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Nerf Operatives - Im in full pvp gear getting 3 shot


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/waves to Sevvy


Op/scound will get nerf bat hard. Proof has been posted in hte last 10k posts about them even since beta,


Nerf bats will follow up by hitting Troopers/BHs, and lastly tip Sages/Sorcs by nerfing their shield.


Whilst heavily RNG classes will get buffed (shadow/sins) a little, and marauder/sents even more-so buffed

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No we understand we have to have the best gear, all of our cool downs all up at once and hope you can get past that whole opening bit.


If I have my CDs up and you don't, and I open on you from stealth, what do you think should happen?

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uh all they need to do is raise energy cost for acid blade and put a slight cooldown on hidden strike


and i've never 3 shot somebody on my operative, granted im not in full battlemaster gear or anything

takes at least 5 hits at best, thats on a sentinel i've jumped, everyone else has some kind of armor increase or trick to mess with me

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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Medium armor, tons of control spells, escape skills, heals, Huge sustained dps, huge massive over the top burst dps, Rarly runs out of energy.



most over powered class in any mmo to date, operative/scoundrel.


This is the type of idiot post that deserves only this as a response:


u mad?

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People need to dismiss the notion that having one class that is more powerful than another in 1 vs 1 combat is somehow a PvP imbalance. In most mmos there are classes that are better at solo fights, but make up for it with group utility. The reality is that Soundrels/Ops will not be extremely desirable in groups once people figure out that their opening damage is easily negatable. Referring to the intellectual heavyweight I quoted above, nerfing the hell out of a class because it is powerful against weak targets is probably not the right way to approach game balance.
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For those crying, what do you expect the class to do? What do they bring to a pvp team game? Seriously? Outside of making those that stray away from the pack lives miserable what do they bring that a assassin, tank or healer doesn't? Same with a sniper...


It sucks to die before you realized what happen, but if they only brought people down to 65% out of stealth then what are they suppose to do?

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When the idiots that claim to die so quickly to a OP using all his stim/adrenal/relic/expertise buffs + pots starts using defensive stim, adrenal, relics, and the expertise buffs and pots, then maybe they can talk.


Until then, learn to play innocent ****.

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People need to dismiss the notion that having one class that is more powerful than another in 1 vs 1 combat is somehow a PvP imbalance. In most mmos there are classes that are better at solo fights, but make up for it with group utility. The reality is that Soundrels/Ops will not be extremely desirable in groups once people figure out that their opening damage is easily negatable. Referring to the intellectual heavyweight I quoted above, nerfing the hell out of a class because it is powerful against weak targets is probably not the right way to approach game balance.


Wrong again.... common incorrect notion


A class that is heavily overpowered or the best in 1v1, you make a group full or mostly consisting of said class, they will DOMINATE hands down, a group of mixed classes even if they are still role oriented.


These 1v1 classes, since they can dominate such, have limitless amount of options to use ina group situation. One being the biggest, and not having to focus, they can man-to-man coverage and DOMINATE by destroying each target individually, rendering any of these "group based classes" utility useless, rendering any heals or damage mitigation USELESS.

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When the idiots that claim to die so quickly to a OP using all his stim/adrenal/relic/expertise buffs + pots starts using defensive stim, adrenal, relics, and the expertise buffs and pots, then maybe they can talk.


Until then, learn to play innocent ****.


Yup, i totally agree, if they used it while they are laying on the ground instead of losing 75% of their health in 3 seconds, they would do better.


After all, it's not like they are under CC and can'tt do anything except dying...





Edited by zqsd
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It sucks to die before you realized what happen, but if they only brought people down to 65% out of stealth then what are they suppose to do?



Where did the 65% come from? Most people are brought below this, in either case, an opener is an opener not an ender. There should be a fight after the opener. In any case I do not by the lack of survivability after this point.

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These threads have got to stop. I don't even play an Op/Scoundrel, but what are you leaving them with if their initial opening/burst is hit with the nerf bat? It's not like the class can take much on in a straight up brawl. They go down like paper airplanes. If you break their initial CC they can't do much either.


I know these "nerf XXX class" threads are always going to exist, mainly because people don't understand the purpose or function of a class, but it's ridiculous. If you break their opening combo, they're useless.


Wow someone that understands how balance works.



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Im in full champ gear and 4 pieces of battlemaster. Are you kidding me with this crap? Im getting 3 shot by operatives non stop. I know a nerf is already incoming but it needs to hurry.


I think your a liar. I dont get 3 shot by operatives on my level 13. In pvp maybe you are just bad.

