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Are nightly downtimes going to become the norm?


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I'm totally cool with having weekly maintenance but I don't like this recent trend of patches being implemented on a nightly basis. Yeah I know, I'm doing a little QQ here. I just hope I can rely on playing consistently 6 days out of the week whenever I have time to log on.


[EDIT] Come on folks, it's not like I'm literally thinking this will happen every day from here on out. The simple fact is that it's these brief notices with no expectation on time or duration that's really got me concerned. And I think concerned is maybe too strong a word. Either way, I was just asking a question which I figured some would shrug off as a whine but others could appreciate what the intention was. Ah well, sorry if I offended any of ya... :p

Edited by Kadin
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I'm totally cool with having weekly maintenance but I don't like this recent trend of patches being implemented on a nightly basis. Yeah I know, I'm doing a little QQ here. I just hope I can rely on playing consistently 6 days out of the week whenever I have time to log on.


There are no guarantees in a game of this complexity.


Patches will be pushed based on the needs of the many, not the few or the one.

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The game has only just been released, would you rather being stuck with bad bugs until scheduled repairs are launched? If I remember correctly WoW was down for something like a week or 2 just after release.


They are actively fixing bugs and as they fix a handful they patch it in. Of course this isnt going to be the norm :p

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i seriously have to agree with you on this one, for me this is really annoying and also in my oppinion is the only thing we have legitimate means to complaint.


I mean, if there is a balance issue or anything, its Bioware game, we are not entitled to anything, BUT to play the game, thats what we pay for, so for me this is the only thing that i think the playerbase is truly entitled too, and has any right to complaint.


We pay $15 a month to PLAY the game, if the servers are going down every too often, we are getting less value out of our money, hence we have the right to complaint.


It is weird, because for me this is the only legitimate concern the players can have, yet i dont see too many people complaining, the only thing they do is complaint about balance, bugs, etc. Guess what, even with those legitimate faults, you are actually agreeing with those bugs, and its their game so they can change whatever they want, BUT with this downtimes, i say no.


If this trend keeps going i would like some compensation in the forms of game time subscription, its not much, but it is based out of pure principle and good will on bioware's part

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i seriously have to agree with you on this one, for me this is really annoying and also in my oppinion is the only thing we have legitimate means to complaint.


I mean, if there is a balance issue or anything, its Bioware game, we are not entitled to anything, BUT to play the game, thats what we pay for, so for me this is the only thing that i think the playerbase is truly entitled too, and has any right to complaint.


We pay $15 a month to PLAY the game, if the servers are going down every too often, we are getting less value out of our money, hence we have the right to complaint.


It is weird, because for me this is the only legitimate concern the players can have, yet i dont see too many people complaining, the only thing they do is complaint about balance, bugs, etc. Guess what, even with those legitimate faults, you are actually agreeing with those bugs, and its their game so they can change whatever they want, BUT with this downtimes, i say no.


If this trend keeps going i would like some compensation in the forms of game time subscription, its not much, but it is based out of pure principle and good will on bioware's part


Unless the servers are down all day, you wont get compensation since you would have still been able to play on your server.


I am also one of the ones that rather have weekly bug fixes unless they are needed asap (because i probably have more patience than most people here. Yay for being my cousin's chosen babysitter!). I, however, dont see daily fixes as a bad thing at all.


You cant have your cake and eat it too ya know. Want bugs fixed, just nto when you're on.

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Yeah again, I know this is a worthless topic but I felt the need to express my opinion on the matter. I do want the game polished and bugs squashed, I just hope they're able to squeeze a good bit of them into once or twice a week tops.


The reality is that this is obviously very necessary as the game is new and I completely understand that. I guess what I don't understand is why exactly there's so many pressing issues after such a long testing period as well as all the beta weekends, etc.


Just my two cents...

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I'm totally cool with having weekly maintenance but I don't like this recent trend of patches being implemented on a nightly basis. Yeah I know, I'm doing a little QQ here. I just hope I can rely on playing consistently 6 days out of the week whenever I have time to log on.


No such trend yet. Two days does not make a trend, silly boy. Now, get back to us next week IF they pulled the servers down every night for 7 straight nights. That would be an emerging trend.


AND no MMO company has ever followed such a trend, and you know it. But they take servers down when they have to fix things. You want things fixed don't you?


