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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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And that will solve the problem of dead servers spamming 90% of this game right now? I am confused. Whats your point?


I think you've got me mixed up with somebody else. My server has a ridiculously low population and people keep telling me I'm making it up. I'm in favor of merging it with another server.

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Unfortunately i have to agree with this.


I have recently (since subs have kicked in) been checking WoWs realm status page and comparing it to SWTORs server status during different times of the day...


Hate to say it, but it looks like alot of people have migrated back to WoW.


When SWTOR servers are low/standard... WoW is medium/high

SWTOR standard/high.... WoW High/Very High/Full


Been seeing this pattern for the last 5-6 days.


Really upset by this... But unfortunately it is a consequence of releasing a game without basic MMORPG features, poorly optimized engine, and (from what ive heard) lack of compelling end game content.


very sad to see this games population declining already.

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I think you've got me mixed up with somebody else. My server has a ridiculously low population and people keep telling me I'm making it up. I'm in favor of merging it with another server.


Your right. I thought you were that other guy running around yelling at everyone how packed his server is.


My bad.


But Same with me. All 4 of the servers I play are all about equally ghost towns.

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I thought I had already summed them up pretty well. Do a search of your thread history.




Enlightening. Anyway, my crafting is done. Back to my empty game.


I'm not sure what you've been arguing about with the other poster, but if you don't think certain servers need serious help please log on to mine sometime and check it out.

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if you don't think certain servers need serious help please log on to mine sometime and check it out.


No. I agree totally with that. My server doesn't have that issue. I'm sure others do. Those servers should be merged and hopefully BioWare will look into that.

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No. I agree totally with that. My server doesn't have that issue. I'm sure others do. Those servers should be merged and hopefully BioWare will look into that.


Thank you! :)


I really do LOVE this game, but things are getting a little ridiculous.

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No. I agree totally with that. My server doesn't have that issue. I'm sure others do. Those servers should be merged and hopefully BioWare will look into that.


There is no way they are not aware of it. I think they are in a bad spot.


Its a kinda damage control decision they need to make.


If they do not fix it people will un doubtetly cancel and not play.


If they fix the problem and close servers this early after launch it will show the game is weak and will likely lose future players due to that.


I would not want to be the one having to make this decision on how to plug the dam right now.

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My server really needs to be merged with another one (or 2!).


Despite all of the issues (and I think there is a LOT wrong with this game), I am still having fun. Intellectually, I don't believe I should be, but I am. I think it's all down to lightsabers, to be honest.


But my low pop server is not great.


At around 8:30 p EST on Tuesday night, the 24th, I did a /who 50 (this is empire side), and there were 68 results - 15 of them were guildmates.


I think at 8:30p EST on a Tuesday, this long into the game, there should be more 50's on a given server.

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In the history of MMO games, there has NEVER been a game to launch that retained 100% of their box sales as subscribers.


The game will lose players initially; the key is the 3-6 month window where the good games add new subs due to great content updates. We shall see...

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honestly , im so tired from work nowadays, that i barely have the energy to lurk the forums for 20 mins before i wanna just crash..


but i love the game, im still having fun...whenever i have the energy/time for it lol


oh well...such is life i guess, were still here though

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honestly , im so tired from work nowadays, that i barely have the energy to lurk the forums for 20 mins before i wanna just crash..


but i love the game, im still having fun...whenever i have the energy/time for it lol


oh well...such is life i guess, were still here though


This is about the server populations not how good the game is. Whether you hate the game or love it, dead servers are dead servers.

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I agree. This puts Bioware in a really tuff spot right now.


You really have no idea what you're talking about. You should probably listen to the people who have been trying to explain things to you for the past few pages, instead of trolling their responses.


The population caps on the servers were raised. This means that servers will show as being lighter in population then they were before. It doesn't mean that the population dropped.


Further confusing some people is the fact that the "holiday" season is over. People are focused on college, work, and school right now. Also, the doom and gloomers who have been spamming this forum, and others in an attempt to hurt the game, are being forced out now that their free month is up.


On the latter point I say good riddance to bad apples. The game is perfectly fine. I've leveled three characters to cap so far, and geared one fully out in T2. Any bugs are simple minor things that come with release and get patched out shortly after, as BW has been demonstrating.



Edit: And yes, there are actually people who want the game to die. Mostly because it's EA associated in the case of many. Some of the posts I see on third party forums are absolutely insane. It's like bizzaro-fanboyism.



Edit: Also, laughing at the guy you quoted and were agreeing with, saying that server merges would inexplicably generate new bugs that would somehow cause the game to die a screaming death. As if the process of moving a file from one folder to another would somehow create a horde of new bugs to appear to torment and make the users miserable for eternity onwards.


Lack of software and game design experience all ITT.

Edited by Radiatonia
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The population caps on the servers were raised. This means that servers will show as being lighter in population then they were before. It doesn't mean that the population dropped
If they also drop the breakpoint for light/standard, you could theoretically never see a light server again. Then all the servers would be standard or higher, and there wouldn't be a population issue at all, right?


Anyway, just looked at servers status; 12 east coast PvE servers all with light populations during prime time. They should be merged by the end of February, IMO.


Nothing wrong with merging servers, other than senseless QQ from the community. Obviously they wouldn't have a 100% retention rate; they probably didn't even expect a 70% retention rate. They surely released with far more servers than their expected retention rate would necessitate, let alone what their actual retention rate necessitates. Merging servers is a completely rational and logical decision to make, and one they could/should have very well expected to make.


But with the content design, you need a very large population to keep the game interesting.

Edited by Ansultares
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Again, don't know if i've already responded, but i've seen 150-180 people at the FLEET on all three of my servers. And those are not at peak times. Logic=flawed.


Yeah. There are a few servers that didn't really get the lions share of the population at release. And that should most certainly be addressed, either by merges, or by funneling people to them via free transfers. But the current low servers are more the result of community planning in the case of the RP servers, or just bad luck. It has nothing to do with the population dropping by some insane amount.


A slight dip in the population immediately after the free month is normal. Some people are only in the game for the free ride, or to troll. And others forget to sub. Others still adopt a "play it for free for one month, come back in three to see how much has been done" method to gauge how good the developer team is. There's a myriad number of things effecting dips and increases in population.


Call me if we start seeing all the servers with 30-50 in one instance of the fleet station. Then i'll worry.

Edited by Radiatonia
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Call me when I start seeing all the servers with 30-50 in one instance of the fleet station. Then i'll worry.
That's not a very valid metric.


The last MMO I played was WAR. There was a knot of servers which maintained sizable populations until the very end. Most were ghost towns, but by your assessment because these last few were still reasonably well populated, there wasn't an issue.


At least, that's the impression I get.

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