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[Video] How to: Get 10+ medals a game consistently as a Sage/Sorc


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I appreciate the tips, but hope to hell people don't follow your advise. If everyone only wants to be in the "big fights" as you put it, no one will want to guard those points that are needed to win but don't see much action. I have a hard enough time playing in games where people don't play for the win and only play for kills or whatever else.
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I haven't done a single warzone yet, having been jaded by experience in the *** battlegrounds. Are these things actually worth playing in or is it another mad dash to kill people and not defend anything ever?


As always it depends on the player/team If you want a good experience then go in as a group. And yes imo at least, warzones are worth it.

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I appreciate the tips, but hope to hell people don't follow your advise. If everyone only wants to be in the "big fights" as you put it, no one will want to guard those points that are needed to win but don't see much action. I have a hard enough time playing in games where people don't play for the win and only play for kills or whatever else.


I win literally 95% of my games solo queueing and I do this every game.

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I enjoyed that video alot.


I'm not a medal hunter, I spec pure healing to help the team but it's nice to see that someone can pull something like that off even with the sacrifice exploit.


I usually end up on 5-6 medals healing and dps'ing when I can, only sad part is that on my server, people never ever vote MvP to the healers.. Makes me a sad bearcub :(


Might try this when I get to 50, we will see :)


Thanks for posting :)

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No one said playing solo was an exploit m8, using an ability to lower ones hp to heal back up to gain a medal however is.


The OP shows some real skill in his video, there is no question about that. Not many can get 10+ medals every game, takes hard work and dedication to do that.

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Thank you for sharing this video ChrisGG.


May you tell us which spec you are, which equipement you are currently wearing and which spell rotation you do use please ?


I think it will help all the sorcerer community. At least I.


Thanks !

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I haven't done a single warzone yet, having been jaded by experience in the *** battlegrounds. Are these things actually worth playing in or is it another mad dash to kill people and not defend anything ever?


ITs not really worth it. Depends on how you see it. I am really into pvp usually. I like to challenge other players and I like fights to be fair. This is not the case in Swtor PvP. There is too much CC, (this might be be my PC) too much lag and no fluent gameplay overall.


The first issue is the 1,5 sec gcd (which is arguably an issue you can just adapt to, but its still a fact that its killing the pvp combat, since its getting an issue when facing multiple opponents) and the second one is the animation for castings and their delay.


Not to mention that, even though perhaps classes might be balanced, companions ruin any sort of real pvp. Its like when 2 guys, who are equally strong, smart and agile, meet up to fight each other. One brings a knife the other one a shotgun. Thats exactly how companions feel like in SWTOR pvp.


There is better PvP in free online games you see everytime you open up your browser than in SWTOR. But then again its not a pvp game afterall.

Perhaps some people enjoy it and thats alright, but the game is damn sure not competitive, since its too unbalanced and not thought through enough in the pvp aspect.

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The first info from video is... well... not true. U dont really need rakata medpack for 5k heal medal. Some surge gear (which u want to have in pvp anyway, as lv 50) + surge trinket + recklessness = dark infusion crits for about 5200 for me. And my gear isnt still full champ. If u dont have trinket - surge stims will do also, and the yare much easier to get than rakata medpack. Altho u won't do that with green saber (yeah, seen few 50 lvs with pvp armors AND green weapons ;p).
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I havent gotten a piece of gear out of 3500 warzone badges. I think the PVP bag with a chance for gear blows serious dck. If you play that many you should get something.


Uh...you get commendations which can then be used to purchase gear? Those bags either contain a Champions item (luck based) and 1 Centurion commendation or 3 Centurion commendations. Granted, the gear you can buy with the Cent commendations is a tier lower than the luck-based tokens, but that's the intent. Works the same way once you move up to Battlemaster (at least until 1.1 hits).

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I havent gotten a piece of gear out of 3500 warzone badges. I think the PVP bag with a chance for gear blows serious dck. If you play that many you should get something.


As far as trophies, its hard to get these to register.


You don't think raiders get disappointed when they constantly kill a boss and their loot doesn't drop? They had to make it fair for both PvP and PvE.

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I win literally 95% of my games solo queueing and I do this every game.


That's because there are people like me in the game willing to defend a point solo and call for help, vs. only be in the big brawls for personal gain. Sure, I'd love to do what you are doing in the video, but I believe more in team play than personal and find satisfaction there as well.


In the end, play how you want, again good vid and explanation.

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I sit in civil war guarding a turret node using consumption and healing myself all the time, and have been for a while. Even with just guarding the node and nothing else i'll come out with 6-7 medals. I even help others get healing medal during slow matches of guarding.
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