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SWTOR Combat


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This is a legitimate post, not an attempt to troll.


How can anyone look at what GW2 is doing to the MMORPG genre and then look at TOR and compare them with a straight face?


One of the problems with the Old Republic is the combat. It is simply not visceral enough to be enjoyable like the traditional style used to be. Traditional combat in MMORPGs will eventually come to an end. People are simply getting tired of clicking players and spamming abilities with a mindless redundancy.


Having the mechanic to actively dodge most abilities is a cornerstone for great combat. Having the dodge mechanic set to a percentage is quite frankly a waste of what could have been a very decent combat system.

Edited by Poogination
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This is a legitimate post, not an attempt to troll.


How can anyone look at what GW2 is doing to the MMORPG genre and then look at TOR and compare them with a straight face?


One of the problems with the Old Republic is the combat. It is simply not visceral enough to be enjoyable like the traditional style used to be. Traditional combat in MMORPGs will eventually come to an end. People are simply getting tired of clicking players and spamming abilities with a mindless redundancy.


Having the mechanic to actively dodge most abilities is a cornerstone for great combat. Having the dodge mechanic set to a percentage is quite frankly a waste of what could have been a very decent combat system.


My God you are whiny, the combat in this game is the best I have ever seen in a mmorpg.

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I'm whiny, really?


At this point I expect nothing less from people like you.


Heh people like you. People like me too.


The combat is excellent. I've enjoyed every class I've played.


Best mmo experience I've had in the last 7 years.


Are people complaining about the combat just because, in reality, they just suck at playing?


I might just add that manual "dodging" is twitch based game style, this is a "dice roll" game.

Edited by Frooby
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Coming from CoH as my first mmo, very few combat systems seem active or engaging enough. WoW has a great preciseness to it, and can be very complex because of how millisecond perfect it is. Unfortunately, most mmo's cannot achieve this, even planetside, the largest mmo-fps had problems with client-server interactions, and shooting people who had actually moved somewhere else.


I would not call ToR's combat the best, or even near the best. It is not original, and it lacks polish. In reality what it has going for it is the strong star wars theme, people being able to play as ****** jedi/sith/troopers/agents. Otherwise it is a clunky version of what I've seen in the past.

Edited by Korialstrazs
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Heh people like you. People like me too.


The combat is excellent. I've enjoyed every class I've played.


Best mmo experience I've had in the last 7 years.


Are people complaining about the combat just because, in reality, they just suck at playing?


I might just add that manual "dodging" is twitch based game style, this is a "dice roll" game.


If you consider 3 season glad in WoW being bad, then yes, I'm atrocious.


Yes, I know what twitch based gameplay is, you missed my point. I was saying twitch based combat will be the future.

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Coming from CoH as my first mmo, very few combat systems seem active or engaging enough. WoW has a great preciseness to it, and can be very complex because of how millisecond perfect it is. Unfortunately, most mmo's cannot achieve this, even planetside, the largest mmo-fps had problems with client-server interactions, and shooting people who had actually moved somewhere else.


I would not call ToR's combat the best, or even near the best. It is not original, and it lacks polish. In reality what it has going for it is the strong star wars theme, people being able to play as ****** jedi/sith/troopers/agents. Otherwise it is a clunky version of what I've seen in the past.


I agree with your second paragraph, definitely.

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The combat is nice, not as tight as wow's but it'll get there. WaR and rift have clunky combat, TOR isn't even close to that.


You mmo hoppers really need to stop harping on about GW2 too, it's a niche game that very few people care about and will do nothing for the genre just like its predecessor.

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Three seasons as gladiator in WoW isn't any big thing to brag about. For all we know it could have been the three seasons that win trading and the team hopping exploits were used.


If you prefer the combat in a game that isn't out yet, and odds are very high you haven't even played yet, then play that game when it comes out. Who cares? I personally enjoy the combat in this game. With the sheer number of different abilities, many of them situation, I never get stuck into a simple rotation like in WoW. Yes, even in WoW pvp. The response time for me is fine, because I adjust to the timing. Just as I adjust to the different timing in every fighting game I have played, every FPS game, and other MMOs.


