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MMORPG .com says SW:ToR is Great


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Really? I was under the impression that i could free-roam across the entire continent without running into an invisible wall or exhaustion zone literary 10 feet from the town


10 feet from town in TOR? where? Prove it.


Called different worlds for a reason. Take your sub par MMO and leave already.

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Mmorpg.com review scores are based on advertising dollars. Look at any game, from the lowest form of F2P asian grindfest to the latest "AAA" mmo. If it has ben advertised on their big splash page, it will have a good score regardless of how the game actualy is.
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Show me evidence, find a video that shows exactly 10 feet. Telling me to do it is not proof.


Umm... you're just playing ignorant now, it's true.


But it makes sense, there's a lot of hot desert between you and the next waypoint, so the forced-flightpath thing makes sense, imo.

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I think the only value for game reviews is as an indicator of how buggy a game might be. Everything else is often too subjective or shallow or biased to be of much real value.


And yes, the game publishers do exert some influence on the reviews. They don't control the review, but they do everything they can to get a higher review. I worked at a software company that would go to great lengths to improve their ratings and reviews. It was a huge deal for them. And yes, they often got them improved.

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Giving this game more than a 7 is being straight up nonobjective, but then, video game reviews are a complete joke now a days, works on a system of 8 (Horrible) 9 (Okay) 9.3 (Good) 9.5 (Great) and 10 (Call of Duty)
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8.7 is a little generous. I'd maybe give it an 8.5


The final score is calculated from the scores for the different sections of the review, not just an arbitrary decision based on an overall opinion. Still, even 8.5 would be very good.



Edited by Blackavaar
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I bet all big reviewers kind of have a silent "agreement" with EA and other big publishers that as long as they give generally positive review they will get promotional deals on new games. Like getting new games to test earlier then others, "exclusive" interviews and beta keys they can give away to readers. The list goes on. The game publishers don't need to threaten the reviewers as the reviewers already know whats on the line if they give a crap review.


Best reviews imo are from real people/players on a private youtube review.


Yup, best reveiws are from those with no financial stake in giving the reveiw!


ME2 for example


IGN HAMMERED that game, just hammered it brutally until 3 months before release when suddenly the scores instantly rose to 9.5/10 over night.


In fact every pre release reveiw from the big sites gave it amazing scores.


Release came, was huge backlash from long time RPG fans about the lack of RPG elements in game and something silly like 80% of the post release reveiws from sites with NO FINANCIAL STAKES in game (they dont get promo materials, give aways, early access, free copies...they buy the games and then play and reveiw) gave it a resounding 4-5 /10 score. Some dropped as low as 2.5-3 /10.


Perfect example.

Big sites bashed game till they got paid,

Then they proclaimed it the end all and be all.

Game released and while the new generation loved it, the traditional established (pre EA) Bioware fanbase were less then thrilled generally (always exceptions and I bet someone posts just that).


Was the non paid reveiwers that seemed to get it right for the established RPG crowd.


But I know that and accept that.


I just find it such bad form that a site that showed open hostility towards TOR is now covered in TOR advertisements and proclaiming it king.


Do I think TOR best MMORPG currently on market...YES I DO!

Do I think GW2 will even mildly dent TOR subs...NO I DONT!


But Im also not going to ignore the obvious!


Best reveiwers come from finding those with your same play style and desires that DONT get free stuff, early access, paid advertising, and going with them if you really need to hear someone elses opinion of a game!


PS: My personal reveiw of TOR is


Game : 8/10

Bioware/EA handleing of bussiness associated to game: 2/10

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