Yeah, you are QQing. Stop that. :) Otherwise, no cookies for you. :p

Edited by Andryah
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With the current issues in the game, nightly hot patches with short down times are a good thing, in my opinion. And for the record, I'm one of the minority who are directly impacted by this as most of my playtime is late-night after the wife and son go to bed. This off-peak time is actually my main play-time.
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I don't personally care when the servers have to come down if it's for patching, I can simply find something else to do as TOR isn't my whole life. It's kind of funny how many people are whinging about this after whinging about weekly down-times.
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I don't know how old most of you guys were when World of Warcraft came out, but a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... sometime in the distant year of 2003, There was this new MMO called World of Warcraft- And there were no burning crusades, or lich kings, or cataclysms, or magical goat-legged blue people riding elephants, crack-addict stripper elves, or ninja pandas.


They were simpler times. And on that release, in those simpler times, the servers pooped themselves quite regularly. There was much frustration in the region of the lower back, and many were the strawberries that ran to their digital crack dealers, The Blizz, crying that their server was down.


And if the servers go down every night to patch out bugs, and the general forum is lubricated by the tears of the vanquished... Even then, this game will still have a better release than WoW did.


And for that, you should thank Yoda. He taught men muppet powers for your sins.

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I don't mind nightly patches, I just wish it started later for us west coast folks.


Also seems it shouldn't take three hours to roll these things out, but I have no idea what's involved so I prolly shouldn't pretend I do.


Problem is, any later for west coast would cut even more into EU's time. Besides, it's about time us Central time peeps got some love form the MMO industry! :p

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Problem is, any later for west coast would cut even more into EU's time. Besides, it's about time us Central time peeps got some love form the MMO industry! :p


You mean its about time you 9-5 central time peeps got some love. If it doesnt affect you its fine.

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It's not unusual for a newly launched MMO to get numerous patches within the first few weeks after launch. Sometimes the first couple of months (depending on how bad the state of the game is).


Hopefully, these won't be too many and hopefully we'll start to see a more "regular" schedule of downtimes, and hopefully those downtimes will be separate for the different regions.

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Problem is, any later for west coast would cut even more into EU's time. Besides, it's about time us Central time peeps got some love form the MMO industry! :p


I hope they keep the downtime at the same times...east coaster here :p

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They were simpler times. And on that release, in those simpler times, the servers pooped themselves quite regularly. There was much frustration in the region of the lower back, and many were the strawberries that ran to their digital crack dealers, The Blizz, crying that their server was down.


And if the servers go down every night to patch out bugs, and the general forum is lubricated by the tears of the vanquished... Even then, this game will still have a better release than WoW did.


I just had a very dizzying deja vu there. :D And, you are right about that. ;)

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I seriously hope not, I've enjoyed the game thus far and have nothing bad to say but if they keep it up every night I will be left with no choice but to cancel due to my work schedule. I understand why they dio it at that time but if they keep doing it nightly then its just not worth it for me.
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Problem is, any later for west coast would cut even more into EU's time. Besides, it's about time us Central time peeps got some love form the MMO industry! :p

Last night's maintenance started at midnight Pacific time, if I recall correctly. That's 9AM in Central Europe. If it was regular weekly maintenance I wouldn't care, but if it's happening every night (and only for 2-3 hours at a time), I think they could stand to push it back an hour or two.


Of course, no matter what they do, it will cut into someone's play time.

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Patches will take as long as they have to. Remember early days of WoW for you ex-WoW players and the number of times WoW went down for extended maintenance after TBC was released? Those are days where the forums were flooded with rants about why maintenance was taking so long, why another maintenance schedule just hours after the last one, people demanding for free play time because the servers had been down for over 16 hours, and this lasted for several weeks until they came up with a downloader installer that could do minor patch updates whilst the game was playing to reduce the amount of downtime to just critical patches.


This game is still new off the shelf, there's going to be a lot more maintenance and downtime as more and more reports come flooding in from players using different hardware/software/drivers than the people who were around during beta testing, and there's a lot of dormant and hidden bugs that will suddenly pop up unexpected as something changes.


I feel for the development team, they have a lot of hard work on their hands having to keep up with fixing the game and cope with the number of aggressive posts from disgruntled and ungreatful players.


Personally I would much prefer it if the maintenance was done during the night. Yes I do feel frustration when I wake up and log in and find all the servers are offline. If they don't have the staff to work a graveyard shift then like everyone else I'm just gonna have to find something else to do while the servers are offline and just look forward to there being less bugs for less maintenance in the near future.

Edited by MJHoyle
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