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Hyrbid Build for PvP - 24/0/17 - Viable? Thoughts?


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Moving Discussion to Mercenary Board:


So I was contemplating different builds for Merc for PvP.


I've played quiet a few games in PvP now, mind you I'm not 50 yet, but I seem to have a good feel for what Mercs can and can not do in fights.


I've tried playing for awhile as a healer, and that can be fun, and you get a sense of helping, but of course you get crap for Valor points most of the time. But still fun. I in nature however can not just sit there and constantly heal, I feel like I need to output some damage as well, so naturally I do.


I then switched trees to Arsenal and found I'm having a lot of fun there too, output lots of damage, especially in big fights, where you can stand back a bit and just wail on people with Tracer Missles and Heatseekers, but in an upclose 1on1 things do get a bit hairy. Not having the ability to sprint or jump to other people or what have you though makes the Merc a little frustrating to play at times, especially on Huttball with all the different levels.


As some of you know the finer points of Mercs in PvP, I'd figure to ask and get a discussion going on the viability of a Hybrid Class and see if any of you have tried it out yet. I also dont mind being the guinea pig and reporting back on it eventually.


Here is what I was thinking:

A 24/0/17 Build - http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#30...d0dzZZbIMrzb.1


Reasons: I go up the Pyro Tree enough to get Incindary Missles, and Combustion buffs, like SUper heated rail and gas. This will give me some sustainable DoTs, that will do decent dmg for those 1v1 fights, but also once DoTs are applied I can switch to Healing myself. As many of you know, trying to take out a healer 1v1 is pretty hard. The idea is to DoT them, and wail on them as long as I'm not taking dmg, once I'm half dead, I can switch to healing myself a bit, and then go back to DoTs.


This also has the added benefit of give you the ability to DoT people in Group fights, and still healing teammates as well. Being Hybrid of course you're not going to be smashing people, but rather the idea is to have much longer sustainability than any other class. You can withstand a 1v1, output some damage, be useful in teamfights as both AoE dmg, single DoT dmg, and Healing. The beauty in this (I hope) is being able to have HoTs and DoTs on at all times.


Thoughts? Viable? Useless? Tweaks?


Also I'd like to know if others go straight up the Pyro tree, and how their PvP experience is with that Tree, you have a bit less range, but seems to me like you're more useful in a face to face fight with Jedi's.

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Na, you're missing the best heal merc gets so you'll be standing there getting punched in the face trying to get a casted heal off while having no strong burst and your damage will be too low to actually beat someone out with your sustain.


Wont work. If heat were different maybe... but atm no

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You're losing out on Emergency Scan, which is a big deal.


In addition, full points in Superheated Rail and Prototype Particle Accelerator are mandatory for any kind of heat management in a Pyro DPS plan. Finally, you're missing the top half of the Pyro tree, which is where most of the damage actually is. I'd pass.

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