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You're Getting Trolled


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After spending some time on the SWTOR forums, its clear that a portion of the community does not understand the meaning or purpose of a troll. This is reasonable, as there really is no (logical) purpose to a troll, but they exist nonetheless.


"Everyone says I'm getting trolled, what mean?!": Well, innocent forum goer or mmo newcomer, an episode of trolling occurs when a basement dwelling, attention starved, extracurricular activity-lacking individual makes a deliberately false or controversial statement with the intent of getting an emotional rise out of the community around him


"But how I know he not just dumb?": Good question. Sometimes trolls can be very sneaky, despite what their chubby fingers and greasy hair may suggest. Here are a few telling signs to be aware of for when on the lookout for troll posts:



  1. Spelling and Grammar: Some people have poor spelling and use of proper grammar. This can be the result of any number of factors, from lack of attention in middle school (where they likely ended their scholastic career), to the use of a language not native to one's tongue. Sometimes, however, spelling or grammar are used as a sort of "troll tool", in order to give the appearance of a simple minded speaker. Those trolls might be ugly and disgusting, but they're clever. Try to look for spelling and grammar mistakes that look forced and unnatural, even to someone with little to no education or practice with the language.
  2. Unreasonable Arrogance: Is the statement putting forth a very controversial opinion with little to no proof, little community support, and saying it with an aura of zealous conviction? Trolls tend to make statements that defy logic a 12 year old could stumble through. Consider these statements carefully before responding angrily, as trolls, like Sith, feed on anger and passion. Also consider: even if it isn't a troll post, is someone like this even worth the time it would take to respond?
  3. Unbelievable Stupidity: Perhaps this is not a statement at all, but a question that is either worded with such stupidity or has an answer so simple it makes your head spin to think that someone would actually ask such a ridiculous question? Some trolls are masochistic in nature, and enjoy riling a community into demeaning them for asking questions that are so absurd they are received as humorous.



Anyway, this is just a brief introduction to trolls and how to start avoiding them for those that have not had the disappointing experience of learning that there are actually people out there with miserable enough lives to find satisfaction in such an activity. Hopefully you can avoid entering into a long, pointless debate with someone who is really just trying to get your blood boiling. Keep on SWTORing, and happy Friday!


**WARNING, Speculation: All trolls may not necessarily reside in basements. Other living arrangements exist, including (but not limited to) small studio apartments, childhood bedrooms, swampy marshlands, and underneath bridges (generally in close proximity to small herds of billy goats)

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there are always a small percent that are 'idiots', happens everywhere.


Then you can ask yourself "are we not all being idiots once in a while", depending on the situation and our individual personalities? Some people might be trolls for a day, maybe on a good day, maybe a bad one. Some being bored, others genuinely wanting to mess with people. Then you have those that never troll at all, of course. Respect goes out to them.


I guess that's the definition of a true troll, that you see him make an *** of himself every single day on the forums.

Edited by Zoroth
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I understand and applaud your need to educate the community, but one thing I fear is that trolls, - which cause posts like this, are slowly turning the community against itself. I have asked questions before, that I honestly didn't think were stupid and wanted to know the answer to, and have been called a troll. I think it is sad when we stop helping other players and start assuming everyone is a troll.


Don't let this happen. So someone asks a question you think is stupid...go ahead and answer it. Worse case? Omg you answered a question...no biggie. Best case? You helped someone out. I think it is pretty silly saying "you've been trolled" for helping someone out. So...you caught me being nice? Okay..*shrug* :p


Just ignore comments that are made to obviously incite anger among people. These are usually blanket statements about religion, politics, parenting, maturity, ethnicity, or being a "noob", etc. In these instances, someone is just looking to anger a crowd of people and make them bicker among themselves, and you do not win anything by replying and getting involved in that.

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Indeed, pretending this is the U.S. in the 1940's and trolls are communists is not what I suggesting. Pointing the troll finger in the wrong direction can harm one's reputation unnecessarily, and she be avoided as much as entering into debates on trollish topics.