To each their own.

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This is a legitimate post, not an attempt to troll.


How can anyone look at what GW2 is doing to the MMORPG genre and then look at TOR and compare them with a straight face?


How can anyone take you seriously? Posts that start off like yours are obvious troll posts.


I stopped at "straight face". You were intentionally inflamatory which = troll post. This is fact.

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Every video of seen of GW2 looks like playing a bad action game on easy.


I don't see the innovation.


Not the mention the IP itself is terrible.


Furries, techno-hobbits and plant elves?






SWTOR plays like WAR, which played a lot like DAOC. You don't fix what ain't broken.

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If you consider 3 season glad in WoW being bad, then yes, I'm atrocious.


Yes, I know what twitch based gameplay is, you missed my point. I was saying twitch based combat will be the future.


Yea, right. Everybody and there mother was a Gladiator in WoW when they talk about PvP balance in this game.


Look, I'll do it too. I earned the Gladiator title in the first season it launched in BC playing a Rogue/Mage/Priest combo.


Disprove me.

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The combat is nice, not as tight as wow's but it'll get there. WaR and rift have clunky combat, TOR isn't even close to that.


You mmo hoppers really need to stop harping on about GW2 too, it's a niche game that very few people care about and will do nothing for the genre just like its predecessor.


Wait, so you think GW2 will be a "niche" game when GW1 sold over 9 million boxed copies? Really? GW1 had the largest "MMO" player base for 6 years if you take WoW out of the equation.


Nothing for the genre? You're really not that ignorant, are you?

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Yea, right. Everybody and there mother was a Gladiator in WoW when they talk about PvP balance in this game.


Look, I'll do it too. I earned the Gladiator title in the first season it launched in BC playing a Rogue/Mage/Priest combo.


Disprove me.


Why would I disprove you? Getting glad in season 1 was easy. Congratulations.

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How can anyone take you seriously? Posts that start off like yours are obvious troll posts.


I stopped at "straight face". You were intentionally inflamatory which = troll post. This is fact.


I wasn't intentionally inflammatory, I was criticizing a game.


This is the problem with people like you. Even after I say it isn't a troll post, you still accuse me of trolling because you don't agree with me. You really need to start thinking outside the box.

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Heh people like you. People like me too.


The combat is excellent. I've enjoyed every class I've played.


Best mmo experience I've had in the last 7 years.


Are people complaining about the combat just because, in reality, they just suck at playing?


I might just add that manual "dodging" is twitch based game style, this is a "dice roll" game.


Best combat EVER! Unresponsive, with ability-lag and stuck animations for melee-characters. Oh yes, best EVER!

People like you who do not know how to think critically is the reason why companies release beta-versions of games as a finished product.

Edited by Astron_
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Wait, so you think GW2 will be a "niche" game when GW1 sold over 9 million boxed copies? Really? GW1 had the largest "MMO" player base for 6 years if you take WoW out of the equation.


Nothing for the genre? You're really not that ignorant, are you?


You hit it on the head.




GW wasn't really an MMO.


A free game will always have a large player base.


Look at LoL, it's the most played game in North America, mostly due to being free.


The test would be how many subs would have GW had if it had a montly fee? Probably a very small number.


GW2 will have a lot of players. Players without credit cards who can't play a normal MMO.


Games that don't require CCs generally have younger audiences. For example, LoL's community is INCREDIBLY young. You can go on the LoL Reddit Mumble and most players are sub-16 and me, at 28, is like a dinosaur.


That's why I personally can't wait for GW2. It's going to be a giant child magnet like GW was.


I'm all for popular games without P2P models, as they clean up the P2P games.

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Wait, so you think GW2 will be a "niche" game when GW1 sold over 9 million boxed copies? Really? GW1 had the largest "MMO" player base for 6 years if you take WoW out of the equation.


