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Marauder/GM of FFB that just got server first 16man normal annihaltion droid AMA


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Feels good to down that, it's not that impressive of an accomplishment i realize it's just normals but this was our first night and it is server first so i feel awesome regardless.


Classic AMA thread I've been raiding as anni, I am one of two marauders in the raid group, our comp is 2 tanks, 4 healers, 10 dps.

Edited by Nefria
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I was the marauder, I figured with the majority of people thinking this class was under powered in its current state maybe somebody might want an opinion of not only a raiding marauder but also one who chose to roll this class as a gm specifically.


Also bump with the hutt cartel boss and gharj dead as well.

Edited by Nefria
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