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Everything posted by JamesDeSimas

  1. Here is the entire e-mail, I did read it fully, even the fine print. http://i.gyazo.com/95ae0f714f120a52fb0b3b4c81cbef68.jpg http://i.gyazo.com/48d81becef12eebcc357b0abdbde3abf.png And 'Buy' page fine print. http://i.gyazo.com/33b5e789393873bc53fac84c550ca8d4.png So I was satisfied when I looked at the entire email (even the fine print) and the entire buy page, even fine print. I did more research than most. See above. See above That was the subject, but if you look at the first screenshot, 12xp class xp boost is definitely the highlight. That's the point, I wasn't around here, I stopped playing a long time ago, and for the most part never looked at their promotional e-mails. The only reason I saw this one was due to switching to Google Inbox. And I never called it a 'scam', just that it was misleading in this situation. Plain and simple, I haven't had time for SWTOR in quite a while, and I got really excited that I could finally play through my favorite part of the game (the story). I didn't have time to site down and use the 12x until this weekend, and never would have bought the expansion, nor recommended it to friends, if they had actually said "12x Class XP Boost Until Dec 2nd!".
  2. The email "Last Chance to Pre-Order" touted 12x Class XP. As my main reason for not playing was how teadious it was to play and enjoy the class stories (I already had a 51 and a 55) I jumped right on it. You can see the full promotion here: http://i.gyazo.com/be29bac82dc3c23ff2ed27b59680abd0.png I checked on the site, and the only thing I could find was that it said you would get the 12x subscriber benefit if you pre-ordered by Monday night (the 1st). So I grabbed the expansion, and was very excited to finally play all the class stories and have fun kitting them all out. I even got 4 friends I used to play with to buy the expansion on Monday the 1st so they could secure the 12x. And then it was taken away the next day. I'm really disappointed in the SWTOR team for this. You had an idea that really made me want to buy your expansion, play, subscribe, buy CC to get some get for new toons, and even convince friends to do the same...and then took it away. I guess it worked, because I never would have bought it if I knew it was ending Monday. But I can definitely make sure to unsubscribe and recommend the same to the friends I got to come back with me.
  3. Hello from Reddit! So I posted this: http://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/o59mi/to_those_complaining_about_the_game_or_saying/ And a lot of people said I was basically saying it where it wasn't needed (Turned out not to be true, I can tell you that.) And suggested that I throw this to the wolves over here in General Anyway....here it is, verbatim. (Written around 2:15am PST)
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