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Controls Question


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Hey all, I'm brand new to this MMO thing and after mousing my way through battle for 32 levels I'm starting to get annoyed with all the clicking, so here is a two part question:


1) Any ideas on why my Number Pad will not activate my powers? The numbers above the keyboard work, but not the pad.


2) Is there anyway to bind powers on the second quickbar?


thanks in advance for any help.

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The softerware doesn't seem to treat the numpad keys as the SAME as the ones above the qwerty keys.


In your preferences, Esc by default, you have a botom tab keybinds


then go to quickslots


then you will see multiple 'bars' in pairs. The pairs the two slots in the left column for each slot in the right column give you the option to have two keys that trigger the same thing. i.e. if you just want one thing bound, just bind every other one.


There you should be able to bind numpad keys.

Edited by CFourPO
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While in game hit escape and select the preferences option. At this point you will see a keybind tab on the bottom of the panel. You can then rebind your original keys to any key you would like as well as keybind the additional quickslot keys you would like to use.
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I will try this. But I did go to the keybinding and rebound each using the NumPad. Still didn't work, but I didn't use the second bar. Will see what happens.


Any possibility of binding the seoond quickbar?


Yes just scroll down in the Quickslot keybindings until you see Bottom Center

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I will try this. But I did go to the keybinding and rebound each using the NumPad. Still didn't work, but I didn't use the second bar. Will see what happens.


Any possibility of binding the seoond quickbar?


You might try with and without numLock on.

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