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Selecting Need for your companion


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i think rolling need for compain gear with out ask is in poor taste. i onyl do so after ia sked teh group and got a ok form everyone(mianly for weapons if no one using them or has them or btter ones) if anyone says no, then i jsut roll greed and if i win great, if not, darn.


only time i need as a ok option is if it for you class,roll and you need it.

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Real, living, breathing people come first. Companions come in a distant second.



Companions are nowhere NEAR a distant second. Maybe in your delusional viewpoint, but not in the game design. They are meant to be geared. I don't agree with taking gear for a companion over a real person that could use it, but this spitefulness against ALL forms of gearing your companion NEED TO STOP.

It is GAME DESIGN that you NEED a companion for solo adventures. You are not allowed to dictate what I do with a piece of gear that I have just as might right to as you. BY DESIGN.

Stop trying to instate WoW rules into this game. This isn't WoW.

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I'm not gonna bother reading 15 pages. I will simply say this.




Your companion is an extension of you, IT IS NOT A PET. It is INTENDED to be geared, and WITH YOU AT ALL SOLO TIMES. Your companion is HALF of your solo DPS, being without it is contrary to game design.



Anyone that cannot understand that concept needs to go back to WoW, because companions need gear too.


The debate over needing/greeding is completely moot. It's back and forth with no end in sight. Stop it already, understand the game design as I have explained it to you, and kindly shut the hell up.


Nobody has stated that this is WoW or even hinted at it. We just point out the painfully obvious that ninja-looting by putting your gearable pet over the people who actually run the instance with you will rightly get you kicked and ignored.


We are well aware that this is not WoW. Don't worry.

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Generally If a gear drops that my companion may use, if another player has the same gear type, I wait and see what he chooses, if he chooses greed, I choose need. If he chooses Need I choose greed. Also if I see another player rolling on need on gear my companion could use, and that player cant use that gear type, chances are hes rolling for his companion too, so I roll need and see who wins. This to me is entirely acceptable.
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I hope the community can agree to this, otherwise we fall into anarchy!


Honestly, I had a Guildie do this the first week of release and I was pissed! Seriously, I would think this was just common sense and decency.

I would still communicate with the group about doing this before rolling on loot during the run. Personally, I'd be fine with it, but others may not.

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I'm not gonna bother reading 15 pages. I will simply say this.




Your companion is an extension of you, IT IS NOT A PET. It is INTENDED to be geared, and WITH YOU AT ALL SOLO TIMES. Your companion is HALF of your solo DPS, being without it is contrary to game design.



Anyone that cannot understand that concept needs to go back to WoW, because companions need gear too.


The debate over needing/greeding is completely moot. It's back and forth with no end in sight. Stop it already, understand the game design as I have explained it to you, and kindly shut the hell up.


No, you fail to understand common sense.


If the game was intended for you to be rolling for gear for your companion in FP, they wouldn't bother to make half the greens you get from single player solo questing tailored (by name!) to your companions.


Clearly (for those of us who don't live in Bizzaro Logic Land), the assumption is:


-Companions should be geared in greens from solo quests and the occasional greed roll or hand me down

- FP loot should be based on the PC.


The argument that "it's half of your character" is so idiotic I shouldn't even have to explain it, but I will. Slowly. Using small words.


If. Your companion. Was half your character. They. Would not. Count. as a PC. In a group.

And. You. Could have four. People. With. Four. Companions.


Clearly. A companion. Is. Separate.




And that SingleCoilwhatever guy is still posting? People, use the ignore function. Anyone of those people who is so brave about how generous they are and yet supports need for companions, and won't list their server or main or legacy name, is , quite frankly, just a ninja looter.


And you can't prove otherwise. You don't owe me anything, but I am certainly not going to listen to trolls try to pretend green is red and I should be happy that someone is looting assault cannons and heavy armor as a Jedi Sage.

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I asked you to put your money where your mouth is to back up your standpoint on rolling Need for your companions. You refused saying that you don't care what I or anyone else thinks. Yet here you are still posting. Can I call you a liar instead of a troll?


He's actually right here. He is stating his point of view, and he doesn't have to provide solid proof of anything he says. He's made his point quite clearly, so let it rest.

