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The Ebon Hawk Bounty Board: IC Murder Ring


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I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if this suggestion has been posted... but I would take a further step in allowing people to post bounties on other players. If a hunter finds the bounty, and is successful in killing the character, then the poster of the bounty has to pay up.
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I haven't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if this suggestion has been posted... but I would take a further step in allowing people to post bounties on other players. If a hunter finds the bounty, and is successful in killing the character, then the poster of the bounty has to pay up.


The issue I have with this is the bounties would then not be voluntary. No one should be forced into unwanted RP or combat. If you are out questing and someone says, "I'm here to kill you for money" you should be free to ignore his advances.


Third party bounties are bound to cause bad blood and infringe on a player's right to RP his/her story line in the way that is most comfortable.


The system is here only to allow for a different type of possible RP connections. It is not intended as a way to punish, harass players or settle scores.


Perhaps some "hunters" can also offer themselves as body guards. Then if your RPing with your client, and someone comes to collect their bounty, you get to fight them first. If you win the bounty hunter has to try some other time or something.


It'd be another way for someone to get to know someone else's RP. It'd almost be akin to the master/apprentice type deal, tho with a broader appeal.


J'arka would be willing to be a protector, but the price would have to be negotiated.

This might be another good feature to add. I like the idea of having a champion to fight for you, but I wouldn't want people to be like "Sorry, dude, can't fight now. You need to wait for my level 50 friend.


It might have to be listed in the Bounty notes, something like...


Is known to travel with a Cyborg bodyguard.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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that would be just it. you wouldnt be able to wait. he'd have to be there, or in transit for it to work. Like you could RP some sort of self alarm thing (only if the guy is online)


So he can't be offline or anything. If he isn't on, then too bad, you have to fight.


Thats why you'd be RPing with that person a lot. they'd be paying for you to hang out, and maybe some bond will form and they become a new RP buddy.

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I like this idea. Also keep in mind that maybe someone's taken a bounty out on you to deliver a message. "Hey, Soandso wanted me to tell you they know you stole their wallet!" In such a case, it's not a stretch to have to figure out how you got away, etc etc.
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Spiff, I'm stealing your sig logos. They are just too damn handy.


Also, I still don't know why bounties can't be for inanimate objects. Though then I suppose it just becomes outright THIEVING. Which isn't so bad either. At least Empire side, you can argue that if they couldn't hold onto said object, they don't deserve to keep it.

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Love the idea! :) I'll be more than happy to put up myself.

I tried to build it to be accomplishable by non-violent characters and give more of a 'mission' feel, instead of just being a 'kill quest.'


Name: Captain Flict

Faction: Republic

Profession: Hand-for-hire

Reward offered: 4,000

Reason for Bounty: This individual has stolen a crate of important goods; I am interested in them being removed from his possession. Violence is not required, but is encouraged.

In addition to this crime, Flict has also committed: defacing private property, defacing public property, inability to deliver payments, stealing my daughter's innocence, assault, attempted assault, speeder theft, spice theft, wife theft, illegal trade, possession of illegal weaponry,an overall lack of manners, and a horrible taste in music.


Your payment is inside the crate.

Edited by Kalthramis
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Agreed - we DO have to be careful when working with lethal bounties, just because IC conflicts are probably the #2 cause of undesired drama on RP servers (right behind IC romance).


So the more creative you can get with missions/bounties, the better. It can become awkward trying to deal with someone you were supposed to kill in a social setting later. :p

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Name: Denarius

Faction: Galactic Republic

Profession: Vanguard

Reward offered: 2,000 cr.

Reason for Bounty: This man has destroyed invaluable research data and has hindered the progress of several "interested parties." Recently, he stole data from a client containing critical information that must be recovered and destroyed. Wanted alive so that we may make an example of him.

Edited by ColdenBlood
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Had a good time going after Amilith today. :) Got payed off to leave her be for the time being though. It's amazing who you'll find using /who and poking your head in local cantinas.


But I'm still waiting on someone, or several someones, to come after me. If you can't beat em', get friends! Split the profit! xD I don't know. Just collect some bounties, folks.

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The issue I have with this is the bounties would then not be voluntary. No one should be forced into unwanted RP or combat. If you are out questing and someone says, "I'm here to kill you for money" you should be free to ignore his advances.


Third party bounties are bound to cause bad blood and infringe on a player's right to RP his/her story line in the way that is most comfortable.


The system is here only to allow for a different type of possible RP connections. It is not intended as a way to punish, harass players or settle scores.





Well, I don't know if Ebon Hawk is an RP/PVP server or not, but if it is, then I still think that pursuing bounties in a contested area should be feasible. Yes, Empire V Empire would pose their own problems, but not if it's a bounty posted against a Republic enemy.

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One dead Smuggler for ya!




Found this here Captain Flict in a good ol' fashioned game of Alderaan Civil War. He even put on a nice pose for the picture :cool:


My god! It is the first claimed bounty!!!


I was hanging out at the Imperial Fleet waiting for my group to arrive last night and they were taking forever and I was all -- DON'T YOU KNOW I HAVE A PRICE ON MY HEAD?!!!!


Bounties do add a thrill to the game, I think.



I will cross-post this to the other thread to let everyone know.


Update! Gen'to strikes again! Another bounty down!!!



Another bounty has been claimed by yours truly!


http://oi41.tinypic.com/21cyzc7.jpg (claimed bounty through a peaceful RP-oriented siutation as stated in the chat box.)


Come on hunters, I need some more opposition, this is too easy!


Also, props to my target, Ceris. Very fun RP event that we had. Made for a good time.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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