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New Planets?


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I doubt they'd add new planets. It'd take a loooooong time to design it, add the quests and such, incorporate it into everyone's story, and voice act, to name a few issues.


Maybe sometime in the distant future, but I can't see this happening anytime soon.

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I doubt they'd add new planets. It'd take a loooooong time to design it, add the quests and such, incorporate it into everyone's story, and voice act, to name a few issues.


Maybe sometime in the distant future, but I can't see this happening anytime soon.


You do realize that MMOs are constantly built upon with new content?


The fact that you doubted they would add more planets is completely idiotic.. next you're going to tell me they will never make an expansion that will increase the level cap.

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You do realize that MMOs are constantly built upon with new content?


The fact that you doubted they would add more planets is completely idiotic.. next you're going to tell me they will never make an expansion that will increase the level cap.


That should be obvious! Yes, it will take a while, but "a while" doesn't mean "forever," while it may seem to be so.

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