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Companions are nowhere NEAR a distant second. Maybe in your delusional viewpoint, but not in the game design. They are meant to be geared. I don't agree with taking gear for a companion over a real person that could use it, but this spitefulness against ALL forms of gearing your companion NEED TO STOP.

It is GAME DESIGN that you NEED a companion for solo adventures. You are not allowed to dictate what I do with a piece of gear that I have just as might right to as you. BY DESIGN.

Stop trying to instate WoW rules into this game. This isn't WoW.

I'll pose the same challenge to you that I did to SingleCoilPickup: Tell us what server do you play on, what classes are you playing, and what their names are. Then roll Need on items that other players roll Need on to see how many people agree with your attitude towards loot for your companions.

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Everone in TOR has companions who use EVERY SINGLE GEAR TYPE.


Therefore you could go through an entire dungeon and click Need on every single piece of gear.


Is that OK?


Yes. It is perfectly ok. My personal standpoint is, if you can't use it, I will. Not everyone uses the same companions, not everyone has expendable income to spend on the AH gearing out their companions. If you have a problem with it, get off the forums and write a clearly worded letter to the TEAM of professional game designers that completely disagree with your philosophy. This isn't WoW. Get that through your heads, people. This game has a completely different design concept, and different social rules that go along with it.

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You do realize that your definition of ninja is not the one shared by most of the community. Just because something isn't explicitly prohibited by the UI does not make it acceptable practice.


again, you are deciding what the "community" thinks, you are projecting your belief system upon the community


many people in this thread have stated they will roll need if they need it, and you still cling to the belief that they are wrong, but yet, your dismissing them as being part of the "community" because YOU don't agree with them, there is no accepted definition, only your opinion about it, by all means, follow your own system, and you should be happy, never get upset when others do not follow your system


people cry ninja at losing any role against anyone for anything, even if that person/class/spec whatever can use it, people do not like to lose gear, because they feel "entitled" to it


In other games, people will drill down to third and fourth order stats about the gear, to further define rules so only they can get gear, its pathetic


they cry about it is a better upgrade for them, so the other person doesn't deserve it, then either scream ninja, or rage quit the run, and usually after that the run progresses very smoothly......

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This is true, but it makes kicking and ignoring them so much easier. A noob can make a mistake, but if you have discussed it before-hand, then there should be no problem.... and if there is -- kick, ignore.


I wouldn't ignore someone who said they wanted to roll Need for their companion. I might leave the group, but I wouldn't put them on ignore. There's always the chance that they'll lose enough groups that they'll stop rolling for companions. However, if they do the dick move and just roll need without mentioning it beforehand, they'll definitely get put on the ignore list.


I just put someone on ignore an hour ago for doing this. A Smuggler rolled need on a green rifle, figured it was for his companion, I didn't say anything, I didn't want it anyway. Then we get to the last boss, blue rifle drops, I roll Need because I'm playing a Vanguard Trooper and it's an upgrade to the green I'm already using, Smuggler wins it. After we exit the instance, the Smuggler says "thanks everyone, good run, invite me to group anytime." I just put him on ignore and went about my business. I'd rather add a dick to my ignore list than get a single piece of gear I'll replace anyway.

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If I'm in a small group where people can use a companion, and my companion is contributing to the group, I will need on an item that I happen to need for my companion. If my companion is not out, and not contributing, then I won't.


Until there is a "need for companion" button I'll need on things that I need, I don't care if it's a blue item or a healthpack.

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when you do not have the ability to carry on a discussion or debate, you ignore, ignoring someone to me, is you are admitting defeat, you are saying I am right, you are wrong, you are putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "I can't hear you", know who does this?? little children, adults will just stop talking to you, but to each their own
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So solo low level flashpoints farming gear for your companion, you don't have to take it from other players.


Well thats the point of the orange gear isnt it? So I dont have to get new gear in any other flashpoints. Thank you captain obvious lmao.

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I'm just gonna say this one thing and leave this thread forever.


If you roll NEED for your companion against my NEED for my Main, I'll put you on my DO NOT RUN WITH list. I encourage the TOR community, as a whole, to do the same.