Questions I was referring to were more on the idea of "Why isn't Darth Vader on the imperial fleet?"

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"Why isn't Darth Vader on the imperial fleet?"


[puts on Troll pants]


What? For realz? I totally saw him doing the /getdown with Vette. Maybe you just didn't look hard enough. In any case, he's on the Imp Fleet at coordinates X: 1210 Y: -352 Z: 3972. There's an easter egg at his location. If you click on him and type "/1 I eat yellow snow" (without the quotation marks) and hit Enter, he drops a purple color crystal. Good luck and have fun! Hope this helps!


[/takes off Troll pants and struts around, hands on hips, looking pleased with himself]

Edited by Infernal_Marquis
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After spending some time on the SWTOR forums, its clear that a portion of the community does not understand the meaning or purpose of a troll. This is reasonable, as there really is no (logical) purpose to a troll, but they exist nonetheless.


"Everyone says I'm getting trolled, what mean?!": Well, innocent forum goer or mmo newcomer, an episode of trolling occurs when a basement dwelling, attention starved, extracurricular activity-lacking individual makes a deliberately false or controversial statement with the intent of getting an emotional rise out of the community around him


"But how I know he not just dumb?": Good question. Sometimes trolls can be very sneaky, despite what their chubby fingers and greasy hair may suggest. Here are a few telling signs to be aware of for when on the lookout for troll posts:


  1. Spelling and Grammar: Some people have poor spelling and use of proper grammar. This can be the result of any number of factors, from lack of attention in middle school (where they likely ended their scholastic career), to the use of a language not native to one's tongue. Sometimes, however, spelling or grammar are used as a sort of "troll tool", in order to give the appearance of a simple minded speaker. Those trolls might be ugly and disgusting, but they're clever. Try to look for spelling and grammar mistakes that look forced and unnatural, even to someone with little to no education or practice with the language.
  2. Unreasonable Arrogance: Is the statement putting forth a very controversial opinion with little to no proof, little community support, and saying it with an aura of zealous conviction? Trolls tend to make statements that defy logic a 12 year old could stumble through. Consider these statements carefully before responding angrily, as trolls, like Sith, feed on anger and passion. Also consider: even if it isn't a troll post, is someone like this even worth the time it would take to respond?
  3. Unbelievable Stupidity: Perhaps this is not a statement at all, but a question that is either worded with such stupidity or has an answer so simple it makes your head spin to think that someone would actually ask such a ridiculous question? Some trolls are masochistic in nature, and enjoy riling a community into demeaning them for asking questions that are so absurd they are received as humorous.


Anyway, this is just a brief introduction to trolls and how to start avoiding them for those that have not had the disappointing experience of learning that there are actually people out there with miserable enough lives to find satisfaction in such an activity. Hopefully you can avoid entering into a long, pointless debate with someone who is really just trying to get your blood boiling. Keep on SWTORing, and happy Friday!


**WARNING, Speculation: All trolls may not necessarily reside in basements. Other living arrangements exist, including (but not limited to) small studio apartments, childhood bedrooms, swampy marshlands, and underneath bridges (generally in close proximity to small herds of billy goats)


So you made a thread about trolls, using slurs, insults and generalizations, to point out that trolls try to get an emotional rise out of people with their off-colored remarks or statements about X or Y?


This is almost like trolling in itself. Your post is inflammatory, insulting, has a mean-spirited undertone and is not very friendly or welcoming.


No matter what you say, when you resort to insulting anyone for any reason, you have only sunk to their level to try to prove your point... which only makes you look as bad as they do.


This thread should be locked and/or deleted before you can stir the pot any further.

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We are closing this thread as it is a discussion on the community and does not discuss any specific topics about Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ or its contents.


Please feel free to continue discussing the game and its contents on our forums. Thanks!

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