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Slicing and field boxes


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So, I have a character with 400 slicing, level 33. I've picked up every single lockbox I've ever seen in the field (I'd say I've easily picked up over 100 boxes by now), and have never received anything other than credits for doing so.


However, there are several people on my server claiming that you can receive missions from these lockboxes, and that they have done so in the past. That I must be "doing something wrong" or that I "have terrible luck."


So, are they lying through their teeth, or have I been thoroughly screwed by the RNG?

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I wouldn't say thoroughly. Maybe just moderately. They are uncommon enough so that they should feel special when you pick one up. If you haven't gotten any at all, then it kinda sucks, but it's not like they don't drop at all.
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I picked up a mission last night, or a schematic that I already knew, don't remember which. But I was surprised that I got it, and thought it was one of my companions coming back from a mission; lo and behold it was something extra in a slicing box.


This is the first I've seen of this and it was in a level 45+ area.

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