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Seriously Bioware?


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To whoever said about the GTN. The game is still under 1 month old!


The game is only in Beta!


The game just released!


The game is only a couple of weeks old!


The game is only a couple months old!


The game is only 6 months old!


The game is only a year old!


This excuse isn't going to work forever.

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Stopped at this as WoW was mentioned instead of EQII which instantly negates everything as this is where WoW got everything from.


They specifically tried (and failed) to copy WOTLK/Cataclysm, which was an evolution of the original warcraft, which copied and greatly elaborated on the themepark style of EQ1.


I've been playing MMO's since about 1995 so I'm more than aware of this. I just didn't really see the need to be so specific...

Edited by thomaspraill
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Wow had fairly basic stats when it first started - my hunter 1 year in had to focus on Agil. That was pretty much it - maybe crit - 7 years later, he had to focus on Agil and Hit. Eventually the stats became more and more complex. Additional stats got added over time however people doing theorycrafting determined that you "stack stats in this order" to get the max out of your toon. There really was no reason to try to balance stats or choose between this and that. Blizzard removed stats and changed the way stats worked - pretty much constantly - to try and find a balance that worked. Obviously they never could because even today they are still trying to balance stats and dumbing it down.


How often have you sat in WoW and said, "look at that hunter, he's stacking strength. We should take him into an instance and see how hard his melee attacks hit". You don't. If they don't have Hit capped and stacked Agil, then he is a noob. The other stats available are just noise. you always focus on between 1 and 3 stats per character. Pretty much the same in SWTOR.


Also, as far as green gear goes, I just got a green helmet on my 25 BH. I neglected to buy the orange option with the commendations because it looked like a lampshade with an eye slot. The green helmet looks way cooler and I'll keep it until I find something that looks just as cool or better.

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The game is only in Beta!


The game just released!


The game is only a couple of weeks old!


The game is only a couple months old!


The game is only 6 months old!


The game is only a year old!


This excuse isn't going to work forever.


...no one's expecting it to, but expecting the game to fit your ideals at launch is just as, if not more, ridiculous.


I love the smell of hypocrisy on the internet.

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They specifically tried (and failed) to copy WOTLK/Cataclysm, which was an evolution of the original warcraft, which copied and greatly elaborated on the themepark style of EQ1.


I've been playing MMO's since about 1995 so I'm more than aware of this. I just didn't really see the need to be so specific...


Can you elaborate on what elements they're trying to rip off from WOTLK/Cataclysm that haven't been in standard western MMOs for years and years?

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Crafting is useless.

See above. Crafting is an utterly useless waste of credits. Nothing you can make is better than the free quest items and commendation items you receive while playing solo.


This is false. Obviously you don't reverse engineer anything.

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Attributes are irrelevant.

Have you noticed that in WoW players are affected by more than one attribute? That's why the attribute system exists. There's no reason to create "cunning" "strength" and "willpower" if they don't do anything across classes. Why not just give every player two attributes: Hit Points and "Smuggler power" or "Sith Warrior power". The attribute system in this game is playskool.


Except... you're wrong. I've never wanted anything but agility as a hunter or rogue, or strength as a warrior, or int as a mage or warlock, etc... Sorry for the attribute system being simple... I didn't realize that the character sheet was supposed to be the most complex part of the game.



Gear doesn't matter.

On 4 characters by level 25 I have full orange gear. I get nearly the exact same orange gear from planetary heroic 4's as I'd get from flashpoints. And when I'm done a planet I can either get MORE oranges with commendations, or blue upgrade mods that are way better than anything I can craft. Gear is so easy to get in this game that it doesn't matter at all. Greens are basically junk, and blues are just placeholders until you get an orange for that slot (which you will because they are insanely common). Epics are useless until 50 because theres no PvP brackets and warzones give experience. Why would someone spend 50k credits on lvl 29 epic boots if they'll just get (essentially) free gear in 2 levels that will be better? Making it this easy to get gear ruins the entire game.


Easy gear would ruin WoW, because that game is about gear grinding and nothing else- easy gear might not be ideal, but I never heard BW devs say 'gear grinding is SWTOR's focus'. If the game is enjoyable and people like playing it, they won't need gear grinds... whether or not this game has what it takes to keep people playing is yet to be seen. And no, nobody cares about your theory that the game will fail or whatever- we'll see success or failure emerge after the free month is up- at which point one side will gloat about being right, when in reality failure and success are pretty much guaranteed outcomes.


Crafting is useless.

See above. Crafting is an utterly useless waste of credits. Nothing you can make is better than the free quest items and commendation items you receive while playing solo.


Sorry you don't know how to craft right, I'm crafting and making money just fine. Not all crafting professions are useful mind, and that could use some work... but crafting isn't completely useless- it sure beats the pathetic excuse WoW has.


No economy.

Your entire economy and GTN are non-existant because neither gear or crafting matters and PvP isn't competitive.


No, again, you're wrong. PvP isn't competitive yet for a reason. 50 brackets and rated WZ and improvements to Ilum are all confirmed for patches this month. The GTN is clunky, but you can still find what you need on it with ease- just need a few more clicks then WoW's AH. I'm making and spending creds on my server- as is every other server.


Ease to get mounts/titles/vanity rewards.

These are just more examples of the same playskool gameplay. Everything is far too easy to aquire. I shouldn't be able to purchase a mount simply from saving quest rewards. Although I suppose this is required for anyone to get a mount since your entire economy is broken.


Why not? Why should a mount be an insanely difficult thing to obtain? This isn't vanilla WoW, even Blizz figured out that people don't want to spend three months on foot grinding for a mount. If you want a special mount- those tend to be in the millions range for credits- you sure don't get that many credits from questing.


Quality content but little quantity.

