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Nerf Operatives, it's a problem now.


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the classic sorceror 10 meter range kiting strategy.. Gotta stay within 10 meters to make it fair. Why use the other 20 meters you have at your disposal?


Operatives sure are overpowered when you pretend they have counters to things they can't counter at all!


You know - it's a common MMO knowledge: if you got your back kicked it must be nerfed :)

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As a level 50 in full Champion gear with light armor, Operatives crit me for 4k with their opener.


End of thread.


I've seen as high as 5k in the same gear on my assassin without armor bonus talents, I can't call that OP since my Maul does pretty much the same thing and can be used out of stealth.


Not a reply to ChrisGG:


I don't see what the big deal is when we have SW/JK screenshots of 4 - 5k Smashes/Jedi equivalent.

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nerf Acid Blade/Flechette Round


buff Lacerate/Sucker Punch


That would give them better sustained DPS out of stealth, while toning down the opener.


I would also probably put the immunity skills on the same CD as vanish.. but make the immunity into a 40% evasion or something that lasted for 15 seconds instead of a 100% evade/dot remover that lasts 3 seconds. This would also increase in-combat survivability (its only on a 1m cooldown). But it would keep them from being able to pop immune/vanish and safely exit any fight, (when you can remove bleeds and evade most aoe you're pretty much invulnerable to most players in world pvp).


So sacrifice some burst for better sustained DPS, and sacrifice cheese escape for better survivability.


I would also make the shared/dot tree greatly buff the cone damage skill and give better TA/UH generation so that its area damage could be more effective. Nobody is whining about getting killed by this tree right now, trust me.

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I honestly believe bioware have no interest in pvp balance they will spend the next 3 months or 6 months catering to the empire based on the overwhelming amount of inquisitors and operatives being made TEAMWORK is what republic players pick because they enjoy that aspect imperials are by and large my inclined to the cinematic and pvp based aspect of games so ofcourse a legion of darth mauls will get created












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how? How are they catching up to you? How are they STUNNING YOU AGAIN when you have white resolve from the previous opener, for that matter?




#1. resolve is broken, you cant deny this.


#2. vanish drops them from combat so they gain their sprint back.


#3. I am heals so FS has an extra 10 sec than you, once again L2read my sig.


#4. because I am heals i will NEVER put out enough damage to get a kill, and healing is underpowered in this scenario.


You're right, I can run, but thats it. I'll never be able to WIN this battle, just hope to escape and survive.

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I honestly didn't even care that they have been obviously overpowered for the longest time now but lately EVERYONE is making a operative and it's pretty annoying. Please nerf them, doing 7k damage in one stab is overpowered and if you trinket+expertise buff this can go as high as 8k from what i've seen.


If your also level 50 in full Champion gear a equally geared OP will still hit you for upwards of 6k on there opener.




OP is not lvl50 in pvp gear. Scoundrels and operative do NOT crit easdily above 4-5k without buffs or the target being <lvl50 or no expertise.

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Scoundrels/Ops are pug-killers right now. Upping the cooldown on Flechette Round a bit would resolve the main issue of them killing more than one person.


Honestly, that's not really needed, though. With 50 brackets coming out, lowbies won't be getting 1-shot anymore.

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i wish i lived in chris' world where everything i did went exactly as planned, i.e. i cast sprint and they stand there and watch me run away. i would be so *********** awesome at this game.


yeah as opposed to using their SLOW (it's a SLOW BTW THE ROOT IS TACKED ONTO IT) which is ON COOLDOWN ALREADY BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO USE IT TO STAY ON YOU to stop the sprint?




love theory with newbs

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ah ok, it's one of these. someone who makes things up to explain their failures as a player.


If you're saying its not broken you're delusional. I cant count the number of times i've been stunned with a FULL resolve bar. Take off the rose colored goggles. I'm really enjoying this game, but a few tweaks are necessary.

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Here is a hint on how to do this as a sorc/sage/assassin/shadow:


You see your toon fall on its face:


Hit CC-break since the Opener gives you full resolve and hit your medpack.


Hit electrocute.


If the Operative uses his/her trinket on the electrocute, use whirlwind/low slash/other CC.


Hit Force Speed


Do /giggle at the Operative as you run away.


In most situations the Operative won't react fast enough to use their CC-break and sever tendon before you are well outside of the 10m range on it.

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If you're saying its not broken you're delusional. I cant count the number of times i've been stunned with a FULL resolve bar. Take off the rose colored goggles. I'm really enjoying this game, but a few tweaks are necessary.


You've probably had a 90% or something full resolve bar, not an actual full resolve bar. I have been CC'ed with a full resolve bar, but that seems to be due to certain things not being affected by resolve. Among them different charge immobilizes and force stasis/force choke. However, nothing seems to affect the charge immobilizes even force shroud/evasion.

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You've probably had a 90% or something full resolve bar, not an actual full resolve bar. I have been CC'ed with a full resolve bar, but that seems to be due to certain things not being affected by resolve. Among them different charge immobilizes and force stasis/force choke. However, nothing seems to affect the charge immobilizes even force shroud/evasion.


This may be true. I notice it mostly when trying to run the ball in hutt ball, and I DOES happen. As for the Operative, it just seems broke to me that I have no choice other than run.

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no dude you're kiting, not running, trust chris he knows exactly how every pvp situation will play out, exactly what's on cd when and what abilities each class has and when they will use them, obviously we all just need to take classes so we can be as good...or at least smoke and drink ourselves into a state where we can successfully convince ourselves that we are as good as chris always is.


p.s. It's a miracle you haven't been beaten to death by anyone you've met IRL.

Edited by Noosewtf
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... I thought everyone played sorcs and bounty hunters?


Good lord! Everyone plays every class except for Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior!




Which is pretty freaking hilarious, because pre-launch, everyone was like 'ya, nobody's gonna play anything but jedi knights'.


Proved them wrong!

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This may be true. I notice it mostly when trying to run the ball in hutt ball, and I DOES happen. As for the Operative, it just seems broke to me that I have no choice other than run.


I do tend to think that everything should be covered by resolve, including charge stuns and other immobilizes, snares, choke and so on. Furthermore, that the CC that fills your resolve bar should be reduced in potency equal to how much of "overfill" there was to your resolve bar.


Lets say I have a 60% full resolve bar, get hit with a CC that takes my resolve to 120%, that CC should be reduced by 20%.


The reason people think resolve doesn't work is because A: Intuitively it feels like resolve should break CC when it fills up, B: Resolve doesn't work on all abilities, so when it hits white and you find yourself rooted by a charge or held in the air over a fire pit by choke, you react with "***, I was supposed to be immune to CC!" Finally, resolve goes down pretty fast when you aren't CC'ed, so if you spend lets say 4 seconds in a stun, run around for what feels like 5 seconds without being hit with a CC, then get a second 4 second stun, then your resolve may only be at 90%, meaning that you could take another 4 second stun on top of that before resolve would kick in.


Overall its a great idea, but like with much else Bioware wrote up the implementation on cocktail napkins.

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Rofl Rofl its Chrisgg rofl rofl. Rofl rofl. Rofl. Ok now that I got that out of the way, and hopefully you did too. Are you ready for the ops nerf rofl. Because its going to happen rofl. I'm guessing you have a friend or alt thats an operative rofl.
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Are you ready for the ops nerf rofl. Because its going to happen rofl.


Where did you get that from? The PvP blog update doesn't mention anything about revisiting class performance... I don't think Bioware is gonna jump on the nerf train, that would be suicide for their game.

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