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Endgame Communication


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Did not expect 2 pages of replies in such a short amount of time, obviously I am not the only one bored at work.


I was merely trying to state that the way MMO's have trended towards this adventure on demand has degraded everyone's socializing skills to the point where they do not care about other players. The story about the fellow in Ilum was merely me realizing what has happened.


This game in general promotes single player play though... There is no reason for people to group up other then world pvp zergs/ops/fp's/heroics.


dont know sounds like your mad more then anything that he capped them all before you guys could and because you couldn't get him group to get the caps you had to wait? That falls under the i want it now category somewhat.

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Did not expect 2 pages of replies in such a short amount of time, obviously I am not the only one bored at work.


I was merely trying to state that the way MMO's have trended towards this adventure on demand has degraded everyone's socializing skills to the point where they do not care about other players. The story about the fellow in Ilum was merely me realizing what has happened.


It doesn't prove that the player in question doesn't care about other players, though. If all he/she responded with was "lazy" it's entirely possible that he didn't know exactly what you were asking.


Should he, and everyone else, send out a realm-wide announcement that he is doing mission "A," and even though he needs no help, he'd like to group up so that he doesn't hog all the resources?

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Did not expect 2 pages of replies in such a short amount of time, obviously I am not the only one bored at work.


I was merely trying to state that the way MMO's have trended towards this adventure on demand has degraded everyone's socializing skills to the point where they do not care about other players. The story about the fellow in Ilum was merely me realizing what has happened.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with what happened to you on Ilum. You should have harbored no ill will, yet your statement that you won't ever play with him pretty much proves you harbor that ill will towards him.


That said, I wish there was more incentive to group up too. I don't think they are "turds" for not wanting to group up with you, as you so strongly suggest.

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I am going to elaborate on my story.


This morning, there were 8 people in Ilum.(one was lvl 12 bot) Imperial had everything capped so I was cruising around farming scav nodes. Then a republic guy started capping stuff back, so I headed to thier base and began re-capping.) Capping solo until I saw another republic cap go back to Imperial I asked in general if anyone wanted to group up for capping. Got 2 people and capped one thing. Got to the last area and I saw an Imperial running towards the last walker to be destroyed so I threw him an invite. He proceeded to fire his rocket and complete the capture. When asked why he didn't just accept the invite he said he was too lazy.

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I am going to elaborate on my story.


This morning, there were 8 people in Ilum.(one was lvl 12 bot) Imperial had everything capped so I was cruising around farming scav nodes. Then a republic guy started capping stuff back, so I headed to thier base and began re-capping.) Capping solo until I saw another republic cap go back to Imperial I asked in general if anyone wanted to group up for capping. Got 2 people and capped one thing. Got to the last area and I saw an Imperial running towards the last walker to be destroyed so I threw him an invite. He proceeded to fire his rocket and complete the capture. When asked why he didn't just accept the invite he said he was too lazy.


Theres nothing wrong with that though. Doesn't make him a social outcast or a turd or anything else.


If anything you should be mad at bioware for the way the capping is designed not the players playing the game and doing the quests as intended.


I can understand being upset because you have to wait but thats just how it is in mmo's sometimes.


Also i never accept invites out of the blue if im not LFG and you just randomly invite me sorry im not going to just join a group *shrug*.

Edited by Barracudastr
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I am going to elaborate on my story.


This morning, there were 8 people in Ilum.(one was lvl 12 bot) Imperial had everything capped so I was cruising around farming scav nodes. Then a republic guy started capping stuff back, so I headed to thier base and began re-capping.) Capping solo until I saw another republic cap go back to Imperial I asked in general if anyone wanted to group up for capping. Got 2 people and capped one thing. Got to the last area and I saw an Imperial running towards the last walker to be destroyed so I threw him an invite. He proceeded to fire his rocket and complete the capture. When asked why he didn't just accept the invite he said he was too lazy.


So he ignored a blind invite? Happens all the time.

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He couldn't click a box to join a group?? Ok, so it's a game mechanic and he wasn't breaking any game rules, but what about social rules and etiquette?


Not upset anymore, I get it....its the game design and a lot of the game design seems geared towards a solo player experience.(not sarcastic)


I just think back to the good ole days of EQ, UO etc where if you acted like a jerk, everyone knew and you definitely suffered for it.

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He couldn't click a box to join a group?? Ok, so it's a game mechanic and he wasn't breaking any game rules, but what about social rules and etiquette?


Not upset anymore, I get it....its the game design and a lot of the game design seems geared towards a solo player experience.(not sarcastic)


I just think back to the good ole days of EQ, UO etc where if you acted like a jerk, everyone knew and you definitely suffered for it.


Proper etiquette would be to send a /tell asking if he would like to group with you, before throwing the invite.

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He couldn't click a box to join a group?? Ok, so it's a game mechanic and he wasn't breaking any game rules, but what about social rules and etiquette?


Not upset anymore, I get it....its the game design and a lot of the game design seems geared towards a solo player experience.(not sarcastic)


I just think back to the good ole days of EQ, UO etc where if you acted like a jerk, everyone knew and you definitely suffered for it.


Social rules and etiquette say not to blindly invite people to groups. It's considered rude and intrusive. But somehow he's the jerk for turning down the invite?

Edited by GeneralPyrrhus
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I just think back to the good ole days of EQ, UO etc where if you acted like a jerk, everyone knew and you definitely suffered for it.


I think you explained it well enough the first time.


There's a tiny minority that thinks this is jerkish behavior.


You appear to be suggesting the following logic chain:

-There are a finite number of resources.

-Sharing resources among same-faction people benefits all people sharing, and hurts nobody.

-Therefore, choosing not to share is jerkish, turdish behavior.


I would suggest the following counter:

-If someone shares with you, regardless of its impact to them, it is a positive.

-Choosing not to share with you is the absence of a positive.

-The absence of a positive is not a negative.


Not being nice is not the same thing as being rude. To accuse neutral behavior of rude behavior, however, is rude.


I know you're saying that the story is separate from the point you're making, but all your posts indicate the opposite, that you do indeed believe this person was rude not to join your party. He just wasn't being nice.


I think the difference of opinion stems from thinking that everybody is entitled to the finite resources. I dislike entitled thinking in general, and so disagree on this point.

Edited by Wager
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basically its like this:


"Ran into a turd today"(ok in MY mind he was a turd)


"Hey, I'm kind of a turd too sometimes, I've done stuff like that before..."


"Am I a turd? No! I'm not a turd you used to be nice! Remember back in eq?


"oh yea! Eq was fun I had so many friends and I had lots of conversations with random strangers and it was totally social! "


Pfft why be social when all i need to do is click a couple buttons and get my shiny loot with out the awkwardness of social interactions.


So my mind wanders and my original post wasn't clear. At least I got interaction out of it!

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basically its like this:


"Ran into a turd today"(ok in MY mind he was a turd)


"Hey, I'm kind of a turd too sometimes, I've done stuff like that before..."


"Am I a turd? No! I'm not a turd you used to be nice! Remember back in eq?


"oh yea! Eq was fun I had so many friends and I had lots of conversations with random strangers and it was totally social! "


Pfft why be social when all i need to do is click a couple buttons and get my shiny loot with out the awkwardness of social interactions.


So my mind wanders and my original post wasn't clear. At least I got interaction out of it!


I wish you could provide his player name and server, because I'd like to apologize to him for your jerkish (or dare I say "turdish") behavior.

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