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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

need companion stat pop ups when looking at new armor or weapons


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One of the helpful things when I get some loot is when you look at it you get a pop up showing your currently equipped item and how it stacks up to the new loot stat-wise. This is very helpful. Unfortunately we don't get the same pop up option showing what our current companion is equipped with. This means I have to go to my companions equip screen and manually look at each item, then click on the loot, and try and figure out what stat changes the new loot has. Its time consuming. Hopefully this can be fixed at some point.
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yes, but since the search function is disabled in the forums...


I wasn't referring to the forum search. Google or even look in your preference options. It isn't hard. The game has tip menus and also a codex that can answer many questions.


Even though is seems harsh and over simplified, it is a matter of RTFM.

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yes, but since the search function is disabled in the forums...


You can use google (or any other modern search engine) to search the forums easily. Just use the following when searching:


search term(s) site:swtor.com/community


Replace "search term(s)" with whatever you need to find.

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There is an option for this in your prefs.




To be honest SWTOR needs a better tutorial system, the number of things I've discovered that are mentioned literally no where.


You shouldn't need to troll through every option to find some of these things.

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Oh the amount of posts we wouldn't have to see if people actually researched themselves. lol




How do you research something that you don't know exists?



Science would be much easier if it worked the way you seem to think it does. :D

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