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You are paying to Beta Test, no lie.


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EQ at launch , crashing boats , falling through the world , servers yo-yoing and down for hours.


Still to date my favorite game yet.


You don't have to pay nor play OP , personally it's well worth the money to me and am enjoying my time.

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get a better computer dood. seriously.


No kidding. I am playing on a 1k$ laptop... which probably puts it somewhere in the ballpark of a 600 - 700 dollar desktop as far as gaming performance. It runs great on medium settings, shadows off. Technically, my processor doesn't even meet the minimum speed requirement and it still runs smoothly. O.o


If your computer wont run it, you have a seriously questionable computer! Stop buying dells?

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People who tried to avoid moving off of "Lord Awesomepants" or whatever ridiculously overpopulated launch server they insisted on clinging too brought it on themselves. Blizzard was overwhelmed by their own success with things like downtime and the loot bug. Don't even try to compare this with some of the bullsh*t in SWTOR.




You really have deluded yourself into believing WOW is some "golden egg" in the entire MMO industry?


EVERY server had the loot lag issue, every single one. The game was an exercise in frustration just to play for a while after it's release - yet i STILL played it for over 5 years because i know things happen. It was not the glory of perfection you are making it out to be.


You really need to stop blowing smoke, and take off those rose colored glasses

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Yay, another unoriginal, uneducated claim that we are still playing Beta. I am sorry, but you don't win the prize for being first. Someone else already beat you to it.


I wish the pre-EGA forums were still accessible, so I could refer back to my post long before the EGA "boldly" predicting that we would start getting these nonsense posts shortly after the game is released. Since I opted out of playing in Beta at all, that was not a prediction based on my fascination with the game but, rather, based on what I know from experience with other games. Honestly, since I could easily go to any game's forum shortly after release and find identical posts for that game to what the OP is saying, suggesting that prediction was bold is like suggesting it is a bold prediction that the sun will rise tomorrow (which, by the way, I will go on record as saying will happen with the possible exception of the polar regions). Think I am exaggerating (about the Beta thing, not the sun rising)? I don't even have to go back to release. For instance, it took me all of about 15 seconds to find this:


Quote by Alltherage from 2/9/11 on WoW's forums -

Title: Let us be reality, this game is still in beta


Blizzard spent all their energy on retrofitting the old zones and quests with juggling 81-85 level content they forgot about class balance.I don't think there has ever been such a patch like 4.0.6 that had such sweeping changes to almost every class other than expansions going live.We are paying to test changes.


I always have to laugh at these posts. People think they are original with this trite line, apparently not realizing that whole groups of clueless individuals repeat this nonsense in every game, even years after release (last I checked WoW was released a "few" years before the above post). In reality, they only show how uneducated they are about the complexity of programming and managing a massive undertaking like an MMO. They talk like developers have control over the literally millions of individual PC configurations, and, therefore, should be able to predict where problems will occur and fix them before they happen. They clearly think that, because they can write a "Hello World" program in Basic, they have a complete understanding of complex multi-user, online systems.


The truth is, no MMO gets released without bugs. In fact, no MMO retires without bugs no matter how long it has been in production, and it is far from uncommon for there to be bugs in a retiring MMO that were present at release. It is further fact that, in programs consisting of a myriad of modules and millions of lines of code, finding bugs is no simple task. Just because something does not work on even a large number of client machines does not mean that you can easily replicate the issue on the developer's machines. And even if you can determine the cause, fixing a problem can often create new, unexpected bugs due to the interdependency of even seemingly unrelated modules, meaning you can't just patch in a fix without affecting other systems and no matter how carefully you test it, you cannot guarantee unexpected consequences will not occur.


So, here is a clue for all those who will, despite the above, continue to spew this "we are still in beta," nonsense. No MMO that has ever existed or that ever will exist will be released without problems, even major problems. Any MMO that attempts to be released bug free will never be released. And even if you could get a system seemingly bug free, the moment it hits production, hundereds, if not thousands, of bugs will appear as systems are stressed in a way that no testing environment will ever duplicate. And even if that were not the case, Beta testers are notorious for not reporting bugs that they find to be in their benefit. All of that makes it utter fantasy to expect a program to not "feel" like it is Beta even after release.


