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Am I the only person not raging at bioware??


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Not raging at all. I applaud BW on a job well done. If I had to say anything negative at all, it would be shame on those who are whining and /wristing because they didn't listen to BW's preorder/EA warnings back in July. Shame on them for taking their own irresponsibility and short-sightedness out on BW. It's first-come first-serve for entering preorder codes. It's not BW's fault these people waited.
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No need to rage.


The game would choke to death if all people would get access at the same time. The linear story progression means everyone would be doing the same missions and competition for mobs would be insane.


The game is just not able to handle a regular release that's why they had to do this.


If anything i blame the linearity of the game and the total lack of innovation and choice. "You either go kill these 10 Banthas or you are not progressing in your story!"


Not saying i don't enjoy the mission grinding after a hard days work, it requires no effort or thinking, so it's like TV, perfect sometimes.


It will still be considered the worst release ever, not only because of this "early access" but mainly because of the meltdown that is going to happen on the 20th when at least half of the players that bought the game will not be able to play ~ "no grace period for you!".


It's going to be one hell of a ride and many lulz on the forums! I love it!

Edited by Skyrant
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Only the children are raging.


Everyone who is raging is a child.


All the mature adults are busy talking trash to the children.


How do you become a mature adult you ask?


Well...when you belittle others, call them names and hate everything someone else says...



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No rage, I Pre-Ordered after I tried the game in November. I promised myself I would try the game first this time.


I have been in a few Early Access Launches like this. It's the same MMO Locust that go from game to game that are this vocal about not getting in right now. In a month or two they will leave or will be complaining about how boring the game is.


Whatever I ignore them:D

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Only the children are raging.


Everyone who is raging is a child.


All the mature adults are busy talking trash to the children.


How do you become a mature adult you ask?


Well...when you belittle others, call them names and hate everything someone else says...




Absolutely! Best post ever!

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I'm not raging due to several simple facts:


-It's a game.

-I'm an adult.

-I have patience.

-The pre-order was not "misleading" (ie. I can actually READ and COMPREHEND words).


Full disclosure: I've been playing since yesterday. :D Still, if I were waiting I'd just doing something else until I got an email. It's just a GD game!!!

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No, youre not the only one not upset.


I got in yesterday, but was at work until late last night then back in this morning for 8am. I logged in for a couple of minutes then the meds kicked in and off to sleep I went.


here's to today being a short day and that I am able to get home before 11pm.

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Yesterday, my boyfriend and I woke up and checked to see if we got in. He was a 7/21 and I was a 7/22. He got in, I didn't. I didn't know that they were doing waves at that point, so I though I wasn't going to be in yesterday.


My first thought was "Ok, maybe tomorrow." And then I went on to other things. Luckily, I got in somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd wave so I got to play when I got home from work, but even if I hadn't, I can't imagine that I'd be more than mildly disappointed (in the fact that I wasn't in, not in the company) and probably a little bored.


The sad part is that I don't think it's all children who are upset. Children have to go to school. Most parents won't let them stay home because they have a new video game. A lot of the complaints referenced people taking off work. I could understand it more if I though it was middle-schoolers, or even high school kids. But I think a lot of it is about adults.


I feel bad, more than anything else. I think that some people don't have a whole lot that they're invested in, personally, other than gaming. For those of us for whom gaming is a smaller piece of our lives, fit in around work, relationships, family, other hobbies, etc., it's not a big deal to have a delay of a day or two- it's extra holiday shopping time, time to catch up on reports or e-mails, to get that oil change done, etc. For people who don't have a whole lot of other concerns, it's a much bigger part of their lives being disrupted.


At the end of the day, even though I have posted a few responses in other threads that were arguing the facts they were using, there's nothing anyone is going to say that will change how they feel. Deep down, most of them know that they don't really have a case, and know what "Up To" means. I think they do know that no one is actually going to get a lawyer and sue, and that very few people are going to really cancel their games over this. They just have such an investment in this game, or games in general, that the thought of someone else having even a slight advantage over them sends them into a rage. And they want someone to listen, they want to feel like they can do something, or threaten to do something, that will have an effect, and really they can't. And that makes it even worse for them.


I guess the best advice I have, to put it in perspective, is to think about whatever game you're coming from, and what your /played is on your main. A lot of people I know have like 300-400 days on their WoW character, and that's in consecutive hours logged, not days since they made the toon. Do you REALLY think that, at end game, there will be any real difference between people with 280 hours logged, and people with 300 hours logged?

Edited by ElhonnaDS
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I am not at all unhappy with the early access. EA only said we could get up to 5 days. Here they are letting people in 7 days ahead of time! I submitted my code mid November thanks to a mess up at Amazon. But I have a good chance of getting in on the 15th! What's not to like?
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ElhonnaDS I agree with everything that you say, it is sad, and I do feel sorry for them, but the raging isnt doing themselves any favours, they should just wait like every other person has to do, truth is Bioware are giving us more time than we expected, what is there to complain about, because honestly, I dont understand the complaints.
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How can anyone be mad at Bioware? If you read all the info beforehand, you knew EGA was gonna be staggered based on the EGA code entry. They launched it 2 days in advance. They're making sure everyone has good gameplay experience, not riddled with lag and crashes. The Beta was almost flawless, and now, from what I can tell, they're trying to get the distributors to ship out the games early for us CE buyers... As far as MMO launches go, imo, BW's doing great!! Am I anxious to get in and play the game? Of course! Am I pissed at Bioware? Not even a little.
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