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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Mounts, are they supose to work like this?


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Every time I'm on my mount and accidentally pull a mob, or pack of mobs, i automatically dismount (the mount blows up even) as soon as I'm hit.

Annoying as it is, I can put up with that, what really annoys me however, is when that happens my companion isn't by my side as he despawns when I mount up, and since I'm now in combat I cant manually summon him.

The problem is if I accidentally body pull an elite pack or something strong like that and I have to fend for myself, without any help from my companion, and mot likely die just like that. Is that the way its supposed to happen?

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Every time I'm on my mount and accidentally pull a mob, or pack of mobs, i automatically dismount (the mount blows up even) as soon as I'm hit.

Annoying as it is, I can put up with that, what really annoys me however, is when that happens my companion isn't by my side as he despawns when I mount up, and since I'm now in combat I cant manually summon him.

The problem is if I accidentally body pull an elite pack or something strong like that and I have to fend for myself, without any help from my companion, and mot likely die just like that. Is that the way its supposed to happen?


If you get knocked off your speeder and don't want to fight the mobs, run.


Higher level speeders can take more damage before you get knocked off, just so you know.

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For me the companion never spawns, and being a squishy character if an elite mob dismounts me I'm done for without my companion >,<

Not to mention its extremely annoying if I'm on my mount and start a conversation i have to leave it, summon my pet and re-enter the conversation if i want any affection gains :(

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haven't experienced this... my companion always spawns when I'm knocked off my mount and immediately attacks whatever mob knocked me off...


the only bug I've seen with being knocked off mounts is that sometimes I will not "stand up" until I move ... I can still use skills but I will lay right back down afterward

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