Nothing for the genre? You're really not that ignorant, are you?


That's just saying that Call of Duty has a larger subscriber base than any other MMO because more copies are sold with every version. The game is online, it's multiplayer, you can interact with people in lobbies and in game, and there's even an rpg element.

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This is a legitimate post, not an attempt to troll.


How can anyone look at what GW2 is doing to the MMORPG genre and then look at TOR and compare them with a straight face?


One of the problems with the Old Republic is the combat. It is simply not visceral enough to be enjoyable like the traditional style used to be. Traditional combat in MMORPGs will eventually come to an end. People are simply getting tired of clicking players and spamming abilities with a mindless redundancy.


Having the mechanic to actively dodge most abilities is a cornerstone for great combat. Having the dodge mechanic set to a percentage is quite frankly a waste of what could have been a very decent combat system.


I like the traditional system. GW2 combat system doesn't get my juices flowing at all.


Each to their own.

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Wait, so you think GW2 will be a "niche" game when GW1 sold over 9 million boxed copies? Really? GW1 had the largest "MMO" player base for 6 years if you take WoW out of the equation.


Nothing for the genre? You're really not that ignorant, are you?


Why don't you start comparing Diablo 2, WC3, MW3, etc., while you're at it? It's about the same. Go to a lobby, find a group and/or grab companions, head out, kill mobs in a clunky fashion, win!

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Best combat EVER! Unresponsive, with ability-lag and stuck animations for melee-characters. Oh yes, best EVER!

People like you who do not know how to think critically is the reason why companies release beta-versions of games as a finished product.


Yes, your opinion is so much more valid than anyone who is not you. You are the epitome of evolution, the smartest and most skilled gamer who has ever lived. We should defer to you every time we think for a moment that we like the game and we don't have any problems with lag or response time, because we cannot possibly be right when you exist.

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My God you are whiny, the combat in this game is the best I have ever seen in a mmorpg.


It is quite possibly the worst combat released in an MMO in the last five years. Abilities lag, combat feels sluggish and non-responsive. There's literally no skill involved, it's the luck of having your abilities go off. Thank god the story, art and subject matter are great. I wonder how long those will carry...


Just because you like the sound of your lightsaber doesn't mean the combat is good. Let's be real.

Edited by Zydrate
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Yes, your opinion is so much more valid than anyone who is not you. You are the epitome of evolution, the smartest and most skilled gamer who has ever lived. We should defer to you every time we think for a moment that we like the game and we don't have any problems with lag or response time, because we cannot possibly be right when you exist.


If you don't have an issue with ability delay it's because you're probably clicking and keyboard turning.


Seriously. Try spamming an ability only to see the animation interrupting itself and then ending up with the ability not firing and then come back to me. Of course you can't do this if you're clicking, since you're response time will be too slow.

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This is a legitimate post, not an attempt to troll.


How can anyone look at what GW2 is doing to the MMORPG genre and then look at TOR and compare them with a straight face?


One of the problems with the Old Republic is the combat. It is simply not visceral enough to be enjoyable like the traditional style used to be. Traditional combat in MMORPGs will eventually come to an end. People are simply getting tired of clicking players and spamming abilities with a mindless redundancy.


Having the mechanic to actively dodge most abilities is a cornerstone for great combat. Having the dodge mechanic set to a percentage is quite frankly a waste of what could have been a very decent combat system.


1) I honestly didn't like GW, so I'm not really looking at GW2.

2) Just because combat is smooth did not fix all the other issues I had with WoW that I do not have here

3) Simply because someone else is not bothered by what bothers you does not invalidate their like of the game or make them a moron or fanboy.


If you want to be taken seriously, you have to stop placing your opinion in the context of absolute truth. An active mechanic to dodge is not a cornerstone of combat for me, it would be a titanic pain in the behind. Worse, now my ability to succeed at combat has nothing to do with my character and is now up to my own reaction times, which is something in an FPS.


CoD , would make sense. Stat based MMO, doesn't.

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