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What Species do you want to be playable?


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It wouldn't take that much to implement them, either. Just put a metallic-sounding audio filter over the existing smuggler/agent/bounty hunter/trooper dialog and replace romanceable sidekicks with the astromech and battle-droids.


And then add droid-on-droid [Flirt] options. Because access port and electrical socket innuendo never gets old.

Edited by Rhudian
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I just want to be a Duro Sith Warrior. Maybe a Trandoshan Bounty Hunter. What's the name of the race with the two horns sticking up out of their heads as well as the two hanging down almost like lekku over the front of their shoulders?


Before the game released, I was really set on making a Rattaki Sith Warrior, went with Human since it wasn't an option.


And why is Cyborg a "race"? Shouldn't it just be a creation slider like tattoos and scars?

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Wookies and any other race that doesn't speak common will NOT be in the game, this has been talked about before and the devs said that they want players to be able to understand and not skip through cut scene's because you get pissed off at hearing "wargrargrgrgrgagagagag" every time your pc speaks.


After running whatever the first time, people are going to skip anyway. Few people have time to dedicate to watching the same 30mins of voice acting each time they run an instance.


Also, it wouldn't be any more annoying than the hundreds of alien languages you already have to listen to while going through quests.

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The thing is, its incredibly easy for them to add new races because the races do not affect the class story line, they don't affect the gear design if the race is humanoid, and there are no racial abilities to balance.


For trandoshans specifically.. Qyzen Fess graphically is already there and all the gear works on him.


The only alteration for droids, trandoshans, wookies, etc.. might be the romance options. But quite frankly if they just disabled it for those races I would be just fine with it.


I just want to play a Trandoshan Jedi Sage, or a Trandoshan Bounty Hunter =)

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Sullastans are in game. There is a Police Force Member in the Smuggler storyline, but no regular NPCs that I've seen at this point.


Not sure if anyone has mentioned Bothan yet or not. Ithorian would be good as well. Wookies were a surprise omission same with Mon Calamari. But as the game progresses, who knows.

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So... One thing that annoyed me about The Old Republic was the lack of character customization. I'm hoping later on in The Old Republic they add more playable species. In my opinion it's important in a MMO that there is a lot of vaiety of playable species and customization.


So post what species you think should be added. Maybe include what classe's each species should be for.


Here's mine.



Iktotchi would be great Jedi and Sith.



I think the Nautolan would be a good for all classes. They are already in game just not playable.



This species would be great for the Jedi. There's already a lot of Togruta NPCs in the game too.


Mon Calamari

Another species that is ingame just not playable. I miss my old Mon Calamari Jedi from Star Wars Galaxies.



I'm surprised that Rodian wasn't already a playable class. Esspecially because there is a Smuggler class.



Grans would be another great species for the Smugglers. Gran Jedi might be cool too.



I haven't seen any Sullustan in The Old Republic yet but it could be a good species to add. The Sullustan were mainly in the Original Trilogy but it would be cool to have them in The Old Republic.


I wonder if Wookie is going to be a popular suggestion. To be honest, I don't want the Wookies to be a playable species. In Star Wars Galaxies I hated all the Wookie Jedi and Wookie Commandos running about. It just didn't look right.

Some of these don't work simply because they can't speak basic, like Rodians can't I believe and Wookies as well, but the others could come as legacy options.

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Some of these don't work simply because they can't speak basic, like Rodians can't I believe and Wookies as well, but the others could come as legacy options.


With the species that don't speak basic, BW could just overlay misc voiceovers from the various alien quest givers. There are hours of speech from all alien races they could get sound grabs from. I know it's easier said than doen, but it's still kind of a cop out. Hell, just let them speak basic, who cares if it breaks lore. JKII: Jedi Academy let you play as rodians who used the same voiceovers as all other race options.

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With the species that don't speak basic, BW could just overlay misc voiceovers from the various alien quest givers. There are hours of speech from all alien races they could get sound grabs from. I know it's easier said than doen, but it's still kind of a cop out. Hell, just let them speak basic, who cares if it breaks lore. JKII: Jedi Academy let you play as rodians who used the same voiceovers as all other race options.


You hurt me =/ lol

Plus I don't know who could live through all that gameplay with that 5 alien word repeated 5000 times in different decibels.

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Shistavanens, but to go into more detail i'll put some of my thoughts into and give reasoning why this would be a good species.



1. They speak basic


2. They have a humanoid like body


3. Armor issues for legs and feet/arms/head, the devs could do the same thing that they do with Guss and Bowdaar you can equip the gear but it just doesn't show. The chest would be fine, since they can wear chest peices.


4. They could be jedi, smugglers or bounty hunters for classes.


In addition to your list, I saw a dev post talking about how races also had to be very human, otherwise they were worried that players wouldn't be as emotionally connected to the characters because it would be hard to relate.


Trandoshans would fail your first criteria, as well as Wookiees. You also have to account for clipping of helmets/robes and animations for every single cut scene in the game. When you kiss companion_x as a Gran, would your snout go through their face?


I'd like to second nominations for:







And one or two of the following group:






Edited by enderandrew
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Kel'Dor= In game, however their heads look incredibly flat from a profile view.

Kaleesh= In game, slider for masks and eyes... Not too difficult to implement.

Rodian= Come on! Really in game, they are iconic to SW... why aren't they playable?!?!


*Droids= Simple addition, they would make an awesome addition to the game. Super customizable character creation with them would make it even better.


I understand the romance aspect of these races, however it wouldn't be a bad idea to unlock some of the previously un-romance-able characters, for these races to romance. Personally I don't care either way, not planning on romancing any of the companions in the first place. Lets just have this moment of honesty though, its all xenophile ideas, so who cares what species would romance another species?

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In addition to your list, I saw a dev post talking about how races also had to be very human, otherwise they were worried that players wouldn't be as emotionally connected to the characters because it would be hard to relate.


Trandoshans would fail your first criteria, as well as Wookiees. You also have to account for clipping of helmets/robes and animations for every single cut scene in the game. When you kiss companion_x as a Gran, would your snout go through their face?


I'd like to second nominations for:







And one or two of the following group:







Alas, someone with a decent understanding and a good idea of what races should be playable.

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