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Reading Between the Lines; Or: Dear 'Haters'


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Hello from Reddit! So I posted this: http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/o59mi/to_those_complaining_about_the_game_or_saying/


And a lot of people said I was basically saying it where it wasn't needed (Turned out not to be true, I can tell you that.) And suggested that I throw this to the wolves over here in General


Anyway....here it is, verbatim. (Written around 2:15am PST)


Sometime in spring-summer of this year, the release date was finalized for TOR as Dec 20th, 2011.



I don't have any doubt that EA was pushing for a finalized date, and with dollar signs in their eyes, pushed even harder for the week prior to Christmas. I can imagine Bioware asking for as much time as possible, with EA settling on the 20th.



There is a reason two of the most successful game developers have a "When it's done" approach to release dates. Things come up, things happen. I can guess MANY more people would be upset if come Dec 1st they pushed it back to February.



Yes, it's almost a glorified beta test, but honestly, many of you would have paid 14.99 a month for beta access, especially knowing you could keep your character.



And don't try to say that you shouldn't be charged for the game yet, it still takes a LOT of money to maintain the servers, pay the GM's, and everything else that come from having millions of people on the servers.



So here we are, it came out. Did it come out too early? Yes. Is there any way EA would have let it miss the holidays? I doubt it.



And if you're wondering if they care? Of course they do. Look HERE. The game has been out 24ish days, and we've had TWELVE patches. These guys are working on it. Many of the problems people are having aren't easily reproducible, which is by far the hardest type of bug to fix because you don't know what is causing the problem. There isn't some magical switch. This doesn't happen:


Customer: "Hey, I'm having graphical problems. I'm on the exact hardware someone else has and he isn't having them".

Bioware:"Oh, we're sorry, we had the 'Crap Graphics' tag on your account, it should be fine now."



It's frustrating to see something with so great be bogged down with so many problems. But I'm sure it's TONS harder for them. It's their baby, you can tell every single person there is pouring their heart and soul into this game. The reason you're not seeing blog posts from developers other than "We're working on it" is because they are busy WORKING ON IT instead of writing blog posts.



I know this was a rant, but if at least one person reads this and understands just a little more, well, awesome. I'll leave you with...


>Hammond: "When they opened Disneyland in 1956 nothing worked."

>Ian: "Yeah, but John, if The Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down the pirates don't eat the tourists."


Edit: Additionally the servers aren't up. People will complain about this. They said two, it's been longer. Last night they said eight, and it took two. People complained. If they said "An indeterminate amount of time" people would complain. It takes time. They are guessing. You want guesses, they give guesses.


As for me personally, I find this game amazing, incredibly immersive, each of the 8 stories are more involved than ANY single player game out...AND more engaging. They clearly love this game and are working tirelessly to fix it. It will be polished soon. As for me, I'll be here with them on the road there.


Edit 2:Some fun observations:

Many people(2nd place post atm) are complaining(Irony?) that there really aren't any complainers on here so my words are wasted.


Many of the posts are people complaining about the game, in full defiance of the first observation.


Quite a few people have posted something similar to "What problems? It's been smooth for me"


Others are posting that the game is completely unplayable and clearly must be that way for everyone, and that everyone in their guild basically has a half finished copy of Zork.


A large number of people complain that the game is unfinished and that is unacceptable. Those same people have yet to let me know the date that WoW was finished.


As hard as I would have thought it would be to claim that this launch is a sign of declining quality, in spite of no one ever doing it better, a lot of posts seem to think that way.


A surprising amount of people hate playing this game, and have hated all 20 hours they've put into it, and are going to hate the next week of playing, and hate even having to post here, and hate....

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Hello from the forums!


Your relatively poor grasp of when to use paragraph breaks makes anything you write a bit of a chore to read. So bear with me if I dont exactly follow your point. Also, I'm not sure it warranted cross-posting between here and reddit, but I suppose your post has at least a bit more substance than some things written here.


So I'm left wondering what exactly your point is? That BioWare realizes their game is half baked, and that they are just as upset as we are? That's really not much of a consolation to those of us who were expecting a playable game at launch. We all know that they will slowly improve things through patching, but what exactly is supposed to keep people here, playing and paying? Promises of a brighter future? I doubt that will work in this day and age.

Edited by BluePlatypus
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Your relatively poor grasp of when to use paragraph breaks makes anything you write a bit of a chore to read.

Really? You think he's spacing things out TOO much?


It's a helluva lot better than the other extreme.

Good ol' wall'o'text poster ranting with consecutive 5 line run-on sentences gets an immediate ignore from me.


So I'm left wondering what exactly your point is? That BioWare realizes their game is half baked, and that they are just as upset as we are? That's really not much of a consolation to those of us who were expecting a playable game at launch.


Yes, that is kinda his point, but with a bit of vitriol and word-spinning. This game is playable. Perhaps that phrase doesn't mean what you think it means.

I have had no serious problems playing this game since December 14th. You'll have a tough time convincing me that TOR is unplayable.


We all know that they will slowly improve things through patching, but what exactly is supposed to keep people here, playing and paying? Promises of a brighter future? I doubt that will work in this day and age.


I'll be kept here by the fun story, the interesting gameplay, the cool flashpoints, the challenge of getting half-way decent at PvP. What do you play a game for?

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