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Hoping that BW will wise up and drop the staggered EGA


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Oh man, people like you piss me off. I preordered in October too, however, I am not ************ and moaning about not being in-game yet. They have stated for the past couple months that the EGA would be staggered, depending on when you preordered. So that takes out the problem of surprise. Bioware is trying something new, something that hasn't been done before.. Why does that mean it has to be a bad thing? Lastly, your just being immature and letting your jealousy overpower your logic and rational thinking. First come first serve. Those preordered before you deserve to play before you because those are- AND HAVE BEEN - the rules of this EGA. This is how the world works. Stop ************ and complaining, and just accept it. Be excited that there is any early access at all. Your an ungrateful, impatient, ridiculous, immature child. Grow up, or shut up.


when I think about people playing right now it really pisses me off. I wanted to pick a decent name and not something like Healsforgew.......

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If an elitist was not informed, interested and smart enough to know about the staggered launch based on preorder date and thus preordered and put in his code in july - well, he lost the race before it even started, but the fault is his own.


Yes I was still playing other MMO's as I had never thought about playing SWTOR prior to October so by deciding to switch games later, yet still before launch I have failed?

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when I think about people playing right now it really pisses me off. I wanted to pick a decent name and not something like Healsforgew.......


Then pick a 'decent' name when you do get in, the possibilities are.......almost infinite, use your imagination, use google, whatever, but please, don't use the name argument.

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when I think about people playing right now it really pisses me off. I wanted to pick a decent name and not something like Healsforgew.......


dude, someone's gotta be 1st, someone's gotta be 2nd. if it wasnt who pre-ordered 1st, its whoever has the best internet and computer. now i actually won that contest in Rift (name: God) but ill say swtor's method is more fair. its not perfect but at least its something else.

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Today a few distributors estimated a loss of 50k+ preorders . Bioware won't stop staggering (luckily imho) but they surely will change policy today.


People think just unhappy customers canceling their pre-orders as a good thing?! Those were future PAYING subscribers now not going to play. That is money lost that could be used to add content to the game. BW/EA has the gem on thier hands yet they are letting it slip away on how they are handling this staggering system.


I hate this system with a passion...Fine I guess I will have to live with it. However this over-cautious approach on handling the staggering is not going so well. During primetime US, all servers were Standard at best. They called it a night at 11:30am CST?!! No more waves of players because they are happy as pigs in mud because thier servers are awesomely performering great. Just very very odd for a Triple A MMO.

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Yes I was still playing other MMO's as I had never thought about playing SWTOR prior to October so by deciding to switch games later, yet still before launch I have failed?


Well, it's a system designed to reward early adopters. You came late. So sorry. Too slow. Life's hard.

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The prospect of this game is getting kind of depressing now and i haven't even gotten in-game myself yet, So many Whining, Tantrum throwing kids it's unbelievable.


this lol, community = 10% real commuity/30%whining people who cant kill anyone in warfronts/60% nest of trolls

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People think just unhappy customers canceling their pre-orders as a good thing?! Those were future PAYING subscribers now not going to play. That is money lost that could be used to add content to the game. BW/EA has the gem on thier hands yet they are letting it slip away on how they are handling this staggering system.


I hate this system with a passion...Fine I guess I will have to live with it. However this over-cautious approach on handling the staggering is not going so well. During primetime US, all servers were Standard at best. They called it a night at 11:30am CST?!! No more waves of players because they are happy as pigs in mud because thier servers are awesomely performering great. Just very very odd for a Triple A MMO.


Naa, those were fickle, impatient children. Seeing them go brings a tear to my eye.

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there are achievments in the codex lol, it tells you how you got them and everything just like wow :D


The codex is more akin to normal WoW stats, kills and titles. There are no "vanity" achievements so to speak. IIRC I read somewhere, that if they inlude them, it'd be outside of the codex but don't quote me on that.

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staggered is fine.. as long as they continue to invite people all day and night. i get they want to track data and such but didn't they also say this isn't supposed to be a stress test? if things are looking good, invite some more. it doesn't have be to every hour on the hour but why not just do instead of just stopping altogether.
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