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Realizing My Problems with a Sentinel!


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I would like to preface this is all regarding a solo PVE experience:


So my first character (and main) is a Sentinel and after having some slight issues playing, I ventured to the forums and saw a lot of, sents are weak, sents are fine, sents have some probelms, L2P, "I know how to play, sents suck" and whatnot, so I just thought I'd relay my experience so far.


I was invited to betas but never joined because I wanted to experience the game completely brand new from the start, so when I got my early invite I jumped on it. I quickly rolled my Jedi Knight, then saw that Sents dual wielded and couldn't pass up a two saber death machine, once I got to Coruscant.


I played quickly through the story to get my saber as quickly as possible, left Tython, and ventured to Coruscant to get my 2nd saber. I played through a few side quests and started having some serious issues with Elites (Tarnis) and a few other enemies along the way. After going through the forums and seeing a lot of back and forth I said maybe a sent isn't for me, and rolled a Consular to go Shadow (If I can't dual wield I'll Double Blade).


As I played the Consular I decided to do the side quests on Tython, I began to realize, I'd skipped ALOT of stuff on my Knight, I then realized that I was level 10 on my final story mission, where I was level 7 or 8 on my knight. This was my first clue that I was severely underleveled for what I'd been trying to accomplish on my Knight.


After reading the forums, and looking at the skill trees, I also realized that maybe Combat didn't fit my playstyle and that maybe a Watchman was more my taste, so I popped back over to my Sent, respec'd to Watchman, and haven't stopped playing him since. I make sure I'm at least =lvl with what I'm doing, sometimes even being +1 or +2 to my my mission due to sidequests. I have a Purple Robe (with purple mods, thank you whoever crafted that so I could use it at lvl 16), I bought on auction, have been working on my artifice, treasure hunting and archeology crew skills for some nice crystal bonuses (things I hadn't even tried my first couple of weeks playing) I've got some very strong mods for my sabers and armor, almost all of my armor is orange at this point and have just been absolutely loving my Sent.


Now I say all of this, not having a clue how easy/hard any other Character might be, but I do know that I really enjoy my Sent, and although he is a challenge at times, and required a bit of a learning curve, he is quite beautiful and I don't think I could have this much fun on another character, (Granted I suppose I have been known to take on the more PITA Characters in MMORPGs). I'm sure some things could be made easier, and I'm also sure that there could be a little more reward for the amount of effort we put in while using a Sent, but I also know it is not a "Broken" AT.


I am also not en "Elitist" nor a "Hardcore" gamer, I relay my experiences hoping that others will read this and get an idea on what they can do to help themselves enjoy the Sentinel. Whether or not the Sent needs fixing isn't for me to decide, if the Devs decide to do something, fine, but until then I really hope this helps others to enjoy their Characters.

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That's a fairly accurate experience, I'd say. Watchman is a smoother leveling experience, whereas I would call leveling Combat pre-Precision Strike Sentinel's 'Hard Mode'.



Doesn't mean it can't be done though. I preferred the playstyle of Combat and stuck with it.

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I would like to preface this is all regarding a solo PVE experience:


So my first character (and main) is a Sentinel and after having some slight issues playing, I ventured to the forums and saw a lot of, sents are weak, sents are fine, sents have some probelms, L2P, "I know how to play, sents suck" and whatnot, so I just thought I'd relay my experience so far.


I was invited to betas but never joined because I wanted to experience the game completely brand new from the start, so when I got my early invite I jumped on it. I quickly rolled my Jedi Knight, then saw that Sents dual wielded and couldn't pass up a two saber death machine, once I got to Coruscant.


I played quickly through the story to get my saber as quickly as possible, left Tython, and ventured to Coruscant to get my 2nd saber. I played through a few side quests and started having some serious issues with Elites (Tarnis) and a few other enemies along the way. After going through the forums and seeing a lot of back and forth I said maybe a sent isn't for me, and rolled a Consular to go Shadow (If I can't dual wield I'll Double Blade).


As I played the Consular I decided to do the side quests on Tython, I began to realize, I'd skipped ALOT of stuff on my Knight, I then realized that I was level 10 on my final story mission, where I was level 7 or 8 on my knight. This was my first clue that I was severely underleveled for what I'd been trying to accomplish on my Knight.


After reading the forums, and looking at the skill trees, I also realized that maybe Combat didn't fit my playstyle and that maybe a Watchman was more my taste, so I popped back over to my Sent, respec'd to Watchman, and haven't stopped playing him since. I make sure I'm at least =lvl with what I'm doing, sometimes even being +1 or +2 to my my mission due to sidequests. I have a Purple Robe (with purple mods, thank you whoever crafted that so I could use it at lvl 16), I bought on auction, have been working on my artifice, treasure hunting and archeology crew skills for some nice crystal bonuses (things I hadn't even tried my first couple of weeks playing) I've got some very strong mods for my sabers and armor, almost all of my armor is orange at this point and have just been absolutely loving my Sent.


Now I say all of this, not having a clue how easy/hard any other Character might be, but I do know that I really enjoy my Sent, and although he is a challenge at times, and required a bit of a learning curve, he is quite beautiful and I don't think I could have this much fun on another character, (Granted I suppose I have been known to take on the more PITA Characters in MMORPGs). I'm sure some things could be made easier, and I'm also sure that there could be a little more reward for the amount of effort we put in while using a Sent, but I also know it is not a "Broken" AT.


I am also not en "Elitist" nor a "Hardcore" gamer, I relay my experiences hoping that others will read this and get an idea on what they can do to help themselves enjoy the Sentinel. Whether or not the Sent needs fixing isn't for me to decide, if the Devs decide to do something, fine, but until then I really hope this helps others to enjoy their Characters.


Glad to see your having so much fun. I had similiar experience, except I spent allot of time in beta learning Sentinel and have to say the 2nd time leveling through during live was super easy but just as fun. Glad your liking it, it only gets better.

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