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That's fair, if the Op has to be as good to do what they do.


like somebody mentioned once that opening barrage is up we're toast if the target isn't dead

if the target isn't an idiot who went off by himself there's usually somebody around to finish me off

i can level with the complaints, hidden strike needs some extent of a cooldown and acid blade needs a higher energy cost

but my god it is not as bad as you babies make it out to be, i was around when sorc was the overpowered king of the lands towering above all inferior classes in pvp and that was actually awful

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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I enjoy having to save all my survivability tools for one class. Great argument listing out everything we need to do to not be killed. Thats assuming we can get up.


The opening damage isn't so much the problem as it is the combination with the stuns. Stuns should be nerfed in pvp for everyone.


LOL! All you whiners do the same thing! You always paint a picture that we can do all these things all the time! But in reality, many of these are also on cooldown, or not even useable! Once you are the victim of a Hidden Strike and you hit the ground, there is no more CC! You are at full resolve!


Even if you can't use your CC break ability because it's on cooldown, you are off the ground in 3 seconds, (at ~50% health IF you were full health) and can in turn stun/CC us, pop your health stim, and get to whoopin'. It happens to me all the time when I choose the wrong victim.


Most people here are not being honest about the finer details of their experiences. Things like... If they truly were at full health, what their level was vs the Op's/Scoundrels, if they have expertise gear, what buff stacking was used, etc... ALL are all major factors in the outcome.


The nature of most "stealth" classes is to pick off the weak. 90% of my targets are targets of opportunity. I'm betting many of the whiners here were such targets... and they get all pissy when they didn't see it coming.

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like somebody mentioned once that opening barrage is up we're toast if the target isn't dead

if the target isn't an idiot who went off by himself there's usually somebody around to finish me off

i can level with the complaints, hidden strike needs some extent of a cooldown and acid blade needs a higher energy cost

but my god it is not as bad as you babies make it out to be, i was around when sorc was the overpowered king of the lands towering above all inferior classes in pvp and that was actually awful


First, I love your random use of the enter key.


Secondly, I do not buy the BS that these classes are totally helpless after stealth. That is like me, as a dps trooper asking that melee never be able to close the gap because I don't stand a chance with them up in my face.


I have tools to get away and keep my distance. Ops have ways to survive out of stealth. If you can't then it is you sir, who must be bad.

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First, I love your random use of the enter key.


Secondly, I do not buy the BS that these classes are totally helpless after stealth. That is like me, as a dps trooper asking that melee never be able to close the gap because I don't stand a chance with them up in my face.


I have tools to get away and keep my distance. Ops have ways to survive out of stealth. If you can't then it is you sir, who must be bad.


i can survive out of stealth but i'm not "3 shotting" somebody if its not while im in stealth

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I wonder always why people dont show any screenshots or videos about that, you see so far only videos about lvl 50 op/sc slaughtering low lvl players or a lvl 13 complains about a lvl 50 operative.


Where are these high end pvp screenshots or videos where op/sc 3 shotting a tank ?

Edited by BobaFurz
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Have you considered that maybe operative is meant to be the class that owns your class.


I would like to see RvR balance rather than 1v1 balance. Too early to say whether that will occur.


If you want perfect balance for 1v1 then pretty much you have to give everyone the same abilities with a different name (different name is optional).


Without a combat log it is hard to see if there are bugs in certain classes which may be causing some abilities to scale in a way which was not meant - which could require a fix.


Those calling for blanket nerfs probably don't understand group PvP / RvR and think that any class should do the same frontload/backload/cc/etc as your own class...This is not how it should work! (Unless of course PvP is meant to be 1v1).




(I play sith inq full heal spec)

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Im in full champ gear and 4 pieces of battlemaster. Are you kidding me with this crap? Im getting 3 shot by operatives non stop. I know a nerf is already incoming but it needs to hurry.


You are full champ gear and 4 pieces of battlemaster. Now you want people to feel sorry for you? Are you kidding ME?


I have gotten the relic token like 5 times. You have full gear and are crying.

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For those crying, what do you expect the class to do? What do they bring to a pvp team game? Seriously? Outside of making those that stray away from the pack lives miserable what do they bring that a assassin, tank or healer doesn't? Same with a sniper...


It sucks to die before you realized what happen, but if they only brought people down to 65% out of stealth then what are they suppose to do?


Actually I'd say the Concealment Ops and their cousins bring LESS to the table than other classes. When you are talking about Warzones like Huttball (by far 75% of the games I end up in) the operative has no move speed increases, no leaping to friends or at enemies while carrying the ball to shortcut to the goal, no knockbacks (especially AOE knockback) to take advantage of hazards on the map, etc.

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