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Sith Assassin? Weakest PVP Class?


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Honestly by playing a sith assassin myself and reading the Assassin forums it seems that the Assassins are quite weak in PVP. Very weak in 1v1 combat and frequently need to pick their targets due to them not being able to take alot of classes down.


Been reading the pvp forums aswell and people barely seem to mention them.


So the question is:


In PVP do you ever have any problems or fear the Sith Assasin in a 1v1 situation?


Discuss! :)

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Honestly by playing a sith assassin myself and reading the Assassin forums it seems that the Assassins are quite weak in PVP. Very weak in 1v1 combat and frequently need to pick their targets due to them not being able to take alot of classes down.


Been reading the pvp forums aswell and people barely seem to mention them.


So the question is:


In PVP do you ever have any problems or fear the Sith Assasin in a 1v1 situation?


Discuss! :)


well assassins are simply not made for 1v1s really, unless they tank spec they are gonna die quite fast, they excel in tight locations with alotof players, they backstab,stun and do all kinds of CC, they need to be stealthed to have a advantage, and stealth is one hell of an advantage, especially in Alderaan, have two assassins stealthed at a "unprotected" turret and as soon as someone tries to capture, uncloak and CC

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in real world combat take advantage of your biological CC skill too, I've always had great success force cloaking, and then CCing their companion and then going after the opponent with mine still out :p . To my knowledge there are damage bonuses with certain stills when they are used in a particular order, read the descriptions and experiment.
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I have no experience playing the Assassin, so I can't really put in my two cents for that.


However, I play the Sentinel and do think its underpowered, due to a lack of utility and some bugs with the class. (i.e. UI lag, offhand weapon damage issue)

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It's a rogue so you should play it like one and Rogues have never been good against tanks.


If you play it like a rogue(deception spec) you end up weaker in 1v1's due to the fact that you're a melee class with the armor levels of a sorc; if you run a tankier build like 23/0/18 (or any darkness derivative and PVP in dark charge), you end up capable of 1v1ing any class as long as you use your short cooldowns well, with only tanks and marauders able to give you a good fight.

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If you play it like a rogue(deception spec) you end up weaker in 1v1's due to the fact that you're a melee class with the armor levels of a sorc; if you run a tankier build like 23/0/18 (or any darkness derivative and PVP in dark charge), you end up capable of 1v1ing any class as long as you use your short cooldowns well, with only tanks and marauders able to give you a good fight.


I see them getting behind their target all the time and take half their health away in two hits.

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I can only talk from the receiving end.


I notice huge diffrerences.

Some Assasins are real beasts , superlethal and scary.

Others not so much.

I think thats a correlation with the persons ability to strafe and hit the back and chose fights wisely.

Edited by Sabredance
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31-0-10 Barely need a team in hutball. Wouldn't trade any of the abilities available for other classes stuff honestly. Don't kill people overly fast, but rarely die. Stealth has very little to do with it also. Stealth I find "most" useful on the strand of the ancients clone map, I don't remember what it's name is, the bombs on doors, as for hutball or the other one, don't use it much. Also guard, ae taunt, regular taunt, knock backs, tons of mitigation, force pull, it's a ridiculous array of things to manipulate the course of a fight with. Taunts being highly useful in pvp for damage mitigation, I have no complaints with the class, I haven't played either dps spec yet, but as for tanking in pvp, it seems amazing to me. :p
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Viable pvp dps builds for you at 50:

Focused on dps, building shock charges with voltaic slash, then shock, the discharge



Focused on mobility and some more surivability, still the same rotation as above as a main dps rotation



Focused on full mobility and maul dps with a slight higher focus regen


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I'm a kinetic combat shadow (kinetic being tank spec) and I had no difficulty taking down any class 1v1. Seriously, tank specced assassin/shadows are beasts in 1v1. In warzones guard/taunt/spinning kick(usabe out of combat for tanks)/other cc is a way to be a good asset for your team.
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As a Rage Juggernaut they are probably one of the classes i fear the least. When they're tank specced they really aren't that troublesome as long as you don't stand toe to toe with them when their cooldowns are up.


It is hard to judge properly though considering i can't remember the last time i fought a sin with both of us a full health due to the nature of the Warzone matches and the fact that open world PvP just doesnt happen, yet. That and the only Sin i know to consistently do very well in matches plays on my side :p

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I see them getting behind their target all the time and take half their health away in two hits.


Well Maul does like 1k base damage but costs 50 force to use meaning that crits usually dont go over 3k and after 2 stabs you are pretty much dry.

