead of a player) are getting beyond my current ability. Is common grinding the only answer?


Thanks in advance for constructive input.

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do every solo quest you find. and i mean EVERY quest. I'm currently 5ish levels ahead of my story quests and I stopped doing flashpoints and majority of the heroics. I even skipped multiple side quests on Tatooine. few heroics here and there, a few flashpoints occasional space combat and holy crap, where did the levels go? the game is designs to be viable as a complete solo experience.
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Is it even possible? I've managed to slog my way to lvl-19 BH but it's increasingly difficult to fill the xp bar and the 2+ Heroics (attempted with a companion instead of a player) are getting beyond my current ability. Is common grinding the only answer?


Thanks in advance for constructive input.


I hit 50 yesterday, entirely solo (other than 2 flash points), grinding quests is far faster than doing it via pvp but both are options. That's it. Do all the space combat dailies every day, grind quests, break that up with pvp. I even skipped all but 1 heroic.


I wish there were more options or at least an LFG/LFD queue I may have done more flashpoints then but it's not worth looking for a group spamming general when you can be making progress elsewhere.


Having said all that I'm deciding right now if, after 7.5 days /played to hit 50, if I will just cancel my sub or if I should re-roll the other side. I primarily PVP and being on the massively overpopulated side ruins Ilum, which isn't that great to start with, and solo as a non-stealth class I get 2 shot by everything.



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Space Combat is where I got a bunch of xp....it doesn't take long to complete the missions and get 9-10k xp for completion plus what you earn while taking out enemies. You only get the 9-10 once a day then after that it is 2k but since you are on your ship, its a rested area so you get double xp.
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Doing pretty much every quest that I come across solo (including most of the Heroic 2 quests) as a sith sorcerer isn't too hard. However I noticed that without doing pvp, flash points, or the 4 man quests, I seem to be a hair behind. I just finished Hoth at level 39.8 and the next planet is level 42. So now I have to find a way to get a level or 2 so I can continue.


If you're going to solo quest to level, I would definitely keep in queue for pvp.

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do every solo quest you find. and i mean EVERY quest. I'm currently 5ish levels ahead of my story quests and I stopped doing flashpoints and majority of the heroics. I even skipped multiple side quests on Tatooine. few heroics here and there, a few flashpoints occasional space combat and holy crap, where did the levels go? the game is designs to be viable as a complete solo experience.


Although I enjoy the heroics and teamed up with a guild mate for some content on one characteer, I have leveled mostly solo without group content on another.


This post is right on. Just do all of the quests and kill everything that you see. If you do so, you should find yourself keeping up with the level of the content that you are facing. I just finished Tatooine as a level 28 (right in line with my story quests) and on the way out picked up the bonus extra quests. I am going to do them and hopefully get to the next planet as a 29. Since the next one starts at 28, I should be in good shape and have some extra credits in the bag.


LOL, I might cheat the concept a little and do a few heroics so that I can hit 29 on the way out the Tatooine door if the extra bonus quests do not get me there.

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Stupid question.... why not group?


I've had most of my best times in groups. Also, it's fun to form parties in MMOS in order to kill monsters and complete quests.


If you're not going to do group quests, for whatever reason, I'd do space combat. It's very easy (if I can do it, anyone can), and you get good XP.

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The biggest thing you are missing is that you need to do "yellow" quest since these reward double XP. I am pretty sure that you can easily level without doing every quest and as soon as you hit "green" quests you should move on every time you can. I didn't believe that you got double XP from the yellows but I checked and you in fact do.


TLDR: The most effective way to level is to do "yellow" quests only.

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You said Bounty Hunter, yeah? Mako makes things stupid-easy to solo as a Powertech (which I'm hoping you took). All you have to do (for the hard stuff) is turn off her attack skills so that she focuses on healing. So long as you hold aggro, you can muscle your way through any of the 2+ heroic content.


If you can't, go PvP for a level or two and come back when the content is green to you. I was able to run the entire BT instance with just Mako and I at level 14 (keeping the Captain alive so that I got the easier first boss, but still).

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Another tip, once you've got your speeder, is to go for a drive as soon as you hit a new planet. You get 900 to 1000 xp each time you pass into a new zone, and if you stay on the roads you can normally avoid combat and getting knocked off the speeder.


I found this to be a useful way to gain xp if I was a little behind when arriving at a new planet and made subsequent combat a little easier. On larger planets you can gain about half a level worth of xp doing this, and it's fun to explore...

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When planet levels start to overlap, it gets very easy to level just on solo questing. On Republic, Taris and Nar Shadaa(sp) are the first overlapping planets. I've yet to do a non-green planetary quest (I've rushed ahead on class quests) since first arriving on NS.
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