What if the best player in all of TOR just happens to be extremely OCD about his companion gearing. He's been running the same FP for days, trying to get that one last piece of gear for his favorite companion. You're telling me you would ignore him, based on the fact that he has a different view of "fun" than you do? Thats the most selfish thing I've ever heard. He's the best tank in the game, and you just ignored him because of your own unfounded pride. Congrats.

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again, you are deciding what the "community" thinks, you are projecting your belief system upon the community


many people in this thread have stated they will roll need if they need it, and you still cling to the belief that they are wrong, but yet, your dismissing them as being part of the "community" because YOU don't agree with them, there is no accepted definition, only your opinion about it, by all means, follow your own system, and you should be happy, never get upset when others do not follow your system


people cry ninja at losing any role against anyone for anything, even if that person/class/spec whatever can use it, people do not like to lose gear, because they feel "entitled" to it


In other games, people will drill down to third and fourth order stats about the gear, to further define rules so only they can get gear, its pathetic


they cry about it is a better upgrade for them, so the other person doesn't deserve it, then either scream ninja, or rage quit the run, and usually after that the run progresses very smoothly......


Wrong. I cry ninja when someone who cannot use the loot gets it. I shouldn't even have to explain this, it is so trivial, and I doubt you'll listen but here goes.


If you take a piece of loot that you can only sell you will be getting less money than you would from a PvP run or a space combat mission, yet this piece of loot can have a huge impact for the class that actually can use it. It's not a matter of entitlement. It's a matter of common sense. The button is called greed for a reason. If you think my view is in a minority here, then that's fine, I'm not even going to try to convince you otherwise.


As far as companions go -- they are typically not contributing the run and rolling for them is roughly equivalent to rolling for an off-spec. If you do this, don't be surprised if you get flack.


If your view on 'need' is 'anything that I consider that I need' then be prepared that people will disagree with you of your definition of 'need' means vendoring the item for a few extra credits.

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again, you are deciding what the "community" thinks, you are projecting your belief system upon the community


many people in this thread have stated they will roll need if they need it, and you still cling to the belief that they are wrong, but yet, your dismissing them as being part of the "community" because YOU don't agree with them, there is no accepted definition, only your opinion about it, by all means, follow your own system, and you should be happy, never get upset when others do not follow your system


people cry ninja at losing any role against anyone for anything, even if that person/class/spec whatever can use it, people do not like to lose gear, because they feel "entitled" to it


In other games, people will drill down to third and fourth order stats about the gear, to further define rules so only they can get gear, its pathetic


they cry about it is a better upgrade for them, so the other person doesn't deserve it, then either scream ninja, or rage quit the run, and usually after that the run progresses very smoothly......


Oh, my. I love this sort of reverse logic. Sometimes the forums are more fun than the game!


Let me get this straight.


Between two posts, about 25 people said they thought need for companions was fine, about 100 said it was not fine. Yet the 100 are projecting their beliefs and the 25 are not.


No one -- or very few people -- have a problem with looting for companions if you are polite enough to ask first. When I use the standard community rules of not needing on things I personally can't use and you get them, and then you apply your own rules of needing on what your companion uses and I get nothing, you imply it's my fault for adhering to a rule that you don't hold valid.


And yet, somehow, if I kick you from my group for doing this unannounced, and inform others of what you've done, I'm acting "entitled".


Ignore. We need to link forum ignore to "ignore in game". Badly.

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What if the best player in all of TOR just happens to be extremely OCD about his companion gearing. He's been running the same FP for days, trying to get that one last piece of gear for his favorite companion. You're telling me you would ignore him, based on the fact that he has a different view of "fun" than you do? Thats the most selfish thing I've ever heard. He's the best tank in the game, and you just ignored him because of your own unfounded pride. Congrats.


How good he is is completely irrelevant. There are enough good people to go about to not have to group with people you don't enjoy playing with.


It's not in the least bit selfish to choose not to run with people who's own view of enjoyment of the game clashes with yours. It just makes for a smoother experience for all parties involved.


There are plenty of 'skilled' players who are utter ***** that I would never want to run with, and plenty who are not. I'll just settle for the second best tank in game (or third).

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