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Keep sucking with marauder? Lets call it nerfed


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Only thing I hate is how my offhand saber is gimped. Needs more base damage.



If they are going to give Troopers and other classes so many CCs, and heals then at least let me rake in more damage for the time i have before the next CC, or slow.



I love how in boarding party PvP, I can have 4 or 5 guys on me CC'ing me not near the doors but my teammates can't seem to plant the bomb.


1v1 I'm okay with...I'll at least kill the guy or he'll be licing his wounds and out of the fight for a few.

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Mara is a beast 1vs1 but so are other classes (like Scoundrels/Vanguards). I have beaten lvl 50s on my 29 mara but they obviously sucked.


PVP utility imho needs to be adressed before ranked WZ's are implemended where CC/pvp-tanking/healing will matter most. Even when it's 8vs8 you want to bring 8 classes with strong CC than 7 and 1 class with almost non-existent CC which still doesn't do that much more dmg than other 7.

Edited by Mindwormbified
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i don't think this class is underpowered, i took out an assassin in full pvp gear, 20k health, it was an equal fight, i use the annihilator spec, and i have to say, i was complaining about this class trough leveling, and the first matches in pvp, but once you get the hang of it its really enjoyable to play.


i tend to use a lot of my skills, not only spamming the same two buttons, but i have a naga+anansi from razor, which brings me to 84 hot keys with my thumbs, so to all the people complaining, go annihilation spec, and start using more skills. it worked for me, and i can easily take down 2 level 50 people in wz.

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It's easy to point blame at players and cry n00b, but the developers aren't deities. Marauders suffer both from a difficult learning curve for survival and underpowered ability. Although with the most up to date gear and proper spec, my single target damage is still outdone by healers or other support classes. The lack of CC and AOE makes the class zero in on one target and hoping for the best to not be squished by adds. It's a dps class that is can be outshone by it's companions and other classes. Not all players are going to buy specialty hardware to for quick access to the hotkeys. A player shouldn't need a special mouse just to play one class. I had hoped to keep my mara my main but I've enjoyed the ease of play of every other class by comparison. To credit, learning on sith warrior make it an easy transition.


Solution options: Increased dps, addtional AOE or CC ability, or method to reduce threat mid-combat to get adds off.

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i don't think this class is underpowered, i took out an assassin in full pvp gear, 20k health, it was an equal fight, i use the annihilator spec, and i have to say, i was complaining about this class trough leveling, and the first matches in pvp, but once you get the hang of it its really enjoyable to play.


i tend to use a lot of my skills, not only spamming the same two buttons, but i have a naga+anansi from razor, which brings me to 84 hot keys with my thumbs, so to all the people complaining, go annihilation spec, and start using more skills. it worked for me, and i can easily take down 2 level 50 people in wz.


So I have to pay another $160.00 on a ridiculous mouse/keyboard and develop finger twitch skills comparable to a banjo player to be truly effective but this class doesn't have issues....Gotchya.

Edited by Abiza
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PvP balance was fail from the beginning. Giving each class more or less the same DPS potential is nonsense. You can't get ranged classes and casters the same damage while they also have the inate advantage of range. Our class lacks in the CC department but does not have damage to offset this. If people went "oh, crap, s**, crap gotta get away" when I get close then I am fine. But half of the time they don't even seem to care and half of the time my damage gets outhealed. It's just rediculous. Edited by jellOfish
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the range on VT is actually really nice the CD reduction to go to Force Camo or you know seeing as we are designed to kill, make it so we have some sort of offensive boost after coming out of camo or something.


I think some of the skills need to be revorked, like ravage for example. Giving a class which is highly dependant on mobility a channel skill which stops you for 3 seconds is garbage.

Edited by jellOfish
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So I have to pay another $160.00 on a ridiculous mouse/keyboard and develop finger twitch skills comparable to a banjo player to be truly effective but this class doesn't have issues....Gotchya.






PS: caps and i don't feel like deleting

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So I have to pay another $160.00 on a ridiculous mouse/keyboard and develop finger twitch skills comparable to a banjo player to be truly effective but this class doesn't have issues....Gotchya.


Pretty much, you'll have to bind everything and play like a boss to have a chance to win against the next clicker/keyboard turner bountry hunter/imperial agent/sith inquisitor

Edited by mastersloup
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Bioware messed up when they tried to make everyone happy and give the hybrid QQ babies everything and allow them to heal and do tons of damage in the same spec.

I shouted this during beta and was told to shut up.

A hybrid class should NEVER do as much damage as a dedicated DPS. EVER.

A sorc specced to heal should NEVER do much damage.

A sorc specced to DPS should NEVER be able to heal much.


They tried to make everyone happy so people can spec any which way throw points everywhere and basically be, bad, and still **** the game.

I love the story but it makes me sick to see them dump gameplay left and right for it.

The marauder isn't as terrible as everyone makes it seem in this thread but it definitely needs help.

I see this problem more indicative as a problem with the entire design of the class system as a whole.

I dont know what bioware was even thinking when they decided to make some classes do as much damage as a full dps class and still give them heals.


I hate to say it, but, idiots.


Hope that opinion doesn't get me in trouble, but yes, it's that big of a mistake.


lesson of the story is, you cant make everyone happy and you cant make a hybrid class do two things and do them both as good as a dedicated class.


Besides, look at scoundrels...

come on.



Ta Da! Amen.

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I believe that most people don't bother learning a workable rotation for their abilities to maximize their dps. This is not a 3 button-mashing class. It requires a little bit of skill to use your abilities and play them off one another. If you're incapable of hitting at least an entire row's worth of abilities per fight, I would steer cleer of the Marauder.


The biggest problem I have with Marauder, is that we're described as a flashy damage dealer that relies on fast strikes and multiple hits to kill our targets, but we lack the defense and armor to effectly do this. We're not a burst class like the assassin, we deal our damage over time. The over-all squishiness of our class prevents us from shining in this area unless grouped with a healer or someone else who can draw the aggro.


With that said, I can't completely disagree that this class is somewhat flat when measured up against other classes in PvP. We have one roll, and that's to give th other team easy kills.

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Let's just say that someone at Bioware really, really dislikes Marauders.


Nah, they've just been slightly neglected. We're not that bad, but we could use a little love, mostly in itemization. No medium armor at the dark side vendor? :(

Bad set bonuses?


Everybody has really, really awful looking end game gear right now (except... agent and BH?) so its not just us. JK looks awful. They said that set bonuses will be transferable (?!?!) so that alone will fix that problem. Although its silly if everybody just ignores the high level armor, definitely we can all agree that it looks very silly and impractical.

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a healing class has 0 chance in a 1on1 vs a marauder, even in a 1on2 you can massacre them...


1 rupt on charge + gab closer ( can be specced to lose its minimum range aswell as to lower the cooldown)

1 extra rupt

1 force choke

1 saber throw ( 20% heal reduction + if specced 3 seconds immobilized)

1 perma single target snare

(ravage can immobilize too if specced)


etc etc


therre is no way !!! a healer can outheal you ...


rage 3 shots a healer

carnage immobilzes like a ***** + destroying berserker insane mode

annihilation ticks even when you get pushed back or stunned, taking down a healer bubble in 2 seconds ...


try that against an imperial agent healer or smuggler counter part. i think you will be pleasantly frustrated.

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