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Playing as an deception spec assassin you really should be picking your targets carefully in pvp but saying that there really isn't a lot that I can't kill with a well thought out strategy and being able to adjust said strategies on the fly but mostly if u get enough crits and stay behind your target long enough you should have little problem killing anything apart from tanks.
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Viable pvp dps builds for you at 50:

Focused on dps, building shock charges with voltaic slash, then shock, the discharge



Focused on mobility and some more surivability, still the same rotation as above as a main dps rotation



Focused on full mobility and maul dps with a slight higher focus regen



You're forgetting http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rsMokrskZZf0cRrMz.1 which in my opinion is the most versatile PVP spec due to force pull, out of stealth spike and instant whirlwind. You rely mostly on energized shocks for damage, with recklessness thrown if you really want to put out the hurt. But i guess this is more of a pvp tank spec, but it puts out considerable damage if used right, don't expect to do anything other than tank with it PVE though.

Edited by PringerZ
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Well Maul does like 1k base damage but costs 50 force to use meaning that crits usually dont go over 3k and after 2 stabs you are pretty much dry.


He's probably thinking of before we all started getting champ gear on. I'd jump on my sin every so often when needing a break from leveling my jugg and was getting 4k crit Mauls, but, everyone was lowbies including myself at that point.

Edited by Kabaal
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You're forgetting http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rsMokrskZZf0cRrMz.1 which in my opinion is the most versatile PVP spec due to force pull, out of stealth spike and instant whirlwind. You rely mostly on energized shocks for damage, with recklessness thrown if you really want to put out the hurt.


While i agree with this, and know that the tank speccs are very much viable and good for pvp i posted the dps specs, none of the tank specs get close to the damage 1v1 compared to a voltaic slash spec, im not gonna compare my numbers to anyone elses tho since im allready decked in gear and can easily get a high enough burst to take someone out in the matter of seconds, but every feedback people can get on how to play their class is nice another few tips from me to fellow assassins:


Use guard when fighting use it on healers, this will help your team allot


Use the aoe taunt right of the bat in large team fights (this reduces player damage in pvp for those who didnt know)


Getting biochem to 400/400 for epic stims and healing packs is a big advantage in pvp currently

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I am a sith assassin and I think from my experience that for 1v1 it is a very strong class if well played.

In a mass battle it is not a very good class imo, because yes I single/AoE taunt people but that's all. Don't have so insane dmg, an assassin imo needs time to kill someone and this he can buy himself with sap, low slash, get rid of enemy pvp trinket, then boom 4sec stun. Also very good to even kite melee classes while you are using discharge and shock. Kiting is insanely good because while u use ur ranged abilities, you don't lose autoswing in this game.


However I really gotta add to all of this that sith assassin is -very- crit dependant and I mean veeeery crit dependant. Why ?

Because Maul has a 30% crit dmg bonus talent, Shock and Discharge has a 50% crit dmg bonus talent and also surge rating improves the critical multiplier. The problem is that these are a big part of the dmg of an assassin.


I really think much critical !chance! improves assassin effectiveness a lot. Probably that is how you wanna fix your gear if you feel weak.(However I know that is almost impossible, since we cannot even choose between gears, there is a pvp set and that's it, fail design again, sigh)

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I just made a Charater - sith Assassin and @ level 10 -whent to PvP - i may have been sQishey, But i got much better kill's and points -(Level 10!!!) then my level 37 jedi - and that was only Two matches i Played in,


Inquisitor = I win Button.

Edited by Lasarith
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I am a sith assassin and I think from my experience that for 1v1 it is a very strong class if well played.

In a mass battle it is not a very good class imo, because yes I single/AoE taunt people but that's all. Don't have so insane dmg, an assassin imo needs time to kill someone and this he can buy himself with sap, low slash, get rid of enemy pvp trinket, then boom 4sec stun. Also very good to even kite melee classes while you are using discharge and shock. Kiting is insanely good because while u use ur ranged abilities, you don't lose autoswing in this game.


However I really gotta add to all of this that sith assassin is -very- crit dependant and I mean veeeery crit dependant. Why ?

Because Maul has a 30% crit dmg bonus talent, Shock and Discharge has a 50% crit dmg bonus talent and also surge rating improves the critical multiplier. The problem is that these are a big part of the dmg of an assassin.


I really think much critical !chance! improves assassin effectiveness a lot. Probably that is how you wanna fix your gear if you feel weak.(However I know that is almost impossible, since we cannot even choose between gears, there is a pvp set and that's it, fail design again, sigh)


This is why the 4 set bonus on the pvp set(s) has another charge on recklessness

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