The only interesting aspect of this game is the story line and voice over. This would be a benefit except it evidently costs over 100 million and 4 years to make each time while only taking about a month to go through.


PvP is better than WoW's, more balanced and more is on the way. Flashpoints are more interesting, and the bosses have adds and mechanics from day one- it took Blizz seven years to have dungeons below raid level have anything more than simple tank and spank mechanics, and even then they only altered a few low level dungeons like Deadmines and SFK. Levelling is far more enjoyable because it isn't 'kill x of y' without any meaning behind it... if you enjoy story, but if you don't- well, they advertised a story based game. I don't go to COD and complain that I hate shooters.



I'm sorry but this is just another failed WoW clone. I had high hopes for you Bioware.



1 Make post complaining about how the game isn't like your lover WoW

2 End post saying the game is a WoW clone

3 ????

4 Profit

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1 Make post complaining about how the game isn't like your lover WoW

2 End post saying the game is a WoW clone

3 ????

4 Profit

... I said the game tries to copy wow and fails at it for the following reasons.

I then concluded by restating that was just another failed wow clone. Ie. it succeeded at cloning the face value elements of wow but failed at cloning its more subtle successes.

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This is wrong.


No it's not. If you're a tank, you go Stamina, defense, strength, shield, so on.


Heals are cunning/willpower, crit, stam, and so on. (I'm on my Jedi Knight ATM so I can't review all the stats for healing.)


DPS is Strength/Aim, Crit, power, stam.

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... I said the game tries to copy wow and fails at it for the following reasons.

I then concluded by restating that was just another failed wow clone. Ie. it succeeded at cloning the face value elements of wow but failed at cloning its more subtle successes.


All of your reasons were disproved or dismissed as woefully inaccurate. Your conclusion is made using an incredibly slanted, and very inaccurate table of arguments.

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You're absolutely right OP. BUT You have the wrong idea about orange quality gear. Orange gear isn't about quality. If anything it needs to be MORE common. It was implemented to solve the requests of an appearance tab. BW felt they'd try a different approach (which fails).


Supposedly every green item in game has an orange counter part allowing us to customize the mods and keep the appearance we want (from level 1- 49 making it completely pointless end game anyways). The main way to get orange counterparts is through schematics from gathering skills i.e. Underworld Trading.


Rest of what you pointed out is correct. But don't go bashing orange gear before you understand, it's not a rare type of gear. An orange belt bought with comms will be the same as a blue belt looted from an fp in the same level range. In terms of stats that is.

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Rest of what you pointed out is correct. But don't go bashing orange gear before you understand, it's not a rare type of gear. An orange belt bought with comms will be the same as a blue belt looted from an fp in the same level range. In terms of stats that is.




So you agree that all crafting is useless? I think someone needs a tutorial.

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If you truely like this game and are not just in denial because of years of anticipation.... trust me.... you don't want players to unsub. With the amount EA spent on this game it has to be a big success quickly... or its going to be bad news.


So very, very true. Even the most rabid fanboy must realise that this game has had a massive amount of money invested in it. It has to show a very healthy profit very quickly or this game won't have much of a future.

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So you agree that all crafting is useless? I think someone needs a tutorial.

Ad hominem doesnt work after highschool my friend. I've played MMO's for the better part of 20 years... and the crafting system is anything but complicated... its childsplay.


All gear has a "rating" and a "quality" that defines its stats. The qualities are premium(green), or prototype/custom(blue/orange). Proto is the same as custom and premium gear of the same rating is always going to be worse than proto.


So can you craft proto gear of say rating 56? Sure. But you're also finding several mods / commendation rewards / flashpoint rewards in the meantime so it likely wont even be practical to craft it. Why waste the Underworld metal? Why not just craft the useless green mods and reverse engineer them after? Why not just spend an hour questing through the next planet and get enough commendations for the rating 62 proto gear? Or just run a single flashpoint. Proto gear isnt rare at all. The point isnt that you can't, occassionally, craft useful items. It's that the crafting system is altogether useless... because the game is beyond basic. There's nothing I've encountered that only I can craft that is in any kind of demand. And I never felt like my crafting skills were of any real concrete use to me at all.

Edited by thomaspraill
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Perhaps since cata, prior to that no. At least in WoW the attributes do the same thing across classes. SW:TOR tailors your primary attribute to your class. I understand each class has a secondary attribute that provides aprox half the benefits of their primary. This would matter if gear wasn't completely linear. Have you ever seen gear with 3 attributes on it? Because I havent.

I wonder what they will do if they ever make a new class? Make a new attribute? They'll almost have to.



If they are going to blatently attempt to copy it... then... ya... it does.


Bye, you won't be missed.

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Ad hominem doesnt work after highschool my friend. I've played MMO's for the better part of 20 years... and the crafting system is anything but complicated... its childsplay.


All gear has a "rating" and a "quality" that defines its stats. The qualities are premium(green), or prototype/custom(blue/orange). Proto is the same as custom and premium gear of the same rating is always going to be worse than proto.


So can you craft proto gear of say rating 56? Sure. But you're also finding several mods / commendation rewards / flashpoint rewards in the meantime so it likely wont even be practical to craft it. Why waste the Underworld metal? Why not just craft the useless green mods and reverse engineer them after? Why not just spend an hour questing through the next planet and get enough commendations for the rating 62 proto gear? Or just run a single flashpoint. Proto gear isnt rare at all. The point isnt that you can't, occassionally, craft useful items. It's that the crafting system is altogether useless... because the game is beyond basic. There's nothing I've encountered that only I can craft that is in any kind of demand. And I never felt like my crafting skills were of any real concrete use to me at all.


Been playing MMO's for 20 years? Then why do you sound like a 5yr old whining on these forums? I call bs.

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