You are not "paying to play a Beta." You are paying to play a game. That game has bugs and it will always have bugs. This is not "fanboism." it is simple reality because it is true of every game and it will be true of every game that ever will exist. If you cannot deal with that, then you cannot deal with MMOs, or, frankly, even single player games.

Edited by Sotaudi
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Yay, another unoriginal, uneducated claim that we are still playing Beta. I am sorry, but you don't win the prize for being first. Someone else already beat you to it.


I wish the pre-EGA forums were still accessible, so I could refer back to my post long before the EGA "boldly" predicting that we would start getting these nonsense posts shortly after the game is released. Since I opted out of playing in Beta at all, that was not a prediction based on my fascination with the game but, rather, based on what I know from experience with other games. Honestly, since I could easily go to any game's forum shortly after release and find identical posts for that game to what the OP is saying, suggesting that prediction was bold is like suggesting it is a bold prediction that the sun will rise tomorrow (which, by the way, I will go on record as saying will happen with the possible exception of the polar regions). Think I am exaggerating (about the Beta thing, not the sun rising)? I don't even have to go back to release. For instance, it took me all of about 15 seconds to find this:




I always have to laugh at these posts. People think they are original with this trite line, apparently not realizing that whole groups of clueless individuals repeat this nonsense in every game, even years after release (last I checked WoW was released a "few" years before the above post). In reality, they only show how uneducated they are about the complexity of programming and managing a massive undertaking like an MMO. They talk like developers have control over the literally millions of individual PC configurations, and, therefore, should be able to predict where problems will occur and fix them before they happen. They clearly think that, because they can write a "Hello World" program in Basic, they have a complete understanding of complex multi-user, online systems.


The truth is, no MMO gets released without bugs. In fact, no MMO retires without bugs no matter how long it has been in production, and it is far from uncommon for there to be bugs in a retiring MMO that were present at release. It is further fact that, in programs consisting of a myriad of modules and millions of lines of code, finding bugs is no simple task. Just because something does not work on even a large number of client machines does not mean that you can easily replicate the issue on the developer's machines. And even if you can determine the cause, fixing a problem can often create new, unexpected bugs due to the interdependency of even seemingly unrelated modules, meaning you can't just patch in a fix without affecting other systems and no matter how carefully you test it, you cannot guarantee unexpected consequences will not occur.


So, here is a clue for all those who will, despite the above, continue to spew this "we are still in beta," nonsense. No MMO that has ever existed or that ever will exist will be released without problems, even major problems. Any MMO that attempts to be released bug free will never be released. And even if you could get a system seemingly bug free, the moment it hits production, hundereds, if not thousands, of bugs will appear as systems are stressed in a way that no testing environment will ever duplicate. And even if that were not the case, Beta testers are notorious for not reporting bugs that they find to be in their benefit. All of that makes it utter fantasy to expect a program to not "feel" like it is Beta even after release.


You are not "paying to play a Beta." You are paying to play a game. That game has bugs and it will always have bugs. This is not "fanboism." it is simple reality because it is true of every game and it will be true of every game that ever will exist. If you cannot deal with that, then you cannot deal with MMOs, or, frankly, even single player games.


I just wanted to quote you to point out your post is very long and involved and I never even read it lol. Nor do I think a lot of people are going to.

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People who tried to avoid moving off of "Lord Awesomepants" or whatever ridiculously overpopulated launch server they insisted on clinging too brought it on themselves. Blizzard was overwhelmed by their own success with things like downtime and the loot bug. Don't even try to compare this with some of the bullsh*t in SWTOR.


Nah, cant be compared, afterall Swtor only had 6 times the amount of players at launch so they shouldent be allowed to experience any problems. Deal with it, no matter how much beta testing a game face there will always be bugs left. WoW is still not flawless after 7 years, imagine if we had to wait for mmo´s to be flawless before launch, i dont think we would have a single MMO on the market yet.

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