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Sith Titles Confusion


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I am playing and my guy who is an apprentice is called a Lord, also refers to himself as a sith lord etc as are darths from time to time, Is lord a generic title for all sith?


The ranking, as far as I can tell, is this.


Emperor > Darth > Lord > Apprentice > Acolyte.


I imagine, when a Darth is referred to as 'my lord' it is more because it has a better sound to it than 'my Darth'.

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This is coming from coming from POD. So it may or may not be relivant as POD takes place after TOR.

I do not have the book with me now but in it Bane asks his master why none of the Brotherhood of Darkness used the title Darth. The masters respondes with because of the BOD premise was all are equal and the sith who took up the mantle Darth was telling all other sith to bow before him or be mowed down.

Basiclly it's a Sith title as in Ceasar is a Roman one.

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This is coming from coming from POD. So it may or may not be relivant as POD takes place after TOR.

I do not have the book with me now but in it Bane asks his master why none of the Brotherhood of Darkness used the title Darth. The masters respondes with because of the BOD premise was all are equal and the sith who took up the mantle Darth was telling all other sith to bow before him or be mowed down.

Basiclly it's a Sith title as in Ceasar is a Roman one.


Yeah it's not relevant at all, as the Brotherhood of Darkness is formed after TOR, and that is when the abolish the Darth title.


In TOR the Darth title is still used.

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Acolyte > A low ranking force user, usually just starting to train


Apprentice > Apprentice to a master, all Sith have a master, your master is the one you answer to, a Darth is still an apprentice to the Darth above him, all are apprentice to the emperor however they are rarely called as such at this time.


Lord > The title Lord is different to being called Lord, Lord is used as a sign of respect from a lesser ranking Sith, the Title itself is a ranking within the Sith Empire and comes below Darth.


Darth > Darth is a title of authority, above others demanding lessers to bow down and often those of a similar authority, these can still be apprentice to another Darth, IE. Darth Maul / Vader to Darth Sidious, when they are referred to as a Lord it is in a sense of respect / authority, as In.. Welcome Lord Vader, Indicates that he should be respected as such.

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Remember also, that the regular citizens are, by definition of class structure, below even the lowest Sith Acolyte. Force users in the Empire hold a place of authority over everyone else. Therefore, non-sith empire citizens, be they military or otherwise, will refer to ANY Sith, regardless of rank, as 'My Lord' or 'My Lord Sith.' You may be a peon compared to other Sith, but you're still more powerful and granted more authority than than non-Sith.
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when an apprentice becomes a Lord it basically means that he has "graduated". He can still work for his master, though.

And as many have said, ANY Sith will be a Lord for a non-forceuser, however, people like Grand Moffs didn't hesitate to boss the little sith around (still had to be careful, though).

Edited by Mechavomit
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I am playing and my guy who is an apprentice is called a Lord, also refers to himself as a sith lord etc as are darths from time to time, Is lord a generic title for all sith?


The Dark Side has different rules than the Jedi. A Sith can be a Lord or a Darth. He is not so much an apprentice but more of a chrony to do the evil bidding.

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I am playing and my guy who is an apprentice is called a Lord, also refers to himself as a sith lord etc as are darths from time to time, Is lord a generic title for all sith?


imperials are calling you a lord because even as an apperentice, you are thier superior.

+ they don't realy know your standing tho and they don't want to offend you.


It's same for the jedi


every non jedi will refer to you as "Master"

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